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James and Odetta walked beside each other through the castle, mostly aimlessly wandering around after getting a cup of tea from the kitchen

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James and Odetta walked beside each other through the castle, mostly aimlessly wandering around after getting a cup of tea from the kitchen. However, once they reached the library they heard the meow of Mrs Norris meaning Filch was close by.

"In here." She whispered as she grabbed his hand and jolted into the library and hid behind a dusty bookcase which no one had touched in possibly years. As she peered from behind the bookcase at the doorway for the caretaker, James was distrusting the dust by running his finger across the spines of the books.

"Odetta," He whispered which made her look behind her shoulder. "If you were a library book, I'd check you out." He winked as he held up one of the many books from the shelves. She stared at him with an unimpressed look. "I'm flirting with you dumbass." He hissed as he put the book back which made her roll her eyes as she looked back at the doorway.

Her eyes widened as the caretaker walked in, a lantern in hand and his cat beside her. "It's an absolutely-" Odetta cut James off by pulling him forward and pressing her lips against his before slowly pulling back. "Why did you do that?" James asked with a look of shock.

"Filch just walked in and you were still speaking."

"And you couldn't of just told me to be quiet?"

"Kissing you was more fun."

After their close encounter with the caretaker, the two decided to head back to their common rooms and go to bed. James debates wether going to the place him and Lily were meant to meet but several hours had passed and she had probably gone back to the common room.

He felt bad for leaving her alone but he planned on telling her the truth about how upset Odetta was not, but excluding the part where they kissed.

Odetta was sat on the Slytherin table in the Great Hall for breakfast, avoiding eye contact with Sirius who glared at her from the Gryffindor table.

But then she glanced up and saw an angry Lily storming over to the Marauders and she knew it wasn't good.

"Feel cool that you left me in the courtyard for over an hour?" Lily hissed at the messy haired Gryffindor who opened his mouth to tell her he'd she was but then he noticed Odetta watching from the other side of the hall.

"I'm sorry, I was making out with a Ravenclaw." James lied. The whole hall was also listening in, including the Professors, so the Ravenclaw girls began to stare at each other with suspicion. "Classic dick move Potter. Well I can tell you with certainty that we will never go out again!" Lily spat through gritted teeth before she walked out the hall, Marlene and Dorcas glaring at him as they walked away with the red head.

"I've blown it, haven't I?" James asked the boys around him as he sighed and supported his head with his hands. "At which point? The part where you left her waiting or made out with someone else?" Remus asked with a slight smirk which made Sirius struggle to hold back his chuckles and James sigh louder.

The three Gryffindors swung their legs out from under the table and got up to leave but James stayed at down. "Are you come Prongs?" Sirius asked. "No, I'm just gonna eat my sorrows away." He answered as he helped himself to another plateful of food. The other boys shrugged before leaving the hall.

This was when Odetta got up from the Slytherin table and went over to the boy, sitting opposite the sulking Gryffindor. "It wasn't the best excuse, was it?" James asked when he looked up to see the dark haired girl.

"No, it wasn't." She replied, trying to hold back her laughs which made James smile slightly. "Why did you do that?" Odetta asked as she took a slice of toast off of his place which made him look at her with offence before answering.

"If I told her the truth in front of Sirius, he would just insult you again and I don't think you need that." He replied which made her smile awkwardly.  "Thanks, but tell Lily the truth." The Slytherin spoke, James hummed in agreement since his mouth was full.

James let out a deep exhale when he noticed the three girls standing in the corridor. He then began to walk over which Marlene noticed and hit Lily's arm to tell her. "Lily I-"

"Go away Potter!" She spat, you could tell she had been crying since her eyes were red. "I don't want to speak to you ever again you arrogant toerag!" She shouted. He opened his mouth to speak but Marlene had already flicked her wand in his direction, making the bogeys in his nose fly out in the shape of bats.

After the eventful breakfast, Odetta was making her way to potions when she saw James ahead of her. She then quickened her step to catch up with him so she could ask him how it went.

"James, how did it go?" She asked which made him turn to look at her with a slight frown. "She wouldn't even listen to me and then Marlene hexed me." James replied sadly but Odetta couldn't help but snicker at Marlene hexing him.

James sighed loudly before taking another step down a set of stairs but he tripped on his own feet and slid down a couple steps. "Are you okay?" Odetta asked with a concerned look and she made her way down the steps to the fallen boy but then she paused and widened her eyes in horror.

Usually when someone falls over, she laughs as but now she was genuinely concerned. "Fuck." She whispered to herself. "I believe in evolution, then I met you." Odetta said as she walked passed the Gryffindor to the Potions classroom.

The Slytherin girl was hunched over a book, scanning an ingredient page to make another potion. The whole class could feel the tense atmosphere of the room with Lily only being a few tables away from James.

"Do you have any beetle eye left?" The messy haired Gryffindor as Remus who shook his head in reply. The two then scanned the room for the extra ingredient. "Odetta has some." The taller boy pointed out before flicking to the next page of the book.

James looked over at the Slytherin girl, a strand of her falling into her hair which she constantly pushed behind her ear as her sky blue eyes scanned the parchment.

"Greengrass, can I borrow the beetle eye?" James asked but she didn't reply or even glance up at him. Instead she focused on stirring her potion anti-clockwise which made him furrow his brow in confusion. "I'm taking some." James said before picking up the bowl and taking it back to her desk.

"What's up with Greengrass?" James whispered to Remus across the table. He then glanced over at the Slytherin girl before looking back at his friend. "You probably annoyed her. You're very successful at it." He replied with a shrug which made James scoff and wear a face of annoyance.

The next lesson was History of Magic, where Odetta was forced to sit next to James whilst the ghost Professor rambled on in his boring tone. "Do you want to rewrite our notes tonight?" James asked the girl beside him, but again she didn't reply and focused on Professor Binns.

James sighed, realising she was ignoring him, and slumped back in his chair before almost falling asleep from the teachers monotone voice.

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