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Odetta had her arm resting of Regulus's shoulder as the Slytherin Quidditch team huddled around in a circle

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Odetta had her arm resting of Regulus's shoulder as the Slytherin Quidditch team huddled around in a circle. "Why is she here?" The Keeper asked as they pointed at Odetta. "Who do you think critics the Captain because no one else has the balls to?" She asked in return with raised eyebrows which made the students stay quite.

"Right, whose turn is it for the speech?" Regulus asked to fill in the silence, glancing around the team. "Greengrass." One of the team members said as they pointed at the girl who immediately lit up with excitement.

"Fuck shit up out there but don't die." Odetta said sternly as she looked at the team who stared back blankly. "Inspirational." They all shoot around to see James, Sirius and Remus walking towards them. James ,who made the sarcastic comment, wiped a fake tear from his eye.

"Sneaking up on us now? I didn't think Gryffindors could get any lower." Odetta smirked which made James scoff. "Why would we sneak up on you. All your tactics are shit." James replied as he walked closer to her with a smirk.

Her eyebrows then furrowed and her jaw clenched as she kicked his leg which made him topple down in pain. "Regulus, do you agree that all your tactics are shit?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"How many games have you won this month?" Regulus asked with a small smirk which made Odetta high five him before the two stared at him and raised their eyebrows.

"I've just been ganged up on." James spoke which made Remus roll his eyes. "Sirius wanted to say good luck." Remus said to fill in the silence. "Yes, good luck Reg." Sirius said with a warm smile.

"You'll need it." James muttered as he began to walk away. Odetta reached her hand out and gripped onto his messy hair and pulled him towards her. She pulled him back so hard that he fell backwards and landed on his back on the grass.

"Isn't it sad that you have to turn to insults because you know your actions won't prove your point?" She asked the boy who stayed on the floor.

She then bent down and pushed his glasses up his nose before standing back up with a smirk. "We should go. It will start soon." Regulus said before ushered the team and Odetta towards the pitch.

James stayed on the grass with one hand resting on his stomach. Sirius then put his hand out and pulled the boy up. He shook his head to get the grass out of his hair and brushed himself down. "You asked for it." Remus said as he began to walk to the pitch, Sirius and James following him.m

Odetta gripped onto the edge of the railing as she cheered Regulus on loudly but then James threw the quaffle into a hoop and looked down to smirk at the Slytherin girl.

"You can shove that broom up your-" She paused when she felt and saw the glare of McGonagall from the Professor stand. She rolled her eyes at the boy but loudly shouted when Regulua caught the snitch however Gryffindor still had more points therefore won.

The whole of the Slytherin stand let out a sigh of defeat and slowly dragged their feet behind them back to the castle whilst Odetta pushed past them to catch Regulus.

"Well done Reg." She congratulated as she pat him back but his head still hung low. "I did shit, we lost." He sighed, Odetta kicked the back of his leg slightly making him stumble around. "At least you caught the snitch, I haven't seen Gryffindor's Seeker catch it in weeks."

She let the boy go into the changing room but her eyes met James who hadn't gone in to get changed and was waiting outside the door. "Well done Potter." She said monotonously as she clapped her hands slowly. "Since we are bashing each other's team, your team would be a laughing stock if you weren't in it." Odetta said as she leaned on the wall beside the boy.

"But don't let that inflate you ego." She added which made the messy haired boy roll his eyes and huff. "So why are you out here and not getting changed?" Odetta asked him.

"Why? Want to join me?" He asked with a smirk. "I thought you would never ask!" She exclaimed sarcastically which the boy didn't notice and thought she was being genuine making his eyes go big.

"Sarcasm, I speak it fluently." Odetta said with a small nod, making him nod slightly. "I was going to go to Hogsmeade in my kit. I think I look rather sexy in it." James spoke arrogantly as he posed in front of the unimpressed Slytherin.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." She returned with a smirk which made him roll his eyes. She then took in a deep inhale and pretended to wrench. "You think sweat is a sexy smell?" She asked, James grabbed his shirt and pulled it to his nose with a look of horror which faded.

"I don't stink!" He shouted loudly which made Remus look at him with furrowed brows as the three other boys walked over. "Do you want to join us Odetta?" Remus asked which she responded with a shake of her head.

"Are you forgetting she is a Slytherin? She might cut your chest open and cook your heart!" Sirius exclaimed dramatically as he gripped onto the taller boy's shoulder.

"It especially tastes good with sage." Odetta replied monotonously with a small nod which made Sirius grabbed Peter and push him in front. "No thank you, I have to stop Regulus drowning himself in the shower." And with that she walked away to the Slytherin changing room which Regulus has just walked out of.

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