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The next morning, Odetta woke up to find James laying on his side, facing her though he was still fast asleep. She stayed still to not wake him up as she watched his eyelids flicker as he slowly woke up. He groaned as he fill opened his eyes and stretched which made her chuckle. "Morning love." He said in a raspy voice as he kissed her forehead and pulled his cover off of him.

"You were cute last night." Odetta said as she moved to James's side and put her hands under her head, watching him get changed into his clothes from yesterday. "It was not cute. It was scary." He argues sleepily, pulling his shirt over his head. "Whatever you say pretty boy." She teased as she got up and put her arms around his neck, pushing herself up onto her tip toes so their eyes met.

"So you think I'm pretty?" He asked with a smirk as he placed his hands on each side of her hips. "Not as pretty as me." She replied, a smug smirk painted on her face as James wore a face of offence.

Odetta was now sat downstairs at the dining table. The dining room was a lot different from the one at Malfoy Manor. Instead of it being so long that they were forced to sit seats away form each other, the table only had 6 seats so they were all sat near each other and the room had a different atmosphere. It was warm, welcoming and it wasn't full of melancholy darkness but laughter.

Odetta was sat up straight, looking rather awkward and she sat opposite James's parents. "Do you like your breakfast?" Euphemia asked with a smile, watching Odetta silently eat the eggs she made her. "Yes, it's delicious. Thank you." She thanked awkwardly which made James, who was washing his plate in the kitchen which was connected by an archway, snicker.

"Do you have any food which is your favourite? Like something your parents made you." The older woman asked, sensing the girls reluctancy. "I quite like spaghetti." Odetta replied which made Euphemia hum and nod. "We must make it ok night." Fleamont said.

"What about your parents? What do they do?" Euphemia asked. "Oh no. That's okay." James said quickly as he hurried in the dining room, a towel tucked into his trousers. "It's fine. Really." Odetta said before sighing which made James's parents wear a look of confusion.

"I don't really know them. They left me at the doorsteps of the Malfoys's when I was 10." She answered made a look of sympathy appear on the faces. "Why would they do that? You're a lovely girl." James's mum said in a reassuring voice.

"Because they're pricks-" She froze, covering her mouth when she realised she just swore. "I'm really sorry." She apologised but Euphemia only got up from her hair and placed her hands on Odetta's shoulders. "It's okay honey. I would describe them the same way."

That same day, around 6pm when the sun was  just beginning to set, there was a knock at the door. "James, darling. Can you get it?" Euphemia called out from the study which had the door wide open. That was another thing which was noticeable in the Potter house. They didn't close any door, like they had no secrets to hide or they didn't care about heating.

Odetta and James were sat together in the living room, her legs up on his lap. Sirius was upstairs with Remus who had shown up earlier that day and the two warned James's parents to not go upstairs if they don't want to be traumatised.

James huffed loudly which made Odetta chuckle. "I'll get it." She said as she threw herself up and opened the front door to reveal Lucius and Abraxas Malfoy. "You're coming home to marry Lucius." Abraxas ordered sternly but Odetta only smirked and leaned on the doorway.

"Home? This place is more of a home in the past days then that hell hole." She replied which made him clench his fist. "We raised you for this." He spat. "To day I was a child and could be easily manipulated, you failed miserably." She laughed.

"You ungrateful brat." Lucius hissed through gritted teeth. "Don't talk to my daughter like that." Euphemia ordered as she appeared behind her, overhearing the commotion which was happening. Odetta had never heard someone call her their 'daughter' so proudly before which made her smile.

"We're not talking to you fat bitch." Lucius spat with a smug look. Odetta froze and looked at the blonde boy blankly, biting her bottom lip and clenching her fist. She then jumped forward and punched the boy in the nose, making him topple backwards as he held onto his nose. "What did you do to my son?" Abraxas exclaimed.

"I punched him you dumb fuck. I'm sure no one did it to you because they'd probably catch a disease." Odetta reply manifestly which made him clench his jaw. He then grabbed his son who was almost in tears, and apparated.

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