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Odetta rubbed her eyes and stretched her arms whilst she was still covered by the blankets

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Odetta rubbed her eyes and stretched her arms whilst she was still covered by the blankets. Once her eyes were open, she glanced around the dorm room and shot up when she realised she wasn't in her room.

"Look who's finally awake." Marlene chuckled as she brushed through her golden hair. "Why does it smell like cinnamon?" The Slytherin asked as she tried to push her messy hair out her face.

"Lily's candles. They smell nice but they're on all the fucking time. Sometimes I just want some fresh air and for it to not smell of Christmas all the time!" Marlene complained which made Odetta chuckle lightly as she swung her legs off of the beg, flinching at the cold floor.

"Just stick your head out the window." Odetta replied, nodding in the direction of the small window in the room. "I'm so glad the Slytherin common rooms have no windows." Marlene muttered as she turned back to the mirror, making Odetta roll her eyes before searching for her uniform as it was now Monday.

"Right, I'm going back to the dungeon. I'll see you in potions." Odetta said, her uniform scrunched up in her hands as she walked out the dormitory.

Odetta got into her dorm room in the Slytherin common room and chucked her clothes on her bed. She then sat down beside her uniform and held her head in her hands, cringing at her headache. "Why the fuck do I still drink when I hate hangovers?" She asked herself before getting changed.

She pulled her green plaid skirt down as she did up her white button up, leaving the top button undone like usual. She then began to curse her tie which she had to redo multiple times.

She then brushed her dark chocolate hair, put in her silver earrings and pulled up her socks. Odetta then stood in front of the mirror, pulling her eyes as she did a winged liner when Regulus walked in.

"Where the fuck were you?" He asked with urgency. "Hell." She replied as she moved to her other eye. He rolled his eyes before collapsing onto her bed, furrowing his brows as he watched her in the mirror. "Why are you doing more makeup then usual?" He asked as he moved to lie on his stomach.

"Potter called me a dead walrus when I don't have makeup on." She said as she stuck her tongue out in concentration. "And you want to prove him that you look like a dead walrus with make up on?" He asked which made her roll her eyes.

"Do you want some?" She asked, offering the boy the black eyeliner which he declined. "Got tests coming up. Don't want to distract the ladies." He sang with a wink which made her roll her eyes at him before putting it away and pulling her robe over her shoulders.

"Does arrogance just run in the Black family?" She asked the younger boy who nodded and followed her out to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Hey, will you pass the juice Pads?" Remus asked the dark haired boy who was moving his food around his plate. "No, I'm mad at you." He replied, Remus said nothing but glared at him with raised eyebrows.

Sirius huffs before passing the tall boy the juice which he began to pour into his goblet. "Thanks Pads." He said warmly. "Don't talk to me! I'm still mad at you!" He exclaimed dramatically which made him roll his eyes and students around look over with interest.

"Ah, there he is. The man himself." Remus said with a wide grin and James dragged his legs behind him, his hair still messy as he walked in half asleep. "You mean the legend." James corrected with a smug smirk as the chestnut haired boy rolled his eyes and turned back to his plate.

"What's up with him?" James asked as he sat beside Peter and reached over for some toast. "Remus refused to f-"

"Fist bump him!" Remus shouted as he slapped his hand over his mouth to stop him continuing the sentence. This made James chuckle and Peter look around confused as he didn't know the word Sirius was going to say.

"Right sit down, sit down." Slughorn hurried the students who flooded into his classroom. Odetta walked passed him and to the dark, cold desk in the corner by the dusty bookshelves. Once everyone was sat down the Professor began. "Alright so today we will be making Polyjuice potion."

"When can we make Blemish Blitzer because it looks like James needs it." Odetta smirked as she interrupted the potions master. James turned around and scowled at her which only made her wink back. "Mr Potter, if you are in need of Blemish Blitzer, I would be more then welcomed to give you some." Slughorn said, a small smirk on his face.

"Wait up sir!" Odetta called as she hurried down the desks to the front of the classroom, her hand out. Slughorn smiled warmly as he high-fived her. As she walked back, she shrugged at James who glared at her.

"She just got Slughorn to team up on you." Sirius snickered, elbowing the boy beside him. "Yes Pads, I know that." He growled back before letting out a loud huff and sank in his chair.

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