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James has offered to walk Odetta back to her common room so the two walked side by side down the candlelit hallways. The two were silent and Odetta did not say a word to him, instead she rubbed the side of her arm awkwardly.

But as they approached the library which was pitch black, she stopped which made James stop and look back at her with a look of confusion. "I need to get a book I left in there." The Slytherin girl said as she grabbed his sleeve and pulled him into the dark room.

"Why do I have to come with you?" James asked in a whiney voice which made her eyes roll. "Because if we are caught, I can blame it on you." She replied with a shrug which made him tut. "Why can't you just leave it and get it tomorrow?" He questioned.

"Because I don't want a slimy little Gryffindor touching it." She joked with a smirk as she leaned against a bookcase and looked back at the boy who trailed behind her. He rolled his eyes at her which made her snicker before continuing walking. A slight smile appeared on James's face as her laugh echoed through the silent library.

Finally, Odetta approached a book from a desk and began to flick through it. "You led me in here for a book?" James asked as she walked over, hitting him lightly over the head. She then walked past him, making him huff before turning around and following her out.

"Heard Lily likes you again." Odetta said to fill in the silence between the two students, the clicking of their heels following them. James seemed caught off guard before clearing his throat. "Yes, she asked me out on date." He spoke awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Odetta nodded with a smile of her face which disappeared soon after and the two went back to silently walking. "Well, I hope you have a good time." The Slytherin said. "Um, thanks." James thanked awkwardly. "Odetta, do you,um, want to sleep in our common room tonight." His offered took her by surprised.

"You know, I would guess the Gryffindor common room is warmer." He added, glancing around to avoid eye contact with her. "As long as we can stop off at the kitchens for some pancakes." She smirked.

"Pancakes? At this time?" James asked which made her stare at him blankly. "Do you have a problem with that?" She asked with a raised eyebrows which made him shake his head but chuckle.

"Good." She said with a informative nod before walking over, James rolling his eyes at her before following her.

James and Odetta walked into the Gryffindor common room, a plate of half eaten pancakes in the Slytherin's hands. She then jumped onto the sofa, the plate still in her hands which James found impressive. "I would offer if you want to sleep in my bed but I don't think you would want to hear Sirius snoring." He chuckled.

"Only if you would be in it." She winked which made his cheeks go bright red. "Still got it." She muttered to herself which made him roll his eyes. James then threw himself onto the couch beside and leaned in, stopping when their faces were centimetres apart so they could feel one another's warm breath on their face.

"I wouldn't want to wake them." He smirked mischievously as her cheeks went red and she looked away. "Still got it." He mocked as he leaned back but he was caught off guard when Odetta grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer until their lips touched.

They pulled each other closer into their bodies were curved together, her hands slowly ran through his messy hair whilst he drew circles on her cheek with his thumb. Slowly, they pulled away but continued to glance down at their lips. "I should go to bed, I'll bring you some blankets." James said as he got up.

Soon he cane back from his dorm with a blanket which he threw down at her. "Night Potter." She smiled. "Night Greengrass." He replied.

Odetta then threw the blanket over herself as she lay on the crimson sofa, but then she recognised the smell. She pulled up the blanket to her nose so she could breath in James's scent which had been trapped in the blanket. Slowly, she began to fall asleep with the blanket half way over her face.

James has woke up early the next morning for Quidditch practice. He was attempting to be as quiet as possible as all the other boys were asleep, all snoring slightly. As James slowly turned the door handle to close the door, his eyes fell upon the still sleeping Slytherin.

A slight smile appeared on his face as the girl started to talk quietly in her sleep. Carefully, he stepped down the stairs, before moving to the sofa and leaning on the back of it. He watched as the girls eyelids moved slightly and a strand of hair ,which had fallen in her face, move with every exhale.

"If you keep watching me sleep Potter, I'll need to call the authorities." James jumped slightly, not realising she had woken up which made her smirk as she rubbed her eyes. "I wasn't watching- I was just-" She chuckled as the red faced boy stuttered for an answer.

"I'll stay silent as long as you take me for a butter beer." Odetta said with a smirk as she sat up and leaned on the back of the couch. "Is this you asking me on a date?" James asked with a grin and a raised eyebrow.

"Why do you want it to be one?" She asked in replied which made him chuckle before pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "When?" He asked before kissing her forehead again. "How about 7?" She asked.

"What's at 7?" They looked up to see a half asleep Marlene who had just walked out of her dormitory. James instantly stood back up with a peculiarly straight posture but she was too tried to notice. "Our drug deal." James lied, speaking extremely quickly. He wasn't very good at lying as he was always honest with his parents.

"Right, well I want half." Marlene answered as she sleeping walked down the steps and into the bathroom. James then turned around to face Odetta again and let out a sigh of relief which made her chuckle. "Wait, don't you have a date with Lily?" She asked quietly in case Marlene heard.

"Shit, I forgot." James said as he gripped his messy hair. "You have to pick one because I ain't going on a date with a player." The Slytherin as she pushed herself up and went towards the portrait. "Thanks for letting me sleep." She said before it swung open and a He left, leaving James in the middle of the common room.

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