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"Please, come in dear." Euphemia said with a warm smile as she showed the girl to the living room where a fire was already lit. "Thanks you. I'm Odetta." She greeted as she held her hand out for a handshake. "Oh I know. James told us a lot about you." She replied before noticing her held out hand. "Oh dear. You don't need to be so formal. Here." She then hugged the girl which made her freeze.

Odetta usually hates hugs. She never got the appeal about being squished but Euphemia hug was comforting. She smelt of the same chocolate chip cookies James had made her numerous times before. "Um, thank you." She said as the woman let go and headed to the kitchen where Sirius was calling her.

James was leaning on the door way with a smirk and his arms crossed before he made his way over. "I'm going to be hugging your mum

James had shown her to one of the spare bedrooms in the house. He offered his bed but she insisted that she should have her own bed which he reluctantly agreed to. The room was at the front of the house and had a window which overlooked the front garden.

Odetta had opened the window and was sat on the windowsill, her legs handing out onto the roof. Her eyes were closed and she taking in the cold summer air, her head held up high into the night sky.

She hadn't realised but James had opened the door and was walking up behind her, making her jump as he rested his chin on her shoulder and placed a single kiss on her neck which made her shiver. "James," She whispered as James sat beside her, swinging his legs out of the window.

Then, carefully, he picked up her arm and inspected the dark mark closely. "Stop James." She ordered, keeping her voice low as it was so late, as she pulled her arm away. "Let me look at it. Please." He begged. She sighed as she looked around in thought before reluctantly stretching her arm out again.

James began to run her fingers along her arm, gently tracing the mark. "Carful. You can summon them if you hold down!" She exclaimed when she felt him press down on it. She then quickly snatched her arm away and hid it behind her other one. "I'm sorry, I-"

"It's okay. You didn't know." Odetta interrupted. There was a moment of silence between them. "It's late. I'm going to bed now." He announced as he placed a quick kiss of her cheek and walked to the door, he hand held out to turn the handle.

"James." Odetta called out, making him stop and turn to look at her. "Can you stay Witt me tonight?" She asked as she jumped off the window, staring into his hazel eyes. "Of course." He replied with a grin and he pushed the slightly opened door closed again.

James and Odetta were now tucked away in bed together, his arm wrapped around her and pulling her into his side. Her head was also resting on her arm, her dark hair tickling his skin slightly. She was fast asleep, her chest moving with each deep breath she took but James had stayed up.

The house was silent apart from the occasional sighs from the sleeping girl who was buried into his side. His burning eyes stung as his eyelids slowly fell, making everything dark.

James was now sat downstairs in the living room, Odetta leaning into him as she flicked through a dusty book which James recognised as a children's book his mother read as a child. He placed a kiss on the top of her head which made her chuckle.

But that laughter and peacefulness soon disappeared when the front door slammed open and two of the Malfoys stormed in. "Crucio!" Abraxas exclaimed as he pointed his want at James, making him cling onto his side and fall off the couch, shouting in pain.

Then, through his watering eyes, he watched Lucius grab Odetta by the arm and dragged her out. Her screams and cries echoing around James. "James! Help!" She shouted as she sobbed and was dragged out the room.

It went black for a moment until, in front of James who was still whincing in pain, Odetta appeared which made him smile. "Odetta." He called out as he pushed himself up, no longer in agonising pain, but froze when he saw she was in a wedding dress with Lucius sliding a ring on her finger.

"James. James." Odetta's calls caused him to flinch, waking up to find himself back in his house. His palms were sweaty but he was still able to grip onto Odetta so hard that white marks were left. His face was crimson and there were tears collecting in the corners of his eyes.

James then flung himself up and wrapped his arms around Odetta who had only just woken up and was caught off guard by him. He buried his face into her shoulder and began to sob, trying to be as quiet as possible.

Odetta, who was never able to comfort anyone, froze before hearing his muffled sobs which began to break her heart. "It's okay." She whispered as she ran her hands through his messy hair.

James then fell onto his back, still holding onto Odetta and pulling her down with him. She began to chuckle as he rubbed his red eyes dry. "I love you." He said weakly with a smile as he pushed himself up slightly so their lips met.

As they slowly pulled away and he hit his head onto the pillow, Odetta whispered "I love you too."

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