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"What do you mean Reg? I'm your brother

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"What do you mean Reg? I'm your brother." Sirius replied with a confused look, glancing between Regulus and the wide eyes girl behind him. "Um, Sirius can we... can we talk?" She stuttered which confused the boy even more. Slowly, he took a step forward and followed the Slytherin girl away from the others.

"I may of oblivated Regulus." She said quietly as she picked at her fingers, not wanting to look the boy in the eyes. "You did what! Why would you do such a stupid fucking thing?" He shouted which made them look over at the two.

"He walked in on me getting changed." She lied which the boy believed but that didn't stop him from clenching his jaw. "And has he forgotten everything?" Sirius asked, looking back at his younger brother who had already gone to the pitch.

"No," She paused for a moment. "Just you." She finished which made him clench his fist and look around in annoyance. "You did this on purpose." Sirius spat at her. "No Sirius I-"

"You wanted to take my only family member away from me!" He shouted which made her scoff. "You hardly talk to him anymore! You even say it yourself that Potter is your brother!" Odetta shouted back loudly, glaring into the boys dark eyes.

"Maybe I did a good thing for him." She hissed before she walked away and Remus grabbed Sirius to the pitch.

Odetta couldn't watch that Quidditch game because she knew Sirius would be glaring at her the whole time. Instead, she headed to the library which she knew would be empty since everyone was down at the Quidditch pitch.

But instead of reading a book to take her mind off of it or study, she leaned on a window sill and stared at the Quidditch which was visible.
She then let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes.

Tears sprung to her eyes and fell from the corners of her closed eyes, down her cheek and falling off her jaw. "I fucked up." She whispered to herself as her breaths became shaky.

Quickly she wiped her face with her sleeve and hurried out the library and back to the pitch. As she approached the Gryffindor stands, she let out a deep sigh to prepare herself for Sirius comments before running up the stairs and scanning for the four boys.

"What are you doing here?" Sirius spat as he glared at her with a face of disgust. "Remus, can I borrow you?" Odetta asked, ignoring the dark haired boy. "No Moony, she'll probably oblivate you." Sirius said as he grabbed the taller boys arm.

He rolled his eyes before pulling his arm from his grip and following the Slytherin girl away. From the pitch, James noticed this and was watching which allowed the Slytherin team to get a few points ahead.

"Does Sirius have any photos you know, as kids for Regulus?" She asked awkwardly as they stood in the middle of the staircase in one of the many towers. "There might be a few, look I'm sorry about Sirius. I know you didn't mean to do it." Remus said to try and comfort her.

"No. If you asked anyone, they wouldn't be surprised of that accusation." Odetta replied with a shrug which made him sigh. "Thanks Remus." She thanked before walking away.

Regulus walked back into the Slytherin common room with a pout and hunched over, disappointment that they lost. "Reg, I'm guessing from you lack of cheering that you lost." Odetta said which he returned with a sad nod which made her chuckle slightly.

"I want to show you something." She then dragged the boy into her dormitory where many photos were laid out on her bed. "What are these?" The younger Slytherin asked as he picked up and inspected a photo of his brother.

"These are all of your brother, Sirius." Odetta said with a slight sigh before putting on a forced smile and sitting down on the end of her bed. "I don't have a brother." He replied which she returned with a nod. "Yes you do."

"We're we close?" Regulus asked with a hopeful look. "Um no." Odetta answered with a slight shake of her head which made him let out a quiet 'oh'.

The sun had now set and Odetta was still presenting photo to him and telling childhood that he had once told her in hope he would remember. Finally, she asked him, "Now do you remember?"

He looked around in thought for a moment before glancing down and staring at the many photos which made Odetta hopeful. "Nothing." Regulus with as he shook his head making her let out a sigh. "Okay, thanks Reg." She replied with a forced smile as she opened the door for him and cleaned up the photos to sneak back to Remus.

Once they were safely picked away, she immediately left the common room and made her way to the hospital wing, in search for Madam Pomfrey.

Thanks to her knowledge of the secret passages within and out of the castle, she used a secret staircase hidden behind a tapestry to get to the hospital wing undetected.

As she approached the doorway to the hospital wing, she cleared her through before calling for the Matron. "Madam Pomfrey!" She called as she stepped in, a rather thin and kind looking woman looking up at her and walking over.

"Is there anyway you can reverse the oblivate charm?" She asked quietly, not wanting to disturb the injured who were sleeping in the beds. "The obliavte spell is permanent and everlasting. Is there any reason why you asked me this question?" The Matron replied which made Odetta nod but sigh.

"I'm doing an essay and I just wanted to make sure you haven't been able to reverse the charm since you are the best Matron." Odetta lies with a smile which took the woman back slightly.

"Thank you for the compliment Miss Greengrass. Now is that all because if not, I suggest hurrying to bed." Madam Pomfrey replied with a warm smile.

The Slytherin girl nodded in response before leaving the hospital wing but as she did, her face went hot and a single tear fell from the corner of her eye.

But as she wiped her eyes with her sleeve, she walked in someone. Thinking it was Filch, she removed her hands and looked in horror however she let out a sigh of relief when she saw James.

At first James smiled slightly but then he noticed her glassy eyes and the tears stains on her red cheeks. "Odetta, is everything-" As he talked he put both his arms on the side of her arms and gently rubbed them with his thumb.

"I fucked up James." She interrupted as she stared down at the stone floor beneath her. James took notice in the fact she called him 'James' rather then 'Potter' but it didn't look like a good time to bring it up.

"It was a selfish reason to use the spell. I should of just trusted him to not tell anyone." She added as another tear fell from her cheek which James wiped off with his thumb as he lifted up her chin to look at him.

The two stared at each other in silence before Odetta spoke again. "So did Lily ask you out?" She asked she sniffed up and James pull his hands back to his sides at the mention of the red heads name.

"Yes, I was actually on my way to meet her but it looks like you need company." James answered as he watched her try to push her hair away which stuck to her tear soaked cheeks. "I'm fine. Go on your date." The Slytherin girl replied, trying to ushering him away.

"Quit being so stubborn, she'll understand." James replied firmly which made her roll her eyes. "Fine but if you get murdered by a ginger, you're the only one the blame." Odetta replied as she walked past him, James chuckled before quickening his steps to catch up to her.

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