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It was now the countdown to Christmas and Odetta and James was sat on the couch by the fireplace, sharing a blanket

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It was now the countdown to Christmas and Odetta and James was sat on the couch by the fireplace, sharing a blanket. "I'm a cuddler!" Odetta exclaimed. "Is that what you call a blanket hog?" James asked as he pulled some of the blanket back over him.

"Fuck you." The Slytherin girl said. "No, fuck you. You're the bottom in this relationship." James replied. There was then a moment of silence between the two as Odetta stared at him with confusion. "We haven't even banged."

Just then, Sirius burst through the portrait, almost breaking it. "Quick James! You need to see this prank of Snivellus!" Sirius commanded
which made James look down at Odetta. "Go, because I really want to know!" The Slytherin commanded as she pushed the boy off the sofa and towards the dark haired boy.

He quickly pressed a kiss on her forehead before running after Sirius, laughing like little children. Odetta then sighed loudly and slumped in the chair until she decided what to do. She was focused on her O.W.Ls that year and hadn't been studying for a while because she had been spending her time with James so she got up and made her way to the library.

As Odetta sat in the library, the candle light flickering, she scribbled down notes with her feather quill which occasionally brushed against her cheek. James had been making his way back to the common room, thinking Odetta was waiting for her but as he passed the library, he noticed her.

Without her realising, he snuck up behind her. Suddenly, he pushed her shoulders slightly which made her jump. "Fucking hell James!" She shouted as he laughed and threw himself on the chair opposite.

She then rolled her eyes and supported her head with her hand, continuing to scan y he open book beside her. James had placed his head in the table, his messy hair covering his face slightly and he smiled at the girls face of concentration.

"Stop smirking at me." She ordered when she looked up to see his hazel eyes staring at her. "I'm not smirking. I'm smiling." He corrected as he lifted his head off the table. "Well, stop laughing at me." She said.

"I'm not laughing at you. I'm happy." James replied, his grin widening. "Why would you be happy?" She asked as she began to scribble something down. "Because I'm dating you." He replied with love in his eyes.

"I'm too tired to deal with cheesy shit." She replied monotonously which made him chuckle. Then, he took off his circular glasses and carefully pushed them up Odetta's nose before tucking a strand of her dark hair behind her ears. "You suit them." He said with a slight smile as he leaned back in his chair and stared in awe at her.

It was now Christmas Eve morning and students were packing their things away to go home. Most of them were excited however, Odetta couldn't be dreading it more. As she folded up on her shirt and neatly put it on her open suitcase, the door opened but she was tow focused on untangling a necklace that she didn't realise.

She felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist as they buried their head into her neck, their hair tickling her face. "I need to pack away." She said firmly but he didn't move and held onto her tighter. "James, you twat! Let go!" She shouted as she tried to wiggle herself out but instead he spun her around so she was pressed into his chest and pressed his lips against hers.

"Odetta," He whispered softly as they gently pulled away. "I want you to stay at mine this summer." He added which made Odetta sigh and sit down on her bed. "I don't want you being near them." James said as she sat down beside her and carefully took her hands into his.

"I know. I don't either but," She paused for a moment. "I don't want to invade any privacy. Your parents don't even know I exist." James smiled slightly as he placed a hand on her cheek, Odetta continuing to look down at her hands.

"Please Odetta." He pleaded. "I love you and I don't want to see you forced into a marriage." The messy haired boy added as he lifted up her chin so their eyes met. "Fine. I'll stay with you." Odetta said as she began to fasten her suitcase.
He then squealed excitedly ,which made Odetta chuckle, before jumping up and pressing a kiss on her cheeks and running out.

A slight smile appeared on her face as she looked back at the door he ran out of only to see a greasy haired boy with a sour look on his face, glaring at her coldly.

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