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Odetta sat on Regulus's bed as she picked at her fingers impatiently, watching for the boy to return

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Odetta sat on Regulus's bed as she picked at her fingers impatiently, watching for the boy to return. Finally he did and he had a hopeful look on his face. "So?" Odetta asked, watching the boy nod in reply.

The two walked down the stairs together, hearing the Blacks and Malfoys argue in the kitchen. They both let out a deep breath as they looked at each other before walking into room where they all looked at him.

"Our son is marrying her. We have raised her for that one reason." Abraxas spat as he violently pointed at the dark haired girl. "The Malfoy name is dying and you need someone to marry your rat of a son." Orion spat in reply.

"The Greengrass are far to respectable to marry a Malfoy." Walburga added as she held onto her husband's arm. "Let's leave." Abraxas said a she glared at then before grabbing his son's and wife's arm and dragging them out the room. "Ungrateful brat." He spat at Odetta as they passed.

Walburga then walked passed the two out to the entrance hall. "Well, are you following?" She asked which Odetta replied with a nod before hurrying after the woman up the stairs into a spate bedroom.

She then lifted up her chin with her boney finger so she could inspect her face. "A few imperfections but nothing major." She muttered which made her scoff.

"Let us hope you do not have an attitude of your mother." Walburga said which made her swirl her tongue around her mouth in annoyance but put on a fake smile.

"Try this on." Walburga said as she put a black corset around her stomach and began to do it up, leaving no time for Odetta to reply. She bit on her bottom lip to hold herself back from shouting at the thin woman who was pulling the strings tighter and tighter until she cousins barley breath.

"Is she too breath mother?" Regulus asked as he walked into the doorway, looking at the red faced girl. "I could fit into a corset even smaller at her age." Walburga replied, finally letting go of the strings and taking a step back.

"Very good girl." She said with a slight grin and a nod of her head before she undid the strings and took the corset off which made Odetta take in a huge gasp of air. "Now hurry along to the gardens whilst me and your father discuss the wedding." She said as looked at her son.

"Yes mother." Regulus replied with a slight nod before taking Odetta's arm and walking out to the gardens of the house. "You're such a goody goody with your mother." Odetta said with a smirk.

Back in the Potter house, Remus had came over which made Sirius jump around like an excited puppy. The couple were at beside each other on the sofa, watching by the television whilst James lay in the arm chair sulking.

"I need some coffee." Sirius complained as he threw his head back which hit Remus's shoulder. "Here's mine." The tall boy replied as he handed his boyfriend his mug. "I need some food."

"Here's mine." Remus replied again as he gave the boy a slice of toast. "I need a sweater." Sirius said with a smirk before dramatically shivering. "Here's mine." Remus said as he pulled his wool jumper off and handed it to Sirius who watched him in awe.

"I need some chocolate." Sirius announced as he stared at the bar of chocolateon the arm of the chair. "Fuck off." Remus replied. Sirius then sat back and began to sulk until he saw James who was still sitting quietly.

"What's wrong Prongs?" He asked as he got up and leaned on the chair the boy sat on. "I kissed Lily," He paused. "But I was dating Odetta." He added as he still looked down.

"You were dating Greengrass! Evil, bitchy Greengrass!" Sirius exclaimed which made Remus roll his eyes. "She is actually really nice." Remus spat as he glared at his boyfriend.

"You knew!" Sirius exclaimed with wide eyes. "Of course I did. I am a trusting person." Remus replied calmly as he picked up a nearby book which he began to flick through.

"Boys, could you take your shouting outside so that I can make Sunday dinner in peace?" Euphemia asked with a warm grin, her dark hair tied up and a blue apron tied around her waist.

"Sorry Mia." Remus apologised as he got up and headed to the back door. "Sorry mum." James said as he passed his mother. "Sorry mum." Sirius apologised, placing a kiss on her cheek as he passed her.

"Dinner will be ready at 5!" She called out to the boys who were running out the house and towards the Quidditch pitch in the garden.

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