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After her conversation with Narcissa, Odetta put it upon herself to find James and tell her how she felt

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After her conversation with Narcissa, Odetta put it upon herself to find James and tell her how she felt. But as she got up the steps and was hurrying through the hallways, she overheard the Gang of Slytherins bullying the same Hufflepuff who she defended in Divination.

"God Odetta, sometimes I wish that you were a massive cunt." She muttered under her breath before following the voices to find Evan Rosier, Lucius Malfoy and Severus Snape surrounding the timid Hufflepuff.

"Do you have no talents or is being an annoying cunt your only one?" Odetta asked the three boys and she leaned on a nearby wall with an eyebrow raised. "Look who chose to show up." Lucius said as he made him way over. "My future wife." He added smugly.

Odetta kicked his knee which made him topple down in pain, allowing her to grab his tie and pull his ear closer. "I will never marry you." She spat before throwing the boy backward. "Unluckily, you have no chose." He snickered which made the other Slytherins laugh.

"No one wanted you so my parents took it upon themselves to care for you ,no matter how bratty you were, so we could marry." Lucius explained as he began to circle the girl.

"Because they knew no one would consensually marry you." She spat as she followed the boy with her ocean blue eyes. "But sadly you will be alone because I'm not going back to the pisshole." She added with a raised eyebrow.

"The Potter residents I suspect." Lucius said, continuing to circle the girl with his hands in his pockets. "You can try as much as you want. You are worth nothing without a husband in this world." He spat as he walked up behind her and whispered in her ear.

Odetta clenched her fist as the boy talked, but when's he felt his breath on her neck she swung. She did not get the sense of comfort like she did when James breathed down her neck, she was certain Lucius's breath set off her gag reflex.

She ended up punching the boy in the nose which made him topple backward as he held onto it, his eyes also watering making his vision blurry so he couldn't see her fist until it has pressed against his cheek.

This punch made his head snap the opposite direction and fall onto the stone floor. His head falling by a pair of black, polished shoes. "Dentition Miss Greengrass for the rest of the day." Mcgonagall ordered sternly which made her huff.

But as she passed her, she held out her wrinkly hand and held something out. With furrowed eyebrows, Odetta looked down to see a familiar looking diary. "Just a simple drying spell." She muttered making the girl nod before accepting the book and continuing on her way.

As McGonagall ordered, Odetta spent the rest of the last day of school in dentition, stuck polishing the many trophies. Every time she thought she was done, she was ordered the re-polish them.

She would spent a little bit longer cleaning the Quidditch trophies with James's name on, often smiling slightly into the golden award. When she was finally released from the small, crammed room, dinner was over.

However she was starving, her stomach had been rumbling for over an hour before her detention was over. So the first thing she did was make her way to the Hogwarts kitchen which was a couple corridors away.

Odetta basically ran to the kitchen door once it was in sight. She expected it to be empty however their was a ginger girl who was carefully sipping on a cup of tea.

"Shouldn't you be in bed Prefect Evans?" Odetta asked with a snicker as she sat down by a counter. "Is there any of today's dinner left?" The Slytherin asked an elf who was passing with a stack of plates in their arms.

They nodded and pointed over at some untouched silver plates of food which she hurried over to. "I can't stand him. Potter wrote me a love letter." Lily complained which made Odetta's eyes widen.

"What did it say?" She asked, tapping on the floor impatiently as the girl took another sip before continuing. "It wasn't fully done but I could recognise the scruffy handwriting as Potter's."

"What did you do with it?" Odetta asked with a slightly long titled head. "I threw it out the window. But I'm just sick of it. Like can he leave me alone?" Lily exclaimed which made Odetta sigh as she looked down.

"She says that but she actually loves it." The looked over to see a smirking blonde Gryffindor leaning on the doorframe. "No I don't!" Lily protested but Marlene didn't believe her and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Fine. He has... nice skin." Lily answered which made them look at her with furrowed eyebrows. Odetta, who had been eating her food quickly to leave the room, put her empty plate into the sink and headed back to her room.

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