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Afterwards, she headed back down to the dining room and took her seat beside Regulus. "Ahh Miss Greengrass, you've join again." Voldemort spoke, smiling which revealed his rotting teeth. "We have began to infiltrate the Ministry. Soon enough the Order will collapse and we can make the world right again." He spoke which made them all clap.

Odetta's eyes widened, finding out how bad things were really getting. She was surprised that James had not vented about to her so he either didn't want to stress her or they were clueless.

A sudden feeling of spinning filled her stomach and she held onto it. "Excuse me." She said as she got up as dragged herself out to the door for some fresh air. But as she walked out the dining room and into a hallway, she noticed familiar blonde hair peering into the window.

Then the door opened a crack and Marlene popped her head in. "Marlene? What are you doing here?" Odetta hissed through the pain. "Remus told me. Are you that fucking stupid?"

Suddenly, she wrenched and threw up onto the marble floor which made Marlene hurry to her and pull her hair out the way. "You!" They both looked up to see Bellatrix shrieking.

Before they had time to react, Marlene had already been cast with a spell which sent her flying across the room. Odetta scurried for her wand in her pocket but Bellatrix was able to flick her wand, making her collapse on the floor.

She was exhausted so she closed her tightly, attempting to breath through the pain.

Her eyes slowly opened, the cold air making them sting. She must of hit her head because it was spinning as she sat up. Then she took in her surroundings.

She was laying in the damp, dark dungeon of the Malfoy Manor, the bar windows allowing small bits of light in. Marlene was laying beside her, her blonde hair sprawled out across her face which was littered in cuts.

"Marlene!" She called out, shaking the girl slightly to wake her up. But she did not. Odetta pushed her hair out to her face and put her cheek close to her mouth, hoping to feel her warm breath. But she did not.

There was then some jingling of keys as Bellatrix walked down the stairs and tapped on the bar door. "What did you do?" Odetta shouted, her voice weak as tears sprung to her eyes. "She's dead. There's no use in trying." The witch responded.

A wave of anger crash over her as she went to pull out her wand from her pockets but it was empty. "We took your wand. Now you must sit here." She began.

"I'm sure the Dark Lord would prefer to kill the rat himself." She spat as she pulled her arm back, ready to point her wand at the girl. "Put it down Bella!"

They looked over to see Sirius walk out of the shadows. "What are you doing here you little blood-traitor?" She spat as she kicked at the bar door. He took another step forward which was when he noticed Marlene on the floor with Odetta sobbing above her.

He gulped before looking back at his cousin. "It doesn't have to be like this." He said in a comforting voice. "I wouldn't rather die then betray my Lord!" She spat as she pushed open the door.

"It was worth a shot." Sirius said with a shrug before flicking his wand towards her, sending her across the dungeon. James the apparated.
Instantly, he ran to Odetta who had buried her face into Marlene's clothes. "What were you thinking?" James asked his girlfriend.

"I just wanted to help and now she's dead." She replied, hot tears falling down her face. He then looked down and noticed the blue eyed girl laying lifeless. Carefully, he reached out his hand and pushed down on her eyelids until they were closed.

"There, she's just sleeping." James whispered as Odetta turned and held onto his coat and cried into that. "Quick James!" Sirius shouted, indicating to leave before Bellatrix regained strength.

But it was too late. "Avada Kadavra!" The witch yelled, her wand pointing at James. Odetta noticed it from the corner of her eyes and used all her strength to push James out of the way.

There was a sudden flash of green light but when it faded, the body of Odetta was revealed. "No!" James shouted as he scrambled over and picked up her head so it was resting in his lap. "No." He repeated, softer this time as tears fell down his cheeks and onto her forehead which he wiped away.

"We need to go!" Sirius shouted loudly before jumping over, grabbing onto Marlene's body before they apparated away, James gripping onto Odetta.

They apparated into the living room of the Order's headquarters. "James," Sirius whispered softly as James sobbed into Odetta's shoulder. "She's gone James." Sirius added.

James gasped for air as he cried more N's snore violently, his eyes beginning to sting before he screamed loudly through the cries, filling the house with a melancholy echo.

That is the final chapter. I'm really sorry for the sad ending.

I'm currently writing a new book which won't be out for a few weeks so keep checking my account.

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