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Odetta stood on the platform, getting ready for her last train ride to Hogwarts

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Odetta stood on the platform, getting ready for her last train ride to Hogwarts. She took in a deep exhale, tears collecting in the corner of her eyes which she quickly wiped away before boarding the Hogwarts Express.

She tired to find a compartment quickly but the corridors were crowded with younger years. Finally, she made it to the end of the train where there were no wandering 3rd years or excited 1st years. But then a messy haired Gryffindor grabbed her hand and pulled her around.

"Odetta I-" James was cut off by Odetta who had clenched her fist, pulled it back, and punched the boy in the nose which made him topple backwards. "I've been wanting to do that ever since you kissed her." The Slytherin hissed as she shook her hand.

Sirius, who was wondering what the commotion was, popped his head out of the compartment to see James hold onto his nose and Odetta storming off.

The four Gryffindors sat in a compartment. Peter was watching the hills roll by, Remus was flicking through a book whilst James held a handkerchief on his bleeding nose. "I think she is mad at you." Peter pointed out which made him tut and stare at him.

"Really?" He asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes at the boy who nodded in response. "I wrote her a letter but she didn't-"

"Wait. You wrote her a letter?" Remus asked as he peered over his book and looked at the messy haired boy. "Yes?" James replied in a questioning tone. "Instead of talking to her?" He asked which James replied with a nod.

"She lives hours away and the Malfoys would probably roast me and eat me for dinner!" James exclaimed which made Remus roll his eyes. "And if you cared you would of taken that risk." Remus said as he lifted the book back up and began to scan it.

"I wouldn't want someone to risk that for me!" James protested. "I understand the female brain James for I am far more intelligent."

Odetta slumped in her seat at the Slytherin during the Sorting Ceremony. She could feel James watching her but she avoid eye contact and stared at the sorting hat at the front of the hall.

Regulus was sat beside her and was glancing between James and Odetta. "Why is Potter watching you?" He asked quietly but somehow Mcgonagall still heard and glared at the boy. "Oh, I forgot to tell you!" She exclaimed sarcastically. "On the last day, I caught Potter kissing Lily and then he wrote me a letter which Malfoy's mother found and used to stop our plan." She answered.

"That's what foiled it! My mother said you touched a muggle." Regulus replied which made her roll her eyes before she sighed and covered her face with her hands.

As Odetta made her way to the Slytherin common room since she was exhausted, James ran after her, calling her name but she refused to stop. "Odetta!" He shouted which made her stop and slowly turn around to face him.

"We need to talk." He said as he quickened his step to catch up to her. "About what? You kissing Evans?" She asked with a clenched jaw as she crossed her arms.

"I promise you. I don't remember anything." He said, trying to convince Odetta. "Did I mean anything to you? Did we mean anything to you?" She asked as tears sprung to her now blood shot eye and her bottom lip begin to tremble.

James put on a sympathetic look as he reached out to hold her hands. "Of you course you-" Odetta snatched her hands away and held them by her shoulder. "Don't touch me." She hissed which made him look down at the floor.

But then he noticed that her sleeve had fell down slightly revealing the tail end of a snake. He then grabbed her hand and pulled up her sleeve, staring in horror at the mark. "Y-your arm." He stuttered, his jaw hanging open.

"You have t-the mark on your arm. Why would you do this?" He asked a she loosened his grip and allow Odetta to pull her arm away. "Because of you!" She exclaimed as a single tear rolled down her cheek and fell of her jaw. "I loved you and you betrayed me! I guess that's my lesson learnt." She ironically chuckled but James glared at her, shaking his head with a clenched jaw.

"I did not do that! You dug your own grave Greengrass." He hissed which cut Odetta deep. She didn't realise how effected she would be of James calling her Greengrass instead of Odetta. "I can't look at you." He added before turning around and walking away, leaving the crying girl in the empty hallway.

Quickly, she grabbed a vase from a nearby table and threw it at the stone wall, between two paintings who shrieked loudly. Odetta watched as the vase shattered before it fixed itself and flew back up to the table by itself.

She then collapsed onto the floor, dropping onto her knees as she gripped onto her dark hair and began to sob more violently until she was choking on her own breath.

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