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"James? Please tell me you didn't kidnap her

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"James? Please tell me you didn't kidnap her." Remus sighed as he sat on the couch with his feet up on a small table with a book in his hands. Sirius sat beside him, sulking with a pout so he didn't look up.

"Thank god you two aren't doing anything." James sighed as he lowered the girl off his back to an armchair. "Remus said he needed to study." Sirius whined, his arms crossed tightly.

Remus rolled his eyes before asking the messy haired boy a question. "Why did you bring Odetta in here?" He asked which made Sirius shoot his head up with wide eyes, scowling at the girl who scowled back. "James is too much of softie." She smirked as she pinched his cheeks.

"No! You almost fell off the fucking castle!" He exclaimed back at her which made her roll her eyes and slump back into the chair. "I just thought maybe you could watch her since you look after Sirius when he's pissed." James said as he turned to the tall boy who put his book down.

"Why didn't you take her to the Slytherin common room?" He asked as he leaned forward, watching with furrowed brows as she  began to hum 'tiny dancer' as waved her arms around.

"James Potter bringing girls into the common room. I thought I would never see it." Marlene smirked sarcastically, leaning on the banister of the stairs. "And a Slytherin! Wow James, you've changed." She added as she got closer and realised who it was.

"Don't you think we should leave them." She continued as she leaned on the couch, James furrowing his brow and Odetta pretend to throw up. "I need to be under the imperius
curse for me to do anything with him." The Slytherin girl said which made Marlene snicker and James scoff.

"So you're telling me James, you did not check her out when she was over your shoulder." Marlene said as she smirked and swirled her tongue around her mouth. "No way, I'm a gentleman." He said arrogantly which made Odetta roll her eyes.

"The definition of a gentleman." Someone chuckled from the stairs. "Why thank you Evans." James smirked back as a red headed girl walked down the steps to the blonde girl.

"Besides, there is nothing to look at." He added quietly, side eyeing Odetta which scoffed. "Oh yeah?" She asked with raised eyebrows before standing up and turning around. Before she could do anything embarrassing, Marlene and Lily has jumped to her and pulled her down from the chair and directed her to their room.

"That's embarrassing." Sirius said as the girls pushed the Slytherin into their dorm room, his comment making Remus and James scoff. "Sirius, you tried to kiss Filch when you were drunk." Remus said which made James snicker.

"Merlin's beard, how much has she had to drink?" Alice said as the two Gryffindors sat Odetta onto a bed. "A bottle of FireWhiskey, plus another bottle." Odetta answered as she lying back, looking up at the top of the four poster bed.

"How come we have to look after a drunk Slytherin?" Dorcas asked, sitting crossed legged on the bed beside the girl. "Because we didn't trust James looking after her." Lily answered as she scanned through her wardrobe for something she could give the girl.

"So, James not got you yet?" Odetta asked Lily, supporting her head with her arm and looking at the girl with a smirk. "The day I will love Potter is the day pigs fly." Lily replied as she continued to flick through shirts.

Dorcas then leaned forward and grabbed one of Alice's stuff animals, which was a pig, and threw it up in the air. "Leviosa." Marlene announced with her wand up in the air, all the girls burst out laughing as she made the pig fly towards the ginger who hit it away.

"Right get changed." She ordered as she threw the girl an oversized shirt and pyjama shorts. Odetta slipped into then and let out a loud huff as she threw her head backwards, hitting the bed frame with a loud bang.

"Fucking hell, you really are drunk." Marlene chuckled as she helped the girl sit up again. She then rubbed her eyes which caused the mascara she wore to smudge under her eyes. "Do you want to wash your face?" Dorcas asked with a chuckle at the raccoon-eyed girl.

She nodded and pushed herself up but before she could reach the door, Marlene had blocked it with her arms. "First a riddle." She said which made the girl roll her eyes and huff. "Where do vanished objects go?" She asked the Slytherin.

"Y-your arse." She replied, followed by drunken laughter which made the other girls shake their head or laugh at her. "Good enough." The blonde Gryffindor shrugged before moving out the way and letting the girl go down the stairs to the bathroom on the ground floor after pointing to which door it was.

Odetta drunkly walked down the stairs, almost sliding down the last few before pushing open the door. She cringed at herself in the mirror before turning the tap. She let it heat up and threw it at her face, rubbing her eyes and cheeks to get the makeup off before drying her face with a towel.

She walked out an closed the door behind her when she saw James Potter, looking at her with a disgusted look. "You look gross without make up on." He commented which made her roll her eyes. "Like a walrus." He added with a smirk.

"How long did it take you to come up with that?" She asked with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, like a dead walrus." He added, ignoring the girl. "Were  you held back a year or two?" She asked again which made him huff and jump onto the couch.

"Fucking Gryffindors." She muttered under her breath as she walked up the stairs. James shot his head up and scowled at her as she went back into the dormitory.

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