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That night, when it was ensured that everyone in the house was sleeping soundly, Odetta pushed the cover off her and got up. She cringed at each floorboard which creaked as she stood on whilst getting changed.

Quickly, she packed a small bag before sneaking out the room and down the stairs. She smiled slightly when she passed the spare room, the door creaked open slightly so you could see the peacefully sleeping boy.

She then creeped down the stairs, carefully unlocked the door and stepped out into the garden which was becoming flooded by the rain. She hurried down the path, hoping the sound of the door closing didn't wake then, glancing behind her so she didn't see the huge puddle she ended up in the middle of.

She had no clear idea were she was running to so she took shelter under a muggle bus stop in the town. She slung her soaked bag beside her when she heard it thud. Confused as she had only out clothes in, she unzipped the bag and searched through before hitting something hard.

Carefully, she pulled it out of the bag to realise it was her mother's diary from Hogwarts. "Shit," She whispered, thinking the book would be ruined by the rain but there was no damage done.

But there was a new page which was stuck together and she never noticed.

'88  Faubourg Saint Honoré

She did not recognise the address at all but she felt as if it was the house of her parents since all she knew of then was that they ran to France. Nevertheless, she ripped out the page and folded it up before putting it safely in her pocket. Once her destination was set, she apparated to the nearest train station.

She always had a bit of muggle money on her so she was able to pay for a train to France but she almost missed it. Luckily, she caught it but the train was so packed she was forced next to an old woman who stank of cranberries.

When Odetta reached France, the sun was already rising and it was a lot warmer then the storms of England. The train ride had also given her bag a chance to dry a little bit but she planned on using a spell to speed up the process.

She took out the folded bit of parchment and reread the address before stopping a taxi. As children, most purebloods were taught french and Odetta felt like she could speak it fluently. "88 Faubourg Saint Honoré s'il vous plaît."

It was about an hour until they arrived at the end of the road since it said private property. "Merci." She thanked as she got out and watched them drive away.

She then gazed around at the street surrounding, the dark gothic architecture still looking ominous at day. But she decided not to
continue up the street, instead she went to the nearby pub which she sat at for a few hours. She was sat in the corner of the room, at a wooden table with a wobbling leg and a beer in her hand. At first she asked for a Butterbeer which confused the barman before she realised this was a muggle pub.

The pub was filled with jolly french men singing, holding their cups of beer up to the sky but Odetta was sat still and silent, waiting for the sun to set.

Finally, the sun rolled down the sky and it became a deep purple. "Nous fermons maintenant." The owner told her as the barman swept the floor. Odetta nodded in response and left the pub, her bag swung over her shoulder.

She then began to walk up the street, she took in the smaller houses scattered around. Finally she came across a small manor which she knew was her parents, knowing they were too arrogant to live in on of the smaller houses.

But as she approached the door, an old woman stopped her. "I'd be carful if you knock in that door dear. I few years ago there was shouting and the next day the woman was gone." She whispered which was difficult to hear over the rustle of leaves from the wind but Odetta could understand.

She felt heat course through her veins as she knocked on the door, her hand clenched in a fist. The door then opened and a well dress older man opened the door and looked at her with furrowed eyebrows, unable to identify her. "Is Mr Greengrass here?" She asked.

"Yes, that's me." He replied, tugging on his black waist coat. "Great, tell him his daughter thinks he's a prick." The dark haired girl replied with a fake smile. "Odetta?" He said with a questioning tone but as she walked away, he grabbed her hand to pull her back.

She clenched her fist and spun around, punching his jaw which sent his head upwards before she dug her wand into his neck. "I know what you did to my mother." She spat.

"I didn't do anything!" He replied defensively. "Please, come in and I'll explain." He begged but she scoffed. "Tell me right her before I go to Azkaban for murder." She spat.

He sighed loudly before opening his mouth to speak. "You're mother was a werewolf. She forgot to take her Wolfbane and ended up killing a neighbouring child." He replied as he looked down to avoid eye contact with his daughter.

"She's been locked away but I was able to change the memories of the street." He added. Odetta's mouth fell open slightly in shock and her arm relaxed slightly, her wand no longer digging into his neck.

"So I could of been a werewolf?" Odetta asked as her arm fell to her side. He nodded in reply. "But it was your brother who got it." She froze still, her eyes wide open.

"I had a brother!" She exclaimed which made the man sigh, forgetting she was never told that. "He began to transform when he was 5 and we were terrified so we gave him to an orphanage who said they could care for him." He explained.

"So you just gave up on him! Didn't even tell me I had a brother!" She shouted which scared a black cat which ran from under a bush to another. "Another impressive question," she paused for a moment, "Why the fuck did you leave me on the doorsteps of them twats?"

A silence grew between them and the only thing that could be heard was the call of crickets who hid in the long grass. "When you were 10 both me and your mother worked in the Ministry." He began to explain.

"One night I was working late and your mother was getting extremely stressed from her work so she forgot to take her Wolfbane." He paused for a moment to gather his thoughts. "It was a full moon and that night you must of fell off your bed because you began to cry which your mother heard."

"Your mother had just transformed and when she heard your cries, she snuck into your room and jumped at you." He continued. "Luckily, I had just got back and was able to grab you but you did earn a scar which ran along your lower back."

Odetta then remembered the large scar James had pointed at that one night in the Gryffindor common room. "We both decided it wasn't safe for you so we decided to let you grow up somewhere else. In insisted you lived with a pureblood family but word of your mother's condition had already spread. No one wanted a child of a werewolf as it would bring them disgrace but the Malfoys agreed."

Odetta began to stumble backwards slightly, trying to make sense of it all. 'How come she never remembered any of this?' She asked herself but she looked up at her father.

"How can I believe you?" She asked, her head tilted slight and her eyebrows furrowed. He moved backwards into the hallway, coming back out with a piece of folded parchment.

"It's the address of the orphanage." He said as he handed her it, carefully she opened it to see it was located in Austria.

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