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Finally, Odetta finished packing her suitcase before throwing her coat around her and leaving the common room. She noticed Snape staring at her again as she passed him in the hallway. "What you staring at greasy boy?" She asked with a raised eyebrow which made him look away. "Maybe keep you massive nose out of other people's business." She spat before continuing down the hallway.

As she passed the Great Hall she noticed the four boys sitting at one of the empty tables, James and Sirius playing a game of wizard chess which Sirius still didn't really understand after playing it for years. "Good morning Peter." Odetta greeted when the short boy was the only one who noticed her walking over which made his face go red and Odetta snicker.

She then noticed it was Sirius's turn and he was struggling with his move so Odetta moved forward one of the pieces which started to move and hit James's piece, sending the pieces all across the table. "Why are you siding?" James asked with wide eyes.

"Sirius looked like he was struggling." The Slytherin replied with a shrug as she swung her legs under the table and sat next to the dark haired boy. "I could of done it myself!" He exclaimed defensively.

"Sure you could love, now to the train." Remus said as he kissed Sirius's temple and got up. "I agree. Come one Remus. The intelligent ones will lead the way." Odetta said as she linked arms with the tall boy which was difficult because he was so much taller.

"Ha!" James laughed ironically which made her snap her head in his direction and glare at him with squinted eyes.

Odetta stood beside James on the steam filled platform, waiting to get one the train. Meanwhile, she scanned the area for Regulus but let out a sigh as she watched him board the train with Snape and the other pure bloods they hung out with.

James was then able to drag Odetta through the crowd, almost pulling her arm off in the process.

The Hogwarts Express finally came to a hault as smoke filled the busy platform. Odetta then remembered that the Malfoys would be waiting for her as she felt as if she could already feel their judgemental glares. As Sirius, Remus and Peter excitedly hurried out the train, Odetta sighed loudly to try calm herself down. James ,who was about to leave to carriage, noticed and sat back down beside her.

"What's up?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around her waist and allowed her to rest her head on his shoulder. "They'll be out there." She replied. "I doesn't matter. I'll be with you." James answered supportingly as he pressed a kiss on her temple.

Odetta then reluctantly got up and, with James's arm wrapped around her, left the train. Her blue eyes darted the platform for the blonde family and soon enough she saw them, a look of outrage on their faces. "Shit," She muttered as she watched an angry Abraxas stomp over.

"This is outrageous!" He bellowed, making the platform going silent and stare at them, parents ushering their young children off the platform. "You are marrying my son and you're dating some blood-traitor!" He spat as he glared at the messy haired boy who was getting more and more wound up, his fist clenching.

Then an older man appeared which Odetta guessed was James's father, based on their similar appearances. "What is the problem here?" He asked as he peered down at Abraxas through his silver glasses.

"This brat is going to marry my son yet she seems to have your son's arm around her." Abraxas continued the spit as he pointed his finger at the two. Just then, an older woman appeared who wore a warm grin, carefully placing her hands on their backs and guiding them towards Sirius.

Odetta looked over her shoulder to see the two men still bickering until James's father became red in the face. Just then, he stormed back to the four and began to usher them away from the glaring Malfoys. "We're going home." He said through gritted teeth, his hands on their shoulders.

Then they all apparated, since they were all over 17 and had passed the test. James held tightly onto Odetta's hand as they did so.

Then they stopped and appeared in front of a massive manor which the three basically ran into but Odetta looked shock. "What?" James asked with a slight chuckle. "I expected you live in a bin based on your hair." She teased before following the others, messing up his hair even more as she passed.

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