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The two students had continued to drink, now moving to the red couches near the lit fire

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The two students had continued to drink, now moving to the red couches near the lit fire. Although it was spring, it was still called in Scotland but it was also colder because they had spread out the parchment near an open window in hope it would dry.

They were passing the almost empty bottle between the two of them, shouting at each other when they drank too much. "Potter," The Slytherin girl called which he responded with a hum. "Can I touch your hair?" She asked, seeming mesmerised by the slight curls of his hair.

"Why?" James asked with furrowed brows as he ran his hand through his own hair. "It just looks so fluffy!" Odetta shouted in response, her cheeks red as she had drank so much. "Too late!" She exclaimed as she reached her hand out and began to run her finger through his hair and twist it around her finger.

"Okay that's enough." James said as he pulled her hand away, not liking the smirk she wore. She then pressed her lips against his quickly before he pulled back. "Not out in the open." He whispered at her, hoping he was being quiet enough so no one heard him. Odetta then scanned the room.

"I have a great idea." She replied before grabbing his hand and stumbling around with him until they reached a window with linen curtains. She then pulled him behind them.

"Here? Really?" James asked with a smirk as she pressed herself against him and put one hand on his cheek. "Do you want to kiss or not?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Immediately, James bent down slightly so she could reach his lips, pulling her closer by his waist, her arms wrapped around his neck. They continued to kiss gently yet passionately as he lifted her up from the ground, their lips pulling away for a moment to look at each other.

Both their faces were red as they were overcome with lust, they then smirked at each other before their lips were smashed together again. Their hot foreheads pushed against each other as she gripped onto his hair slightly. Her legs now wrapped around his waist, James's hands underneath her thighs.

The two then began to squint at a bright light which filled the room, both turning their heads to see the bright red sun appearing from behind the mountain range which surrounded the castle. "It's morning already!" Odetta exclaimed as James carefully put her down.

"Well then, good morning Greengrass." James said with a smirk which made her roll her eyes but smile. "Good morning Potter." She replied before he placed a kiss on her forehead and walked out from behind the curtain.

Odetta stayed there, resting her elbows on the window sill and staring out of the glass window. Occasionally, the sun was blocked by another hill so all she could see in the glass was her. She inspected her crimson cheeks and messy hair which made her sigh before she walked out from behind the curtain and walked out of the Gryffindor common room.

Odetta rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand and yawned loudly as she walked back to the Slytherin common room. As she rubbed her face, she bumped into someone. When she looked up, her eyes met a bleach blonde boy with a look of disgust on his face.

"Gross. Now I need to disinfect myself after accidentally touching you." Odetta spat as she pretended to throw up which made him roll his eyes and storm off. She smirked to herself as she collapsed onto her bed but instantly remember she needed to rewrite her notes which she spat whiskey all over.

With a groan of reluctancy, she threw herself off her bed and dragged her feet behind her to the library.

Once she got to the library, she headed straight to the History of Magic section and began to run her finger across the dusty spines. Finally, she walked over to the desks with a pile of book in her hand when she noticed some familiar Gryffindor faces.

A few desks away sat a red headed girl who was scribbling down notes on a piece of parchment whilst Dorcas and Marlene we'd singing 'starman' loudly. Finally, the blonde haired girl took notice of the Slytherin and called her over.

"Have you been here all night?" Odetta asked as she put several books on the table and leaned on one of the chairs. "No, Lily just dragged us here extremely early." Dorcas replies before joining Marlene in the chorus.

Lily rolled her eyes at the two girls which made Odetta chuckle. "Have you noticed anything different with Potter?" The red headed Gryffindor asked Odetta. The dark haired girl stared at her with shock, her question making the other two girls fall silent as well.

"It just. He hasn't been flirting with me as much." Lily added with a slight shrug which made the three girls share a look of suspicion. "And you miss it?" Dorcas asked with a smirk.

"No, no-well," Lily paused for a moment before shaking her head and continuing. "Kinda. I know it seems impossible but I think he's getting more mature." The other girls continued to look at her with confusion and shock.

However, Odetta was chewing on the inside of her cheek and was picking at her own fingers, hoping Lily didn't see her and James kissing and questioning her to confront her.

"So you have a thing for James?" Marlene asked with one eyebrow raised, Odetta also played it off by acting intrigued. Slowly, Lily nodded. "So, would you go out with him?" Odetta asked, watching as she nodded.

The two Gryffindor girls beside her jumped up and cheered sliding however Odetta only wore a forced smile because ,for some reason, she felt disappointed.

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