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Odetta Greengrass stood on the Hogsmeade platform, waiting to board the Hogwarts Express

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Odetta Greengrass stood on the Hogsmeade platform, waiting to board the Hogwarts Express. Once she finally got onto the ruby red train, she began to walk down the corridor when a red headed girl stopped her.

"Odetta, do you want to sit with us?" Lily asked with a warm smile, all the other girls in the compartment smiling at the Slytherin as well. "No. I'd rather sit alone." Odetta replied with a shrug before walking past her to the search for an empty compartment since Regulus wanted to sit with his friends. She could tell Lily was taken back by her answer and would find it rude but at that moment Odetta only cared about finding a seat and getting a chocolate frog.

This felt a slight bit of joy inside of her that she had made other friends then Regulus. Her and Regulus were close but he was either at Quidditch or with the Gang of Slytherins leaving Odetta alone most of the time.

She found herself an empty compartment and walked in, closing the sliding door and collapsing onto the cushioned seats. She let out a loud huff before getting up and pushing her suitcase onto the shelf above and opening the window slightly, just enough to get some fresh air.

The train came to a sudden halt which made Odetta slump in the seat, knowing that she was about to visit hell. She pushed herself up and grabbed her suitcase before following the flock of students of the train.

With a blank face, she scanned the platform for the sunken in faces of two blonde, prudent and arrogant witch and wizard. Already standing with their beloved son, and looking in disgust and Muggle-Born students walked by, was Persephone and Abraxas Malfoy.

She glanced down at the floor before making her way over to the family, who huddled close together to not touch any of the non pure blood witches and wizards passing by. "What took you so long?" Abraxas asked, hissing at the girl slightly which made her clench her fist as she held onto her suitcase.

"I decided to go on a walk to Berlin. Rather nice. I suggest going there sometime." Odetta replied sarcastically with a smug grin. "I suggest keeping the sarcasm to yourself before you go to bed starving." Abraxas spat which made Lucius snicker.

They all got to the Malfoy Manor, a mansion colossal in size. Odetta found it rather difficult to navigate as a young child but she soon learned more about the house then the Malfoy family themselves.

"Save us all a break and head straight to your room before you have another outburst." Persephone hissed at the girl which made her jaw clench but she nodded and made her way up the grand staircase to her room.

Her room was rather quaint compared to the other rooms in the manor but Odetta enjoyed the smaller space. She was often insulted for the mess of it but she didn't let it bother her, in fact it encouraged her to throw another shirt on the floor.

It was still a surprise to her why the Malfoys hadn't got rid of her, kick her out on the street to be left alone. Her best guess was that it was an image thing, so they could marry her off to another pure blood.

Odetta instantly fell onto her bed, the covers still not made from the last time she was in that room. She buried herself under the many blankets she had collected over the years, staring at a candle by her bedside before getting out her wand and flicking at it so the candle was lit.

There was a window by her bed which she often drew shapes on when it rained as a child. A loud rumble came from outside which was followed by a flash of light, making Odetta sit up. They sky then began to cry and she watched as the raindrops raced down the glass.

The window was already beginning to fog up so she carefully drew a smiley face in the corner, smiling warmly back at it. However the smile would fade when she heard the screech of Persephone Malfoy.

"Dinner you putrid girl! We won't call you anymore and you'll stay up there and starve!" She screamed up the stairs which Odetta heard but decided to wait a few seconds to compose herself.

She made her way down the stairs which led into the entrance hall, a dimly lit candle light chandelier lighting up the gloomy room. Odetta pulled a face of disgust at the old photos of past Malfoy family members which had been hung up along the stairs.

She stepped into the dark, gloomy dining room. There was a large stone fireplace behind a long dining table. Abraxas and Persephone sat on opposite ends of the table whilst Lucius sat beside his father.

Odetta chose a seat in the middle, away from all of the family members. Quietly she thanked the house elf , Dobby, who put the plates on the table. She noticed how shaky and frightened the poor elf became when placing the plate in front of Abraxas as he was often abused and threatened with death.

Odetta didn't realise it but she was scratching the silver plate and she lifted up a forkful of mashed potatoes to her mouth. "Don't scratch that plate with your fork." The slim, blonde and pale woman hissed at the dark haired girl.

"Sorry." Odetta replied, rolling her eyes slightly. Suddenly, Abraxas got up and slammed his fist on the table which made it shake. "Don't stay 'sorry' in such an ungrateful tone!" He bellowed loudly at the girl.

"We took you in and brought you up out of the kindness of our hearts. No wonder your parents gave you up," He continued to spit, Odetta bit her bottom lip to try to contain herself but she could taste the blood in her mouth.

"Well done." She congratulated sarcastically. "You dropped the parent bomb. Bet you feel really proud of yourself now, huh?" Odetta asked with a raised eyebrow. "Get up to you room! You will go without anymore dinner tonight!" He ordered loudly as he pointed at the stairs which were viewable from the dining table.

Odetta followed his orders and left the room for her bedroom but she purposely stomped her feet on the floor and slammed her door shut before completely breaking down. She gripped onto her dark hair so tightly, she felt like she was ripping it out as hot tears flooded from her face and onto her clothes.

She kicked her wardrobe, making another hole besides the other once's she had made when she was angry. She knew the walls were made of stone bricks so the wooden wardrobe was the only thing weak enough for her to kick without damaging her foot and was easy to hid from the Malfoys.

She then forced open her window, hoping the cold air would calm her down so she rested her elbows on the window sill, her head partly handing out the window with her eyes closed.

She didn't realise, but hours had passed and the sun had set. Suddenly, there was a small knock at the door which made her jolt up. "I thought you said I would have no dinner! You should just throw me on the-" She paused from her shouting when she flung the door open and there stood the small and fragile house elf.

"I'm sorry to disturb but I have some food for master Odetta." He said shakily as he held his arms out, revealing a small plate of chicken and potatoes he had sneaked up. "Please Dobby, just call me Odetta and thank you but I think you should have it." She said warmly as she pushed the plate back into the small elf's hands.

"Thank you master- I mean Odetta," Dobby thanked, correcting himself halfway through before hurrying off with the food which brought a slight smile to her face. She then closed the door again, blew out her candle and got under the covers in an attempt to sleep.

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