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Odetta attempted to fall asleep the next night, listening to the faint chatters and movement coming from the rooms around her

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Odetta attempted to fall asleep the next night, listening to the faint chatters and movement coming from the rooms around her. She tried lighting as many candles as she could to help her relax and possibly fall asleep but it didn't and just made her room smell strongly of cinnamon.

She rolled onto her side, flipping her pillow to the cold side, and watching the water out the windows. She let out a sigh of defeat before hitting her bed in frustration and getting up.

She decided a midnight walk would possibly relax her and help her sleep. As spring rolled around, it was getting warmer. She swung the cloak of invisibility over her and walked out of the empty common room to a balcony.

She didn't run into Filch at all, guessing there was probably another student out of bed and he was focusing on them. Odetta pulled open the doors to an empty balcony and leaned on the banister.

She the pushed herself up to sit on the wall, her legs up beside her as she scanned the gloomy forest which was not too far away. It was quiet and tranquil, the only noise being the tree leaves which rustled in the breeze.

Odetta closed her eyes and took in a deep breath of the night air. Suddenly the door opened which caused Odetta to jolt up, forgetting she was on a wall.

She tried to hold onto the banister but slipped and felt herself fall. But then James, who had opened the door, threw the map in his hands on the floor and grabbed Odetta's hand before she fell backward, using all his strength to pull her back which made him topple backwards.

Odetta looked up at him, breathing heavily. He gripped tightly on each of her arms as her hands rested on his chest. "You're... really close right now." James spoke awkward, pausing halfway through his sentence. 

She nodded and backed away, looking down at the ground until she found herself walking in backing into the stone wall which she leaned on. "You still missing your cloak?" She asked the boy who nodded.

"Well, not anymore." She then handed him the cloak which was on the floor beside her. He took it with furrowed eyebrows and inspected the cloak with confusion. "I may of borrowed it for a bit." She added in a guilty voice with a slight shrug.

"You took it!" He exclaimed loudly which made her rush over and cover his mouth with his hand when she heard a familiar meow of Mrs Norris. "Yes. Wrap your small Gryffindor mind around it." She hissed back as she listened as the footsteps of Filch got closer.

She quickly grabbed his hand and made him push himself to the wall before the door swung open and they heard the deep inhale of the caretaker. As they hid behind the door, Odetta felt her and James's hands brush against each other which made her shiver slightly.

The whole time she was holding her breath, letting out a deep inhale when Filch finally closed the door and walked off. "I think that's out queue to head back to our common rooms." Odetta said before James nod before leaving for their common rooms.

Odetta had surprisingly got up early, probably because the students in the dormitory next door where having an argument and shouting at each other. The Slytherin girl sat up in silence and listened in, knowing it was creepy but she had no dignity left.

Afterwards, she buttoned up her school shirt and pulled up her skirt before leaving for the Great Hall. Because it was fairly early still, the Great Hall was rather empty. Odetta scraped her fork on the bottom of her silver plate, the next student near her all the way at the other end of table.

Then she noticed something which made her squint her eye in suspicion, she ignored the Gang of Slytherins who walked in and the glare Lucius gave her but her eyes only when to Snape.

The Slytherin boy has snuck off to the almost empty Gryffindor table and took a small vile out of his cloak, pouring a few drops into the goblet. Then the loud laugh of James and Sirius filled up the hall as they walked in which made Snape scurry off.

Odetta watched carefully as the marauders sat in the same place, Remus sat in front of the same goblet Snape dropped something into. She watched in horror as the tall boy lifted the goblet up which made her jolt up and run to the red and gold table.

"Don't drink that! Snape but something in it!" Odetta shouted when she had only passed the Hufflepuff table. Remus didn't hear her because Sirius was yapping in his ear however James did.

The messy haired boy snatched the goblet out of Remus's hands and began to down the drink, making Remus's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "You have your own drink!" Remus exclaimed in an annoyed tone.

"Snape put something in that goblet." Odetta was able to say as she breathed heavily. "You only ran to the other side of the hall." James taunted which made her roll her eyes. "Surely telling me something was in it was better then drinking it?" Remus questioned as he turned to James.

"I didn't think about that." James said quietly as he scratched the back of his head. Odetta then noticed Snape pass by, most probably checking if Remus had drank from the goblet.

Odetta gripped onto his collar and pulled him closer, somehow almost picking him off the ground. "What the fuck did you put in it you greasy, slimy bastard?" Odetta asked through gritted teeth, her jaw clenched and fists turning white.

"V-erita-se-rum." Snape stuttered as he flinched each time the girl made a sudden movement. She then threw him down so his feet hit the ground with a thud before pulling her clenched fist back and hitting the boy in his massive nose.

This made his beedy eyes water up and him topple backwards. The incident had caught the attention of several students and Professors. "Miss Greengrass detention!" Mcgonagall exclaimed as she held up her robes so she would not trip of them and hurried over to the Slytherin boy.

"Of course I'm punished but how about you ask him why I punched him." Odetta replied but Mcgonagall ignored her and sent her out the hall. Sirius, Remus and James all looked at each other whilst Peter was focusing on a piece of toast.

Remus then got up, grabbing James by the back of his jumper and pulling him up, soon followed by Sirius as they left the hall. "Come on Wormtail!" The dark haired Gryffindor called out which made the short boy look up and hurry to follow them.

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