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Odetta lay sprawled out on her bed and on her stomach lay a book which she had used to try and distract herself but nothing was working

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Odetta lay sprawled out on her bed and on her stomach lay a book which she had used to try and distract herself but nothing was working. Sooner or later, James would tell everyone about the mark and she would be stuck with Lucius.

Then the door handle turned and Regulus stood his head in. "Hey, do you have a bag I can borrow?" He asked as he looked at the girl with tear stained cheeks. "The only bags I have are the ones under my eyes, and they are specifically designed to carry the burden on my existence.

"Literally all you had to say was no."

Odetta woke up early that morning however she was almost late to her fist class because she just lied on her back for hours. Quickly, she flung the blankets off of her and got dressed as fast as she could before rushing to Potions.

"Sorry sir." She apologised as she walked in late and made her way to her desk at the back. "You're late Greengrass." Slughorn warned which made her roll her eyes before slumping in her chair.

"Were you in a rush to get changed this morning Odetta?" Marlene asked as she lenses back on her chair so Odetta could hear her. The Slytheirn girl nodded as she dipped her quill into her ink pot. "Some of you buttons are undone." The blonde said as she nodded at a few buttons of the girls shirt which was still undone.

"Fuck sake." She sighed as she began to do them up, glancing down at her short before looking up where her eyes locked with James. She glared back which made his cheeks go red, it wasn't until Odetta raised her eyebrows that he turned back around.

"Next week, you will have an assessment to brew a perfect Polyjucie Potion so today will be practice." Slughorn explained as he flicked his wand to make the ingredients appear on the desks. All the students nodded and began to flick through the potion book for the recipe.

Odetta sat in the stands of the Quidditch Pitch whilst Regulus trained the Slytherin team however, since he became a death eater he found joy in nothing including Quidditch. The dark haired girl had lifted her feet up on the railing as she flicked through a book, a wool scarf wrapped around her neck.

"You did it wrong again!" Regulus snapped at a 3rd year who had only just joined the team whose face was going red. Odetta glanced up from her book and looked down at the pitch when someone sat down beside.

"Are you just going to leave her crying?" Remus asked as he looked down at the girl as he was so much taller. "I can't be bothered with a crying child today..." She paused. "Or ever." She added with a shrug as she looked back at her book.

"I'm sorry about James. I don't know why he would-"

"I don't need to hear it Remus. Did he send you here?" She asked as she swirled her tongue around her mouth and put her book down on her lap. Remus shook his head in reply.

She then watched from the corner of her eyes as he took something out of his pocket and held it out. It was a bar of chocolate which made her eyebrows furrow. "It's chocolate." He said with a warm smile. "Eat it. You'll feel better."

Remus could tell there was something up with her, wether she was sad or angry, and it would be inappropriate for him to do the same thing he does when Sirius is sad.

"Thanks." She thanked reluctantly as she picked up the chocolate, broke off a square and threw it into her mouth. "Night Odetta." Remus said with a slight nod of his head which she replied with a hum since her mouth was full.

"Odetta! We're done!" Regulus shouted up as the Quidditch team left the pitch for the dressing rooms. "I'll just sit out here for a bit morning." She replied, sighing as she watched Regulus nod and run to the nearby changing room.

She stayed sitting there for a while longer, leaning back in the seat and looking up at the stars which were beginning to appear in the night sky.

Once she was assured that she was alone, she left the stands to sit under a tear near the lake. She had tucked her wand behind her ear and she spent a bit longer reading her book, Alamo falling asleep to the sounds from the forest and lake nearby until she yawned and decided to go back to the castle.

She rubbed her eyes as she walked up the steps and into the school, waking down the hallways but as she turned the corner she bumped into none other then James Potter.

Sirius, who was walking beside James glared at her but she ignored him. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion when it looked like the boy wanted to speak. "Carry on Pads, I'll catch up later." Sirius reluctantly nodded and continued walking.

"I see you're still calling Sirius female hygiene product." Odetta smirked as she crossed her arms making James roll his eyes. "I remembered that we never technically broke up." He said awkwardly. "We have now. I don't want to date a cheater." She hissed.

"And I don't want to date a murder." He replied which made her pull her wand out from behind her ear and point it at him. "Expelliarmus!" Sirius exclaimed which made her wand fly out of her hand and roll across the floor.

"You're lucky you little maxi pad was here to save you." She hissed before picking up her wand and continuing her walk to her common room.

She was walking slower then usual, taking in the many portraits hung up on the wall. She was slumped over, a blank look on her face as she walked down to the dungeon.

But as she passed the Potions classroom, she heard muttered talking which made her interest peek. As she passed the classroom, she saw James and Sirius by a cauldron.

She was surprised how they were already down there but she guessed they used some kind of passage way. Quickly, she scanned the desk they surrounded. 'What potion are they making?' she asked herself since it didn't smell of Polyjucie Potion.

But then she noticed a bright purple flower which was still on the stem laying by a book. She recognised it as an Aconite flower which she knew because in her 3rd year she had a passion for Herbology.

She then used her Potion knowledge to think about what potions use that flower, and they only one which did was Wolfbane. She knew it was for Remus so she continued walking but as she pulled her wand from behind her arm to spin it around in her hand, it wasn't there.

She let out an annoyed huff before retracing her steps, scanning the floor for her wand and as she turned to corner she found it just outside the classroom where the Gryffindors were. But she found something else, peering into the room and staring at the boys.

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