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Odetta had traveled back to the Slytherin common room where she got changed, ready for her classes that day

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Odetta had traveled back to the Slytherin common room where she got changed, ready for her classes that day. Her dark hair was curled and a small black bow was pinned in the back of her head. She stood in front of her mirror putting in her pearl earrings, afterwards she put on her shoes and left for the Great Hall.

She walked in the hall alone, quickly scanning for Regulus to sit with however he was sat with Severus which made her sigh. It felt as if her and Regulus never talked anymore and it was her final year at Hogwarts.

Just then, two Gryffindor girls hurried towards her, snickering mischievously as they did so. "What did you do this time?" Odetta asked as she transferred her weight onto one of her legs and looked at them with a raised eyebrow.

"We put veritaserum in everyone's goblets." Dorcas whispered. "How did you make that much?" The Slytherin asked with an impressed look. "We paid a Ravenclaw to make it." Marlene answered which made Odetta shrug.

She then glanced over at the Gryffindor table when her eyes widened with horror at the sight of Remus lifting the cup to his lips. With one swift movement, Odetta pulled her wand out her pocket and flicked her wand in the direction of the chestnut haired boy, making the cup fly out his hand and spill all over Sirius beside him.

The four boys looked over to see Odetta, her wand still pointing  at Remus. Sirius eyebrows began to furrow and his fist began to clenched. "Aw. Is Sirius all wet." Odetta mocked. "The only one who makes me wet is Moony." Sirius announced proudly as he patted his boyfriend's shoulder.

This caused many surrounding students spit out their drinks all over the person opposite them. "Move up." She said, watching as Remus moved up the bench to create a space for her to sit at. "So James, when is Gryffindor next playing?" She asked, attempting to make small talk. "Next Wednesday?" James replied in a questioning tone and furrowed eyebrows.

Odetta then watched with anticipation as James lifted up his goblet to his lips and took a sip before putting it back down and wiping his mouth with his sleeve. "We should check if it worked." Marlene whispered into the dark hair girl's ears.

Odetta then stood up on the bench, cleared her throat before calling for a Slytherin boy. "Severus!" She called out which made the great haired boy turn to look at her with a face of disgust. "When was the last time you washed?" Odetta asked, her hands cupped around her mouth so he could hear her at the other side of the hall.

"Last Monday!" He replied. "Mate, it's Friday!" Odetta shouted back condescendingly, trying to hold back her snickers. She then sat back down. Just then, a red headed girl walked in with a pile of books in her hand fork the library. "Are you ready for out date tonight?" Lily asked, not knowing about the prank Marlene had pulled.

"I'm not going on it. I have a date with Odetta." He replied bluntly which made the students around them furrow their eyebrows. Odetta looked down at the table to hide her crimson face and rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. "When? Why?" Lily asked demandingly.

"Do you not like me anymore?" Lily asked, her voice breaking slightly. "I don't," He paused. "I love Odetta." The dark haired girl looked up into his hazel eyes and began to laugh nervously, continuing to rub the back of her neck. "I-I need to go." She stuttered before getting up and leaving the hall, the red headed girl glaring at her as she passed.

"Really Prongs? You love her?" Sirius asked gut James ignored him and jumped out from under the table and hurried out after the Slytherin girl. "Odetta!" He called out to the girl who was power walking away, beginning to turn a corner.

James began to quicken his step but as he turned the corner, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the corridor and out onto a balcony overlooking the path to the lake. "I wasn't joking Odetta. I love you." James said before she could speak, holding onto each of her arms.

"I know. Horrible mistake really." Odetta replied which made James sigh until he noticed a smirk appear on her face. Odetta then pulled her arms out of his grip. "You fell in love with a Slytherin James." She smirked as she pushed herself up onto the railing:

The messy haired boy rolled his eyes as he ran his hand through his loose curls before moving to stand between her legs. "Do you love me back?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, his arms wrapped around her waist. "Let me think," She then began to hum as if she was in thought. "It might be possible." She said with a grin before she leaned down so their lips could touch.

Odetta's hands held onto her shoulders as they pulled on another closer. Occasionally, they pulled away for a gasp of air but their lips were touching again a few moments later. She then wrapped her legs around his hips, allowing him to pick her up and move her so she was pressed up against a wall.

She was able to get her feet on the ground and spun around the other way. It must of looked humorous as Odetta was shorter then James. "I love you Odetta." He whispered lovingly as they pulled away, then he pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"What are we going to do about Lily?" Odetta asked but James hushed her and out his finger on her lips to stop her from talking. "I think the main problem will be Sirius annoyed that I never told him." James chuckled which made Odetta grin. "I love you more though." She whispered as she pushed herself up onto her tip toes and kissed his cheek before leaving.

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