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Odetta rubbed her eyes as she walked into the Great Hall

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Odetta rubbed her eyes as she walked into the Great Hall. Regulus was practicing down at the Quidditch pitch so she was going to breakfast alone. Her face scrunched up as she cringed at the loud noises the students made when she was called over.

"Odetta!" Marlene called from the Gryffindor table, the girls around her waving at the Slytherin girl. "You can sit with us!" The blonde girl added. Odetta glanced over at the Gang of Slytherins who heard the girl's offer and were glaring at Odetta, which made her smirk before shrugging and heading over to the red table.

She took a seat next to Alice who greeted her with a warm smile. "I'm really excited for Transfiguration today! We get to learn how to turn beetles into buttons!" Lily exclaimed excitedly.

"Why do you have so much energy at this time?" Odetta asked as she rubbed her face before supporting her head with the palm of her hand. "Potter! Pass me the toast!" Odetta called down to the messy haired boy who sat a few seats away with a plate of toast in front of him.

"Looks like there is an imposter on our table." James smirked, not passing over the food Odetta asked for. "Piss off." Odetta ordered before he reluctantly passed her a slice of already buttered toast.

She took a large bite out of it before she looked up at a smirking Marlene who had an eyebrow raised. "What?" The Slytherin girl asked with a shrug, her mouth full.

"Ever heard of the thing we'd you make fun of someone because you like them?" She asked which made Dorcas snicker and Odetta scowl.
"Like him? Yeah,right. I can barely hold back my puke when I look at him." Odetta replied.

James, who was listening in, then scoffed loudly which made them all look at him. "That's not-" She cut him off by flicking her wand in his direction, making a cup of orange juice rise into the air and pour it all over his head. "My hair! I spend an hour on it today!" He shrieked as he tried to clean himself up with the napkins on the table.

Odetta took a step into the Transfiguration classroom and collapsed into her designated chair, hunching over as she rested her head on the table. Her eyes glanced up as the marauders pushed each other into the class, laughing loudly which made her huff.

As Remus took his seat, he dropped his feather quill on the floor which rolled under the desk. "Ah fucking shit." Remus cursed as he bent down to pick it up. "Who said that!" Mcgonagall exclaimed as she snapped her neck in the boy's direction.

"James! Watch your mouth! Shame on you!" Remus shrieked as he shook his head in disappointment. "Detention Potter!" Mcgonagall announced which made the messy haired boy furiously glare at the taller boy, who smiled back innocently.

Sirius then elbowed James in the stomach to catch his attention. "What the-" He paused when Sirius revealed a piece of parchment which he had folded into a plane. Sirius then darted his eyes mischievously at the Slytherin girl a few desks away.

James then nodded and the two snickered like two small children as he threw the plane which landed on the desk by her ink pot. Odetta looked around in the direction it came from and when she saw the two snickering Gryffindors, she knew they threw it.

Carefully she unfolded the parchment, attempting to be as quiet as possible as the Professor was explaining a charm. But she was unable to read a message which was written on it before Mcgonagall noticed and took the note out her hand with a smell.

The whole class watched as the note floated across the heads of students and into the Professor's hands. Her eyebrows raised as she peered through her glasses which were perched on the end of her nose, her beady eyes scanning the paper.

"Professor Mcgonagall is an old wrinkly rat, pass it on." The Professor read out allowed, making some of the students laugh but hold it back when she coldly stared at them. "Detention Miss Greengrass." The woman said sternly and quieted the girl as she began to protest against her.

"But Professor, Potter and-"

"Silence Greengrass before I take off house points." Mcgonagall interrupted the Slytherin girl which made her slump in her chair. She then glared at the two boys before mouthing, "I'm going to kill you." at them.

For the rest of the theory part, her face was blanked and her arms were crossed. Then, one by one, Mcgonagall placed a small black bettle in front of each student.

As Odetta straightened out her equipment on her desk, she knocked over her ink pot which spilt all over the floor. She got off her chair to clean up the mess, which was relatively fast because she used magic but as she got up, she noticed James who had rushed back to his seat from her desk.

"I swear, if you touched my bettle, I will rip you limb from limb." She threatened, gritting through her teeth slightly. "Someone thinks they're scary." James laughed which made her glare at him coldly.

"I know I am. Ask the several students who are too scared to ask me for the milk jug." She replied with a condescending smirk before turning back to the insect which had stayed out on her desk, beginning to flick her wand at it.

"Another detention! Wasn't you suppose to not get any this term?" Regulus asked with a raised eyebrows. Odetta slowly nodded as she looked down at the ground. "You're a fucking idiot." He muttered under his breath. "Hey! You're the fucking idiot!" She shouted back defensively.

Odetta dragged her feet behind her as she unwillingly walked towards the Hospital wing, her detention being she had to clean the room without magic including the bedpans. As she turned the corner she bumped into James, who was also on his way to his detention.

"Off to your detention I see." James smirked. "And I couldn't care where you're going." She replied with a slight shrug which made him roll his eyes.

"Have you seen Remus? I was looking for him." Odetta asked the messy haired boy. "Um, yeah. He's just in the hospital wing." James replied but Odetta found it suspicious how he paused to think.

However, she shrugged it off and continued on her way to the Hospital wing. 'That's great! I'll talk to Remus in the hospital wing." She thought to herself as she approached the door.

But when she walked in and scanned the room, there was no Remus. "Madam Pomfrey, has Remus been in here at all tonight?" Odetta asked the passing Matron. She shook her head in response which made her furrow her brows.

At first she thought 'why would Potter lie' but then she remembered he probably did that to annoy her so she shrugged it off and went to the painful and dreaded task of cleaning the bedpans.

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