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Odetta yawned loudly which made Lily roll her eyes and pull the girl up

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Odetta yawned loudly which made Lily roll her eyes and pull the girl up. "Where's my shirt?" She asked as she pushed hair out her face. Her eyes were constantly squinting and her voice was raspy, probably from shouting so much the night before.

"You threw up all over it. Do you not remember?" Lily asked with furrowed brows, Odetta shook her head in response. "Hope you're ready for class." Lily said with a wide smile and she turned around.

Odetta let out a loud huff, completely forgetting that there were lessons the next day. She rubbed her eyes once more and turned around to fold up the blanket she was sleeping under.

Her eyes then glanced over at James who didn't really look her in the eyes. "You look extremely guilty." Odetta said with a smirk as she sat on the arm of the couch.

James smiled and shook his head as he made his way down the stairs, moving to stand by the girl. "I'm sorry about last night. You were drunk and-" James's whispering was cut off by Odetta who furrowed her eyebrows.

"What happened last night?" She asked, in response James furrowed his brows and look at her with disbelieve that she forgot. "We kissed!" He exclaimed, instantly covering his mouth when he realised how loud he spoke.

"I don't remember at all James." Odetta replied honestly with a slight face of concern. "Does this not remind you?" He asked but before she could reply he pull her closer and pressed his lips against hers, drawing small circles on her cheek with his thumb.

Finally he pulled away with a hopeful look. "Nothing." She replied monotonously. "But thanks for the kiss." She added with a shrug as she got up and left the common room for her dormitory to get changed.

Whilst walking back to her dormitory, she furrowed her eyebrows in thought, trying to remember her and James kissing the night before. Once she got to the common room door,  she went straight to her dormitory.

Her head was spinning as she made her way to the bathroom, throwing water in her face. She leaned on the sink as she looked up into the mirror, inspecting her blood shot eyes.

Afterwards, she got changed and brushed through her messy dark hair. She attempted to do her make up to not look so dead inside and hungover but wether it worked was unclear.

"Odetta! Hurry up!" Regulus should through the door after knocking. Odetta rolled her eyes as she walked over to the door and swung it open. "It takes time to look this good." Odetta replied arrogantly which made him look at her with an unimpressed look.

A mischievous smirk grew on her face when she noticed Severus Snape flicking through a potion book. "It takes time to take a shower." Odetta announced loudly and slowly to make sure the greasy haired boy heard, making him growl slightly under his breath.

Regulus and Odetta sat beside each other in the Great Hall, bickering about the function of the rubber duck. Odetta was too focused on the full English in front of her but Regulus noticed a messy haired boy staring at her.

"Why is Potter staring at you?" Regulus asked which made her hum and look up at the Gryffindor table. "Probably realised how sexy I am." Odetta shrugged before looking back down at her plate.

Regulus squinted his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows in suspicion. James finally realised Regulus was staring at him so he quickly turned his gaze to Sirius who had orange justice coming out his nose.

"Don't let me go into that hell hole." Odetta whined as her and Regulus walked closer to the Potions classroom. "Quit being such dramatic." Regulus said as he rolled his eyes before pushing the girls shoulder into the classroom.

She let out a loud sigh as she hunched over and made her way to her chair. "I see you're very excited for this lesson Miss Greengrass." Slughorn said as the Slytherin passed.

"I'm overwhelmed with excitement." Odetta replied sarcastically which made the Professor shake his head as she collapsed in her chair. The Professor scanned the room before beginning. Odetta noticed that James's seat was empty however Remus, Sirius and Peter were in the seats surrounding.

"Does anyone know what these potions are?" He asked with a warm smile as he stood in front of a desk with three brewing potions. Finally was a small vile of a clear colour.

Lily Evans hand went straight up, waving it around so the Professor would pick her which he did. "Draught of Living Death, Amortentia and," The red head paused, not knowing what potion was in the small vile. The Professor waited a while but the girl didn't know the answer.

"Felix Felicis." All the students turned to the back of the classroom to look at the Slytherin girl who answered the question. Her legs were up on the empty stool beside her and drummed her quill on her desk. "And how do you know that Miss Greengrass?" Slughorn asked.

Odetta glanced up, catching Lily scowl at her slightly which made her smirk. "The gold colour gave it away." She answered which made the Professor nod.

"That is correct Miss Greengrass. However we will be focusing on the Amortentia."

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