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"Odetta! My girl! You're here!" Marlene exclaimed as she stumbled down the stairs to the Slytherin girl. "Are you drunk already?" Odetta asked. "I need to catch up!" She then shouted over the music, snatching the cup out of her hand and downing it.

"What the fuck was that?" She asked as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "Gin." Marlene replied with a shrug which made Odetta's eyes widen. "I just drank straight up gin!"

Suddenly, Dorcas jumped off the banister which she slid down from her dorm and dragged the two girls closer to the record player so they could hear the music. Money, Money, Money began to play and Odetta instantly ran for Remus.

She pulled him up from the couch and Bryant I spun him around. She then grabbed a bottle of beer which she somehow opened with her teeth. "To dating people from the richest families in Britain!" She shouted which made Remus cheer his own glass with hers.

Sirius and James and frozen still and was staring at them, blank faces as they watched them dance and sing, pretending the bottle was a microphone. "Are they just using us for money?" Sirius asked James beside him. "That or our amazing bodies." He replied arrogantly which Odetta overhead. "Money." She said.

Odetta continued to take shots and sing and dance, basically being the loudest in the room. She attempted to get James drunk but he was concerned about Odetta too much and tired a couple times to make her drink water but she would end up flicking it out his hands.

She then cleared her throats and stood up on a table which was still covered in cups. "May I have your attention!" She shouted after flicking her wand at the record player, making it abruptly stop. "I have an announcement." She paused. "Thank fuck this is over and Dumbledore's a cunt." She announced which made them all cheer but they were all probably too drunk to even understand a word she said.

But when she tried to jump down, she slipped on a used plastic bottle, sending her flying towards the floor. James noticed and tried to catch her and cringed when her face hit the floor with a bang. "Merlin Odetta!" He exclaimed as he rushed over and helped her. "This feels oddly familiar." She said with a smirk, remembering their first proper conversations out on the balcony.

"I think you've drank enough, come on." James said before picking up the girl and flinging her over his shoulder, pulling down her dress a bit before going up to him dormitory.

"No! No! I'm not done partying!" Odetta argued as she tried to get up but James pushed her back, throwing the cover over her and holding it down to keep her under the blanket. Finally, after a few minutes of struggling she gave up and closed her eyes. "Fine, I'll stay in bed if you join me." She said with a smirk which made him tut.

"I'm sleeping with you because-"

He cut himself off as Odetta flung the covers off of her and ran to the bathroom, collapsing onto the floor and gripping onto the toilet as she threw up. "I am not sharing a bed with you." James said which made her scowl as he helped hold her hair out the way.

Odetta stayed in bed for the rest of the night, bopping her head to the music they were players as she was weighed down by multiple blankets. James would sit at the end of the bed with her but when he would leave for some water, Marlene would sneak some shots up before scurrying back down.

She was sure James could smell the alcohol in her breath but he didn't say anything and instead he shook his head but smiled slightly.
She then fell asleep to him sitting on a stool beside the bed, drawing circles with his thumb in her forehead.

It was now the next day and Odetta woke up to find James sleeping soundly beside her in the bed. She rubbed her eyes for a few seconds before laying back down, her arm under her head as she stared at James with a slight smile.

"Fucking hell, my head hurts." She moaned as she sat up and held onto her head. "Because you smacked it on the floor last night." James chuckled. Odetta then hit his arm lightly as she pouted. "Don't laugh at me. I'm in pain." She complained.

"Sorry love." He apologised as he kissed her forehead before getting up from the bed and heading to the bathroom.

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