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"Odetta! Are you okay?" Regulus asked in a hurry as he walked into the hospital wing and to her bedside

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"Odetta! Are you okay?" Regulus asked in a hurry as he walked into the hospital wing and to her bedside. "What happened?" He asked when he saw her bruised face. "I fell off a broom when playing Quidditch with Potter." She replied but before she could say anything else, he had clenched his jaw and fist and walked out.

Regulus stormed into the Great Hall, his eyes immediately going to the messy haired Gryffindor who was eating his lunch. He then went over as he glared at him sharply. "What the fuck did you do Potter?" Regulus spat at James. "Nothing! I swear!" He exclaimed back with his hands up. "Leave him alone Reg." Sirius said calmly.

"Yeah, please defend your 'brother' because I don't exist!" Regulus shouted back which made Sirius look down and sigh loudly. "None of you go near her again." He said through gritted teeth before storming away and back to the hospital wing.

The four boys waited in silence for the boy to turn to corner. "I think he has a crush on Greengrass." Sirius teased which earned him a hit on the arm from Remus. "I actually think he does care for her and sees her as a sibling." Remus said intelligently.

"Nah." Sirius replied, in denial about possibly being room, which made Remus roll his eyes. But James was supporting his head with one of his hands and looked down at the table. "What's wrong Prongs?" Peter asked the boy beside him.

"I agree with him. I did hit her with a Quaffle." James replied which made Sirius cheer. "Well done Prongs!" He shouted loudly. "Continue Black and I won't kiss you for a whole week." Remus threatened. "No, no! Please Moony!"

"I think you over reacted a bit there Reg." Odetta replied after the Slytherin told her what he shouted at James. "No, I think it was a perfectly normal reaction." He replied with a shrug. "Right I'm tired so I'm off to count sheep." He said as he flung himself off her bed and towards the door.

Odetta's eyebrows furrowed as she was familiar with the saying before shrugging it off, pulling the covers over her and closing her eyes.

The spring sun shone brightly as the birds sang sweetly, however Odetta didn't wake up to that as the Slytherin common room was in the dungeon and the only light in her room came from candles.

Instead, she woke up to the annoying shouts and shrieks coming from 1st years who were excited about it being Easter and were already on a sugar high from eating chocolate eggs. Odetta rubbed her eyes as she sat up before huffing at the loud girls.

She then picked up a glass which was on her bedside and threw it at the wall which separated her and the screaming students room. It hit the wall with a loud smash and sent glass everywhere. "Shut the fuck up before I rip out your trachea!" Odetta shouted which made them go silent.

She then glanced at her clock to see she still had a few minutes before breakfast so she leaned over the bed to pull out the journal, however it was gone. She flung out of bed and began to panic.

"Where could it be?" She asked as she gripped onto her hair. Then she remembered she had left under the tree the morning before so she quickly got changed and rushed out, still putting her tie on.

She brushed her hair with her hands as she rushed past students to the Great Lake, almost tripping over as she ran down the steps. However when she reached the tree, the Marauders were walking towards the tree were the book lay.

No matter how fast she ran to it, Sirius got there first and snatched the journal from the grass and began to inspect it. "Give it back Black." She ordered as she tried to grab the book.

"Um Odetta. Your shoes are on the wrong feet." Remus pointed out at the girl who was clearly in a rush to get changed. She looked down and chuckle. "That's why they hurt so much." She said but she didn't switch them over but just kicked them off.

"Why, is this your secret diary?" Sirius asked with a smug look as he shook the book around, Odetta jumping up to grab it. "I swear Black, I will gouge your eyes out with a spoon then feed you them." She spat before hitting the book out his hands and onto the path.

They watched as someone bent over and picked the book up, inspecting it. They were tall with silver hair and a beard which could be tucked into his shirt. When it was knocked out of the boys hand, the book opened revealing the first page. Dumbledore peered through he half moon glasses.

"Violet Lestrange. I see you found your mother's diary." He chuckled but Odetta's eyes widened in shock. "What!" She shouted loudly in anger. "Not that fucking bitch." She muttered under breath, but loud enough so they all heard, as she took the book back and threw it far into the surrounding forest.

The four boys and the headmaster shared looks of confusion as Odetta ran back to the castle, tears springing to her eyes and falling down her cheek.

Once she reached the dormitory, she slammed the door shut and jumped into her bed, burying her face deeper and deeper into the pillow. She began to sob uncontrollably, but she wasn't sad. She was angry, infuriated, enrage.

She then let out a groan of pain as her stomach began to cramp and slowly she sat up, rolling her eyes at the red stain on her bed. "Can this day get any worse?" She complained.

Suddenly, the loud sound of Lucius and Narcissa snogging came from the common room which made her want to throw up. "God, you know when I said 'can this day get any worse'? It wasn't a challenge."

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