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James grabbed the nearest train to France and hurried for a taxi, issuing the fact he had learnt french as a child to his advantage. He twiddled his thumbs, restraining himself from asking the driver to drive fast but they finally reached the street. "Merci." He thanked as he got up and walked up the street, looking up at the houses.

He repeated the house number until he found 88 which was a small manor. He cleared his thought before knocking on the door, hoping Odetta would answer but he knew the changes of that was low.

An older man opened the door, fiddling with the buttons of his waistcoat. "Is Odetta Greengrass here?" James asked as he peered into the house slightly. "Who are you?" He asked in reply with furrowed eyebrows.

"I'm her boyfriend, have you seen here?" He asked again. "I'm her father." He said in reply as he held out his hand but James scoffed. "You're no father to her." He replied which made him sigh before nodding.

"She's gone to Austria, to the orphanage were we sent her brother." The older man said making James' eyes widen. "She has a brother!" He exclaimed.

"I'm sure she'll explain it to you, go and find her." He said as he handed him a piece of parchment with an address on. "She's not making it easy to find her." James muttered under his breath which the man heard and chuckled at as he closed the door.

Odetta has left the same night as meeting her father for Austria, mostly travelling there by train. As she leaned back on a cushioned chair, a strange feeling began in her stomach. The entire time she was thinking about her brother and childhood but now she was thinking about James.

'What if the death eaters showed up again? Has he just forgotten about me?' She was asking herself, her breathing rapidly increasing before the train came to a haiku.

She looked out the window to see she had arrived in Austria, a sign with the country's name on it. She grabbed her suitcase and hurried onto the platform, quickly checking the address again before leaving the station.

She was able to catch a taxi who she showed the parchment to. She fiddled with the paper and she stared out the window at the passing houses and people. She was beginning to second guess herself, wondering if this was a terrible mistake.

But it was too late and she was already half way to the orphanage. She spoke very little German so the journey was awkwardly silent. Odetta watched as the roads began to steepen and snow topped mountains surrounded them.

They continued to drive up the hills until they approached a small town and the taxi driver stopped. "Das Waisenhaus ist die Straße hinauf." The taxi driver announced. Odetta did not understand but nodded with a smile in reply.

She clung onto her bag as the taxi car drove away and she gazed upon the inn they had dropped her off at. After letting out a deep sigh, she walked in as the cold air was beginning to nip at her nose.

Odetta pushed open the door, suddenly being hit with a wave of warmth from the fireplace. As she began to approach the bar, the bar tender walked over. "Was kann ich für Dich tun?" He asked but he could tell by her confused expression that she didn't speak German.

"What can I do for you?" He asked with a welcoming smile. "Do you know where the orphanage is?" She asked timidly. "Yes, it's just up the street." He said before picking up a glass which he began to dry with a white towel. "Thank you." She said before leaving the inn and heading up the street.

A iron gate came into view which peaked her interest for she creeped towards it, trying to peer through the gaps. "Bauer's Waisenhaus." She read out softly, looking up at the plaque by the gate.

The iron gate was engulfed in rust, the copper
rust coming off on her hands when she leaned against it. Then she began to push on the gate. The lock which had been untouched for year snapped with little force out on it, allowing her to push the gate open which shrieked loudly.

She walked up a pebble path, fallen trees blocking parts of the road. A large building case into view. But it was not the welcoming orphanage she imagining.

Green ivy had creeped up the wall, suffocating the outside bricks. Windows had been shattered, the broken shards littered around the floor like fallen autumn leaves. The grand door was barricaded with planks of wood which were being to rot away.

It then came to her attention that the west wing had been burnt down, exposed planks which were once the structure had became a dark black. It had seemed like the warmness of the orphanage had been burnt, leaving only the skeleton of the building.

Confused, she began to back away down the pebble path. She then noticed a passer by who held the hand on her daughter as they walked. "Excuse me," Odetta called out which made the women jump slightly. "What happened to the orphaned?" She asked, pointing to the burnt building.

"It burnt down years ago." The women replied. Her accent was strong but Odetta was able to understand her and she nodded, wearing a smile but once the women and her daughter passed, she began to break down.

She was filled with hope that she could have a family which she had never had before but that was gone. Her legs became weak and she collapsed to the ground, her head in her hands and she sobbed violently.

"Odetta!" She recognised the voice and instantly lifted up her head to see James, revealing her red cheeks and the tears which fell off her jaw. He hurried over to the crying girl who threw herself at him. She held onto his shirt, sobbing into his shoulder as he tried to comfort her.

"Shhh. Calm down. Maybe he is still here." James whispered as he rubbed her back. She sniffed up and pulled away, wiping her eyes with her fingers. "Can you smile for me?" James asked but she shook her head. "Please." He begged which made her sigh before putting on a fake smile.

Her lips were still trembling and her red puffy eyes attempted to avoid eye contact with him. "Much better." James replied before moving her chin for she looked at him and leaned down to press a gentle kiss on her lips.

He then wrapped his arm around shoulder as they wandered away from the orphanage but Odetta noticed a small graveyard on the other side of the road. She began to lead James towards it who didn't think it was such a good idea but she disagreed.

"Do you know his name?" He asked as she scanned each stone, shaking her head in replied. James then stopped before sighing and looking down. "Love," He called out which made her look up at him. She noticed the look on his face and hurried over to the gravestone he was stood in front of.

'Darius Lestrange
Aged 14
Death by fire'

Odetta turned to hold onto James, gripping onto his jacket as he pushed her face into him. "He was my one chance of having family." Odetta said with a shudder, lifting her head off his arm. "You have a family. Me, Sirius, Mum, Dad, Remus. We're all your family."

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