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Odetta decided she would get a bubble bath to calm herself down, choosing to skip breakfast and just eat twice the amount at lunch

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Odetta decided she would get a bubble bath to calm herself down, choosing to skip breakfast and just eat twice the amount at lunch. She had lit a couple of her scented candles around and sipped on a cup of tea, the warm bath water up to her neck.

Then there was pound at the door. "Odetta, you've been in there for an hour! Are you dead?" Regulus asked through the door. "I wish I was!" She shouted back before getting out of the bath and wrapping her towel around her.

She then stepped in front of the mirror and stared at herself in it, inspecting the purple marks across her face, arms and legs. Her arm the became itchy so she scratched it, cringing as she pressed too hard on a bruise.

She then unlocked the door and stepped out, ignoring the younger boy and headed straight for her dorm to get into her uniform.
The four Gryffindor boy years walking side by side down the hallways to their History of Magic class, Sirius attempting to hold Remus's hand. "I did the homework two weeks ago." Remus said, before giving up and allowing Sirius and his fingers interlock.

"I finished it last night." Peter replied. "Fuck, there was homework?" Sirius asked which made Remus shake his head. "There was homework?" James asked, completely dazed and confused which made them all chuckle at him as they approached the classroom.

"Crap, I'm late." Odetta repeated to herself as she ran down the now empty halls to her next class, almost tripping over a couple times. Out of breath, she hung onto the door frame of the classroom. "I see you're late again Miss Greengrass." Professor Binns said monotonously, his voice draining the fun out of his students.

Odetta scanned the classroom to find an empty seat, letting out a loud sigh when the only seat left was beside James Potter. She rolled her eyes at the smirking boy as she pulled the seat out beside him and collapsed in it. "I see you're-"

"Don't talk to me." Odetta ordered, interrupting the boy who quietly turned back to the parchment in front of him. The Professor began to speak but she drowned out his boring voice. "You will be doing a project on the Goblin Rebellions with your desk mate." Odetta snapped her head in the direction of the grey ghost who taught the lesson.

"Can't we pick?" She asked, James sulking beside her. "No, you and Mr Potter will work together." Simultaneously, the two leaned back and huffed loudly. "If it makes you feel better, I don't want to work with you either." James smirked which made her roll her eyes.

"My IQ will go down just being near you." Odetta replied with a blank face which made him chuckle as he repositioned himself to support his head with his hand. "We'll work on it tonight at 5, my common room." James spoke , Odetta returning with a reluctant nod.

"But we will have to disinfect everything you touch." James added with a sly smirk which made her scoff and look at him with raised eyebrows.

Sirius and James sat beside one another on the red couch in the middle of the Gryffindor common room whilst Peter was sat on the arm chair watering his plants. Remus was walking between his dormitory and the bathroom as Sirius stared at him.

"Remus is so attractive." Sirius sigh as he supported his head with his arm and watch the boy walk as he pulled down his jumper. "Don't be jealous Pads! You're attractive too!" James exclaimed to make the boy feel better.

"I'm not jealous Prongs." James looked at him with furrowed brows of confusion. "I'm gay." He added which made him let out an 'oh' and just then the clock in the room began to chime at 5 o'clock.

"Greengrass should be here and if she isn't I give up on her." James said as he pushed himself up from the couch and went over to the portrait. When he swung it open and popped out his head, he found the hallway empty. There was no sight of the Slytheirn girl but as he began close the entrance, she called his name.

"Wait you impatient baboon!" Odetta called as she hurried over and walked passed him and into the common room. "Impatient baboon?" James repeated in a questioning tone with furrowed eyebrows. "Yes, now live with that name." Odetta replied quickly.

The two students were sat beside each other at a desk by a window which overlooked the landscape. Remus and Sirius dibbed to 'study' in the dorm room and Peter was studying in the library.

As James flicked through the books, a dormitory door opened and a red headed girl steps out. "Lily help! Will you switch with me?" Odetta asked in a pleading voice which the girl returned with a scoff.

"And work with Potter? No way!" Lily replied. "Hey!" James exclaimed before pouting and dramatically sighing. "Have fun, you two study buddies." She teased before walking out of the common room.

The two had finally began to study, writing down notes about the Goblin Rebellions. "Write this down." James ordered as he pointed to a sentence he had found in the book. She rolled her eyes before scribbling it down.

The Slytherin girl was now scanning through a book, running her finger under each sentence. James supported his head with his hand as he watched the girl flick through the pages, then staring at her face and inspecting each freckle and the bruises which were still left.

"Found something." She said as she turned the book in his direction, expecting him to be looking in another book but was surprised when they made eye contact for possibly too long then was necessary before quickly looking away.

James then cleared his throat to fill in the awkward silence before passing her another piece of parchment after realising she had filled out her other one. "Thanks." She thanked, reaching for the paper however their hands ended up brushing against each other which sent shivers down both their spines.

Odetta crossed her legs as she began to dip her quill into her ink pot, her skirt rising a bit to reveal a large purple and yellow bruise on her leg. Without really thinking, James put his hand on top of it which made her wince in pain.

"Ow! That hurt you dickhead!" Odetta spat which made him instantly pull his hand away and apologised. Their eyes then met again, making Odetta bit her bottom lip and try to look away, however she became infatuated with his hazel eyes.

James glanced between her cold blue eyes to her lips, which she chew on the corner of. Slowly, he felt himself lean in and Odetta did the same. Their faces were inches apart and thus slowly closed their eyes when the Marauder's dormitory door swung open and they instantly pulled back and look down at the books.

"Do any of you want a drink?" Remus asked the two, his hair clearly messy and his shirt untucked. "As long as it's alcohol." Odetta replied with a smirk which the taller boy returned with a nod before going back into his dorm and coming back out with a bottle of Whiskey. "Hey that's mine!" Sirius shouted from the door.

"Shut up Sirius and go to bed." Remus said as he shooed the boy off with his hands. Odetta had already twisted off the cap and was lifting the bottle to her lips. "Yes daddy." Sirius winked before going back into the dorm, Remus cringing. However Sirius comment made James and Odetta burst out laughing, the Slytherin girl spitting the drink all over the desk which made them laugh even harder.

"Look what you did!" James exclaimed once he finally stopped laughing and picked up the soaked parchment, the ink already running. "Fuck off!" Odetta replied before taking another sip.

"Hey! Don't drink it all!" James exclaimed as he took the bottle off of her and took a large sip, cringing after pulling away the bottle which made Odetta snicker at him.

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