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Odetta sat at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall, her legs up on the bench opposite her as she ate her breakfast when a messy haired boy approached her

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Odetta sat at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall, her legs up on the bench opposite her as she ate her breakfast when a messy haired boy approached her. "Morning." He said with a smirk as he pushed her feet aside and perched on the edge of the bench. "Since the schools year's coming to an end, Sirius is having a party tonight and I'm asking if you want to come?" James asked.

Odetta hummed and looked around in thought. "Would Sirius like me to be there?" She asked which was return with a shake of his head. "Then I'll go." She replied with a smirk which made him roll his eyes but chuckled before pushing himself up and going to the Gryffindor table.

Odetta stood in front of her mirror which hung above her dresser, brushing her dark hair before fiddling with the black silk dress she wore. She then picked up a bottle of rose perfume and sprayed her wrists before rubbing them on her neck. There was then a knock at the door as she put in her silver earrings.

It then pushed open and Regulus popped his head through the gap. "So I was correct." He chuckled as he walked in and jumped onto the bed, Odetta watching him in the mirror with furrowed eyebrows.

"I'd heard about Sirius party and knew you'd be going." He added when he noticed the girls confusion. "Didn't know you could see into the future." She replied as she straightened out the dress with lace trim and sat down next to him, putting on her black boots.

"Have fun then." Regulus said as he got up but he stopped at the door which he held onto. "And don't get too drunk." He chuckled which made her roll her eyes as he gently closed the door.

Odetta could hear the blasting music coming from behind the portrait as she turned the corner to the Gryffindor common room. There was a couple students standing outside, cups already in her hands. "Not another one." The Fat Lady complained as she approached the entrance.

Once the portrait swung open, she stepped in to see the common room was a mess. Streamers were hanging from the ceiling and cups were scattered everywhere. There was an occasional first year who would peered out from their dorm to look and some younger years snuck out for a drink.

"Odetta! Glad you could-" Remus paused to burp loudly. "Come." He finished his welcome as James noticed the girl and walked over. "Who let Remus get drunk?" Odetta asked with a chuckle as the boy pushed everything off the table and climbed up to dance on it.

"Just a warning, don't insult him because he will destroy." He tried to whisper however the music was so loud he basically had to shout. She nodded in response before a loud shout made them look up at Sirius, who was dressed up as a fairy and was being swung around by a rope which was tied to the chandelier in the room.

"Do a flip!" She shouted at the boy, her hands cupped around her mouth so her voice traveled to the floating boy. Sirius nodded and attempted to do a back flip before Remus ,who was the only one tall enough to reach him, began to swing him.

"Oi! Get back to bed!" Lily ordered as she hit away the hand of a 3rd year who was attempting to take a bottle of beer. The boy then hurried up the steps which made Odetta chuckle as she wandered over. "Pass us one." She ordered as the blonde girl beside her threw her a bottle.

Odetta then rested the neck of the bottle on the edge of the table and hit it down, making the cap fly off into another kids drink. She lifted the bottle to her lips as she moved slightly to the music.

"How the fuck is your goody-too-shoes ass not stopping this?" Odetta asked Lily before taking another sip. "Trust me, I tried once before and no one else talked to me for over a month." The red head replied with her arms crossed.

Odetta had continued to drink the beer Marlene handed her which soon turned into shots. Now the room was spinning around her and she seemed to see two of everything. "Odetta, are you okay?" James asked as he held onto each side of her arms to support.

"Why hello J-James. I don't know which ones of you I should talk to." She laughed which made the boy grow concerned. "Do you want some water?" He asked but she shook her head. "Water is for pussies!" She sang as she jumped onto a nearby table. "What I need is vodka!" She added as she swayed her hands in the air.

Suddenly, a nearby glass floated into the air and smashed into the table with a loud crash. This made the drunk Slytherin jump and slip on a puddle of beer which had been split earlier. It was unclear who made the glass levitate as it was so crowded but it made Odetta slip and fall off the table.

She began to fall straight towards James whose arms were open to catch her however he was pushed out the way by another drunk student meaning the girl fell flat on her face. "Crap!" James exclaimed as he helped the girl get up.

She lifted up her head, luckily there was no marks which made him let out a sigh of relief before helping her up. "Come on, you can rest in my dorm." James said as he walked with her up the steps to his room.

However when they approached the door, James heard some unholy sounds from behind the door which made him instantly back away. "Not in there." He sang as he turned around but as he did, Odetta slipped down the steps. "You're a mess." He sighed to himself as he hurried down the steps and decided to lift the stumbling girl over his shoulder and carry her back to the Slytherin common room.

But as the approached the courtyard, James thought it would be good to let her get some fresh air so he set her down on a crumbling wall. James then noticed goosebumps appear on her arms and watched her shake slightly in the night air.

He pulled his hoodie over his head and offered her it but she refused. "I'm not cold. You keep it." She replied as she pushed the hoodie away. "You're shivering!" James exclaimed which made her sigh in defeat before snatching it off of him and pulling it over herself.

Odetta then threw herself off the wall and into James's arms, pushing her lips against his. Their head tilted in opposite directions as they pulled each other close together, desperate for one another. As their hot foreheads pushed against each other, James gripped onto her waist whilst she ran her fingers through his messy hair. "Odetta, I know this didn't go well the first time but will you go out with me?" James asked when they pulled away to catch their breath again.

"I'm too drunk to care right now so yes." She replied as she tried to kiss him again but James pulled back. "I don't want it to just be a drunk thing." He muttered, watching as her eyes traveled from his lips to his eyes. "I can be sober!" She protested.

She then brushed her hair from her face and took in a deep breath. "I am completely sober." She then proceed to touch her nose with her left and right fingers which made James chuckle.

She then placed both hands on each side of his face. "For you to call me your girlfriend should be a great honour for you." She smirked which made him roll his eyes but smirk as she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in.

Suddenly, some began to laugh maniacally which made them push each other away and snap their heads in that direction.

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