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Odetta lay on her bed, studying for an upcoming History of Magic test

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Odetta lay on her bed, studying for an upcoming History of Magic test. She chewed on the end of her quill as she scanned a book which lay open beside her, occasionally dipping the feather quill into the ink and writing a couple notes.

She jumped up when there was a sudden knock on her door, spilling her ink into her parchment and onto her bed. "What!" She shouted, annoyed at the mess. Regulus pushed it open and stuck his head into the dormitory. "I'm off to the kitchen, do you want anything?" The dark haired boy asked.

"Can I have some vanilla ice cream?" Odetta asked as she hurried around to clean up the ink which was dripping off her bed and onto the floor. "What's the magic work?" Regulus asked.

"Expelliarmus?" She replied in a questioning tone with furrowed brows, making Regulus roll his eyes before closing the door and leaving.

As for Odetta, she was now stuck with cleaning the mess but as she knelt down to clean up the ink on the floor, she noticed something tucked under the bed boards underneath.

Her forehead scrunched up in confusion as she pulled a journal from under the bed. She ran her finger along the leather cover, cringing at the black dust on her finger which she wiped off.

Carefully, she flicked open the first page but the writing on the paper was already fading. The book was almost touching her face as she closely inspected the parchment. Finally, she was able to make out the letters.

'Diary of Violet Lestrange'

Odetta had no clue who this mysterious Lestrange was. Nevertheless, she turned to the next page, carefully lifting it up as the paper was delicate. Unlike the first page, the writing was clear and the cursive writing was fairly similar to how Odetta wrote.


This morning, Theseus approached me and compliment me on my hair. I was utterly shock, nevertheless I compliment him back. Walburga told me to not even entertain the idea of marrying him and that there were other boys to look at. She seems to constantly be on about Orion Black, who is her cousin. She is encouraging me to go after Roderick Lestrange, who is also my second cousin. I am hopeful that-'

The rest of the sentence had became smudged for a drink which made the ink travel around the parchment. Odetta still didn't know who this Violet Lestrange was however she did recognised Walburga and Orion Black.

Then her dormitory door opened and Regulus walked in with a bowl of ice cream in his hand. Odetta scrambled to hide the diary back under bed and quickly turned around, a guilty look on her face.

He stared at her with a face of confusion before he shook it off and handed her the tart. "Reg?" Odetta spoke, the younger boy hummed in response. "Do you know anything about your mother's friends when she was at Hogwarts?" She asked as she sat up on her bed, Regulus taking a seat next to her.

He shook his head with furrowed brows. "I don't think Hogwarts existed back in 15 BC." He replied which made chuckle but roll her eyes. "Why?" He asked. "Oh nothing. I was just thinking about it." She replied with a shrug.

Regulus then nodded and stood up, walking over to the door. "I'm off to bed so don't be loud." He warned the girl who rolled her eyes before he closed the door.

She then yawned loudly as she rubbed her eyes. "I guess I'm off to bed too." Odetta muttered to herself as she slipped under the covers and with a flick of her wand, the candles were blew out and the dorm went dark.

It was now the weekend and Odetta was sitting in the stands, watching the Slytherin Quidditch team train. She was leaning on the banister, occasionally shouting at Regulus for an answer in a crossword from the daily prophet he had gave her as a distraction.

"Aphrodite! The Greek goddess of love is Aphrodite!" The younger Slytherin shouted up at the dark haired girl. Odetta huffed at her misspelling of her name until she noticed the shape of a person on the opposite side of the stands.

Leaning on one of the towers was a messy haired Gryffindor. "Spy!" One of the Slytherin students shouted as they pointed up at James. "I'll get him!" Odetta shouted before looking up at James with a smirk as she walked over.

"Don't hurt him too much!" Regulus shouted, his hands cupped around his mouth. Odetta shook her head which made James chuckle, possibly to hide his fear.

"What are you doing here?" Odetta asked the boy with her arms crossed. "Need to learn Regulus's techniques because all your's are shit?" She added, James scoffed in return.

"That team is shi-"

She interrupted him by grabbing the collar and pulling his ear close so she could whisper in it. "You continue that sentence and you'll earn yourself a black eye." She spat in his ear before she pushed back.

Odetta smirked as James gulped loudly before she began to hurry him off the stands. "Are you escorting me back to my common room?" James asked as she walked beside him. "Why would I take you to your common room," She paused. "When the Astronomy tower is empty." She added with a wink.

"And why would you want us to go there?" James asked hopefully. "So I can push you off and get rid of you for once and for all." She replied which made James take a step away from her.

The two continued to walk up the spiral staircase to the Astronomy tower. "M' lady." James said in a posh accent as he held the door open for the girl. He then let go of the door once she walked through.

Odetta walked over to the bannister, allowing the warm winds blow her dark hair behind her. She scanned the mountains and trees which surrounded the school. Then she leaned on the banister, closing her eyes to focus on the songs of birds coming from the forest.

Suddenly, James had snuck up on her and pretend to push her off the tower which made her spin around to face him. "Such a pranksters Potter." Odetta spoke as she rolled her eyes at the chuckling boy.

James had then rested his hands on the banister, trapping Odetta between the fencing and him. Slowly, he leaned in a placed a gentle kiss on her lips before she pulled away. "This is the final time Potter. Is that understood?" She asked which made the boy nod.

"Good." Odetta replied with a slight smile as she pressed her lips against his, her arms wrapped around his neck as his hands gripped onto her waist. "Remember..this is...the last...time." She said during the breaks were they pulled away for a gasp of air.

"Fully understood." James smirked before kissing her again, resting his hand on her cheeks which travelled up to her hair which he pushed behind her ear.

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