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"Look what I got

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"Look what I got." Odetta sang as she skipped into the Slytherin common room, Regulus sitting on the couch in the main part of the room. "There is nothing in you hand." He said blankly after turning around to look at her.

"No, I got Potter's invisibility cloak." She replied with a wide grin as she waved her hand around. Then she demonstrated and flung the cloak over her. "Odetta! Odetta!" Regulus called out as he scanned the room for the girl.

"Boo!" She shouted as she flung off the cloak, having moved right in front of him, making the boy let out a high pitched scream and jump backwards. "You're so annoying." Regulus said as he rolled his eyes at the manically laughing girl.

"One of my best qualities." She shrugged as she flung her head back and rested her hands on her stomach which was beginning to hurt after laughing so much.

Young Odetta was sat on her bed with her legs crossed, attempting to plait her own hair but she was finding it difficult because her mother always did it. She sat in her room in the Malfoy Manor.

It was her eleventh birthday so she had woke up early. Once she did her hair, she ran down the stairs as fast as she could, almost tripping over her own feet when an owl was flying in the direction of an open window.

She carefully took the letter which the owl was holding in its mouth and spun it around to look at the seal but her wide smile disappeared into a look of disappointment.

The wax seal was not the ruby red Hogwarts one she was expecting but a dark green colour with a crest on it which she recognised to be the Greengrass crest.

Without a second thought, she hurried to the fire which had been lit by Dobby earlier and threw it in, watching it burn into ash. Occasionally, she thought about that letter and what could of been on it however she decided she didn't care. Soon after that letter was sent, another owl flew to the window with her Hogwarts letter in its beak.

Odetta felt herself wake up and she let out a loud huff before turning over. She knew even opening her eyes slightly would ensure the fact she wouldn't fall asleep again so she kept them tightly shut.

After a few minutes, she was so focused on closing her eyes that she gave up trying to fall asleep and sat up. She twiddled her thumbs as she looked at the shadows in the corner of her dormitory.

The image of the letter with the green wax seal appeared in her head which made her shake it and think of a way to distract myself. "What always makes me feel better?" She asked herself quietly so no one heard her and thought she was mentally insane, but she couldn't blame them.

"The suffering of others?" She suggested with a slight shrug, speaking in a questioning tone. Her eyes then fell on a clothes peg where she had put James's cloak. The inside was lined with a silver velvet so she had turned it inside out so she could look at it. A smirk grew on her face before she flung herself up and wrapped the cloak around her shod helps, insuring her body was completely covered.

She wandered through the hallways, being as quiet but apart of her wanted to scream loudly because they would never see her but she restrained herself. Odetta got to the portrait of the Fat Lady and clearly announced the password which Marlene had told her earlier.

She took a step in and gazed around the room which she thought to be empty but to her surprise, the four boys were still on the couches. Peter had fallen asleep in an armchair with a plant pot which he held onto tightly. Remus had fallen asleep as well and was resting his head on Sirius's shoulder who was talking to James.

None of them realised the portrait swing open and was too busy talking. Odetta raised an eyebrow in curiosity at what the boys were talking about so she took a step closer to listen in. "Ugh I'm so gay." Sirius said in a whiny voice though it didn't sound like a complain as he played with Remus's hair.

Odetta soon got bored, well more like feeling alone as Sirius gazed at the Sleeping Remus, so she made her way up to their dorm. Yes, some may see it as creepy but she saw it as collecting evidence so she slowly opened the door and stepped in.

She cringed at how messy the dorm room before her eyes fell onto in particular bedside table. Carefully, she picked up a small photo on the side. It was a family photo. Behind a young boy was a tall man with dark hair and glasses resting on his nose and beside him was a women with her hand resting on the boys shoulder.

She recognised the boy who had messy hair and glasses as James Potter. "Potter and his perfect little family." She spat quietly. She knew it was stupid but she couldn't help but feel jealous however she couldn't help but stare at the photo. She felt a single tear roll down her cheek and fall onto her shirt.

She then shook her head to snap herself out of whatever she was trapped in and decided it was a probably her time to leave. Carefully she opened the door and snuck down the stairs, passed the boys and out the common room.

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