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Odetta was stood on Platform 9 and 3/4 with her suitcase held onto tightly so it wouldn't be hot out her hand by the many people who ran around the bustling station. "Don't get into too much trouble Sirius." Euphemia told Sirius who nodded and kissed her cheek. "Yes mum." He replied.

"Have fun dear." She said with a warm smirk as she turned to Odetta before looking at James with a cold face. "If you hurt her in anyway, I will shave your head in your sleep." She threatened which made even Odetta tremble. "Study hard dear." She then said suddenly as she hugged the still traumatised James.

The three then boarded the train, Remus already waiting for them in their carriage. James held onto Odetta's hand to not loose her in the crowd of younger years who ran about. Sirius, who was rushing ahead to find Remus, slid open a compartment door and jumped towards he taller boyfriend but as James walked in, Odetta stopped when she noticed Regulus.

"I'll be back." She said to James who nodded before letting go of her hand and sitting down beside the window. "Reg!" She called out, trying to be heard over the shouts as she pushed through the crowd to the younger boy. Finally, the boy saw her and stopped right outside an empty compartment he was about to enter.

She was taken back with his pale he had became and how much his face had sunk. Under his eyes were dark bags and his once boy filled eyes were now cold and emotionless. "Reg I-"

"Where were you all Christmas?" He asked, interrupting the dark haired girl. "I-I was at James. I escaped from the Malfoys's grip." She answered, stuttering slightly because she was taken back by his monotonous voice.

"And you left me. Alone. With no one." He replied as his top lip began to curl as he looked at her with disgust. "I met him a couple times. The Dark Lord. He was right. People like you are a waste." He spoke in short sentences, as if he had to think about what to say because he was so drained.

"Regulus you-"

"You should be carful, you know." He intelligent again which made her clench her hands, in annoyance rather then anger. "They're searching for you. They want to know wether you're on their side." He added as he stare back at her blankly. "And what happens if I'm not?" Odetta asked. She knew the answer but refused to believe they would tell their plan in front of him.

"They'll kill you."

Odetta didn't know how to reply and the two stayed in silence for a few moments before Regulus finally spoke. "Choose wisely Odetta." And then he walked into the compartment, sliding the door closed in her face. He then pulled down the curtain to the window in the door which made Odetta sigh before she slumped back to the Marauders.

She walked in to find that Peter had arrived and James and Sirius were scaring him by acting like walruses, putting sweets in their mouths to look like teeth. Walruses were one of Peter's many fears which they liked to tease him on.

But James stopped when she threw herself beside him, slumped in her chair and arms crossed. "What's wrong?" He asked as she chewed on the sweets and turned to his side to face her. "Regulus tells me he is looking for me. I need to pick a side and if it isn't with them, I'm dead." Odetta replied, staring straight ahead of her at the empty seat.

"Who's looking for you?" James questioned with furrowed brows of confusion. "The Dark Lord." She replied.

Odetta was slumped over in her seat at the Slytherin table, her hand supporting her head as Dumbledore did his speech. And finally, what felt like years, the speech was over and the food appeared on the table.

Odetta loved the food Euphemia cooked and all Christmas she had been eating food from heaven so the Hogwarts food didn't taste as delicious as before. Nevertheless, she still ate so much that she could basically roll to the common room and headed to bed.

It was freezing in the Slytherin common room, which was never peculiar. Her room, as usual, was empty and had been untouched unlike other dormitory which were used by younger years for hide and seek. She threw her suitcase onto her bed, the click of her undoing it echoes, before sighing. "And I'm back in this shit hole."

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