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Odetta and James lay on the couch, the Slytherin's head resting of James's chest which moved up and down with each exhale and inhale he took. The nearby fireplace was lit and crackled which almost sent Odetta to sleep.

James's hands rested on the small of her back as she traced circles on his arm. "Odetta," James called out which made her hum out in reply. "What's this?"

Her shirt had gone up slightly, revealing a white scar which stretched across her back which James ran his finger alone. "What?" She asked with a look of confusion as she tried to peer at her back, almost snapping her neck in the process.

"This scar." He answered as he inspected it. "No clue. Probably from when I jumped off the castle to escape Filch." She replied with a shrug as she put her head back down on his chest.

James was taken back by how dismissive she was about the mark but he shrugged in off before placing a kiss on the top of her head. Then, filling the silence of the common room, she yawned loudly which made him chuckle.

"Do you want to get in my bed?" James asked the girl who was almost asleep. "Is that your invitation for sex?" She asked in reply sleepily. "No! You're about to fall asleep." He exclaimed.

"I'm taking you upstairs." He said before getting up. He attempt to pull her up from the couch by her hand but she refused to move. "My legs don't work!" She complained. James then huff and rolled his eyes before grabbed her waist and carried up the stairs to his dorm.

"Where am I?" James questioned hastily as he snapped his neck side to side to look at the dark room he was stood in. Suddenly, a familiar dark haired girl appeared with another person pressing a wand to her neck. "James! Help!" She called out as tears fell from her eyes and down her red cheeks as Lucius Malfoy smile maliciously.

"What are you doing to do Potter?" He spat evilly. "I'm sorry, I forgot to give you an invitation to our wedding." He added before laughing. "Let her go!" James commanded but Lucius only laughed more.

"You can't do anything." He sneered as he pressed his wand deeper into her neck which made her whince in pain. Lucius then stared James in the eyes coldly before shouting, "Avada Kadavra." which produced a green light before the dark haired girl appeared limp on the floor.

James suddenly shook violently to wake himself up, his face hit and his breathing sped up. He then let out a sigh of relief when he looked down to see Odetta sleeping soundly beside him.

"Are you awake?" James asked the girl. She the violently flipped over so she was facing the boy. "Bitch, the fuck you want?" Odetta asked with a hoarse and tired voice which made him chuckle. "Sorry." He replied before she fell back and he pressed a kiss on her temple before carefully reaching for her arm and gently lifting it up so he could stare at the mark.

"James. Stop." She said as she pulled her arm away and hid it under the covers as she turned onto her side so her back was to him. He then let out a small sigh before putting his head back down on his pillow and closing his eyes.

But it took Odetta longer to fall asleep again as she stayed still, her eyes still open as she looked down at her arm.

It was now Halloween. The candles which once floated around the rooms had been replaced by jack o'lanterns and behind the Professor table was a giant pumpkin which Hagrid had been growing all year.

It was also Odetta's 18th birthday which was a thing she liked to brag about it to James. However there was no sight of Odetta in the hall. "Where's the birthday girl?" Marlene asked James as she leaned in so she could hear his answer since the hall was so loud.

"I don't actually know." The messy haired boy replied as he rechecked the Slytherin table for the girl. "Who cares? Sirius asked with a shrug as he lifted a forkful of pumpkin pie into his mouth. In reply, Remus glared at him and hit the side of his arms lightly.

"She's his," The tall big the paused, not knowing what word to use to describe them. "Lady friend?" He said in a questioning tone, staring at James with furrowed eyebrows and squinted eyes. "No! That makes me sound creepy!" James exclaimed.

Odetta was lying under several blankets in her bed, surrounded by used tissues. Her nose was bright red and she was constantly sneezing. Just then, the door handle began to turn and open. "If you want to live, don't come in!" She shouted hoarsely, as her throat was scratchy and sore.

Nevertheless, the door opened and a messy haired boy peered into the dorm. "James? How did you get in?" Odetta asked as she sat herself up and he carefully closed the door again. "Merlin! You look like hell!" James exclaimed when he saw the sick girl. "Why thank you." She replied sarcastically which made him chuckle.

"Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" He asked as he sat down at the end of her bed. He then jumped slightly when she sneezed loudly into her hands before wearing a face of disgust which made him tut. "This is why we use tissues." He spoke as he leaned over and handed her a tissue.

"I'm not sick. I'm just... tired." She argued sickly which made James stare at her with disbelief. "Sure, sure. I'm taking you to my dorm." He said as he got up and held out his hands to pull her out of bed. "No! I don't want you to catch this." She exclaimed as she pulled a blanket over her face.

"Stop it now. Now get up." James ordered which made her huff and reluctantly get out of bed, a blanket still wrapped around her. "Put your arm around my-" James stopped when he saw she had fallen asleep, her head leaning against his arm. "Or just fall asleep on me, that works too."

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