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Odetta continued to run her hands through James's messy hair, their lips still connected as they pulled each other closer

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Odetta continued to run her hands through James's messy hair, their lips still connected as they pulled each other closer. They then began to stumble backwards until James's back hit the door to the staircase with a loud thud.

"Ow." James muttered under his breath which made Odetta snicker, before pressing her lips against his again. But suddenly, someone pushed on the door, sending it flying open. The Slytherin girl grabbed James and covered his mouth as they hid behind the door.

They watched as Regulus walked over to the railings, letting out a deep sigh as he leaned on the fencing. James was able to catch the door before it closed fully and quickly grabbed Odetta's hand to get through to door however she wasn't paying attention.

She swore she heard sniffling coming from the younger boy however he slowly turned around which made her jolt through the door and hurry down the staircase. But then it hit her, what exactly she was doing.

'What the fuck am I doing?' She asked herself as James ran beside her down the spiral stairs. 'I'm a lunatic. I'll be eaten alive if anyone found out.' She said to herself in her head.

She knew the repercussions of going against the pure-blood ideology, examples would be Andromeda or Sirius. But there was a difference between them and Odetta and that was when they were disowned, they had somewhere to go. Odetta didn't. In truth, she had no one.

Odetta then ripped her hand from James grip which made him look at her with furrowed brows. "Now whatever we were doing is over, we can go back to hating each other." She announced. James with confused as to how she changed her mind so quickly but they did agree they would pull a stunt like that again so he nodded in agreement.

"Good. Now go smell Evan's hair or whatever creepy shit you do." Odetta dismissed the boy who scoffed. "I don't do anything creepy!" He protested, Odetta rolled her eyes in reply before walking off.

As she continued her way down the hallway, she let out a deep sigh whilst pushing her dark hair from her face and behind her ear.

"Has anyone seen my blue sweater?" Remus asked as he walked out of his dormitory to the main part of the common room where the rest of the Marauders sat. "No." Sirius answered slowly as he sat on the couch, crossed legged with the blue sweater on.

Remus stared blankly at the boy before saying, "...You're wearing it." The other two Gryffindors were ignoring the couple, Peter was focusing on the green leaves of his plant whilst James was letting go and catching his golden snitch. "So, what are you doing to do? Take it off me right here in the common room?" Sirius asked with a smug look.

"Sure." Remus said with a shrug as he walked over to Sirius, which made James finally look up and stand in between the boys. "Nope, this isn't going to happen. No one is stripping anyone in here." James announced.

Odetta sat on her bed, leaning on the bed board as she bit down on a bar of dark chocolate. Occasionally, she blew her slightly curly hair out of her face and chewed on her chapped lips.

Resting in her lap was the open journal she had found under her bed. Odetta found herself being intrigued by this mysterious 'Violet Lestrange'. She flicked the last page she was on and began to read again.

Violet Lestrange and Walburga Black sat down together at the Slytherin table for dinner, reaching over to put some food on their plate. Violet tied her hair back into a loose ponytail so she couldn't get any in her food, laughing at how prudent Walburga looked as she attempted to eat a chicken wing with a knife and fork.

The two Slytherins had been friends since their first year, now they were in their 6th year. They had met on the train but became close when they became dorm mates. Walburga fiddled with her prefect badge with her long, boney fingers as she looked at Violet in disgust as she had food surrounding her mouth.

Violet had then caught eye of Theseus who smiled at her, unlike the other boys who looked at her with disgust. Violet smiled back, before Walburga let out a shriek. A small, timid 3rd year has reached over for a slice of bread when they accidentally brushed their hand against Walburga's.

"Get off!" The thin girl shouted. "How dare you touch me you filthy Mudblood!" She spat at the student who seemed to shrink in their chair. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" Violet asked Walburga who snapped her head in her direction with wide eyes.

"Excuse me!" The prefect Slytherin shrieked loudly. "Are you siding with this disgusting thing?" She asked, glancing at the muggle norm 3rd year with disgust. "You must have a massive ego to say that word with confidence." The Slytherin spat in reply.

Walburga then stumbled for her wand but Violet had beat her to it. But instead of hexing her friend, she pulled her fist back and punched the girl which sent her falling backwards into the cold, stone floor.

"Detention Miss Lestrange!"

"I like her." Odetta muttered as she scanned the page. She wanted to applaud this mysterious Slytherin for hitting the prudent woman, something Odetta had wanted to do for years.

"That's probably why she never talks about her." Odetta chuckled as she hid the journal in her bedside dresser. She then blew out a wax candle, allowing the dorm to fill with darkness, before she slipped under her covers and closed her eyes.

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