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After her and Peter's conversation about plants, James was scowling with his arms crossed and Remus was ignoring them with a book in his hands

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After her and Peter's conversation about plants, James was scowling with his arms crossed and Remus was ignoring them with a book in his hands. But then Odetta yawned loudly, covering her mouth with her hand before checking for plants and getting up.

"I think I should go back now." She announced as she started to take Remus's jumper off of her. "You don't have to." Remus said from behind his book. "You'll get caught and I would give you my invisibility cloak but I can't find it right now." James added, his comment making Odetta bit her bottom to hide her smile.

"One of the downsides of it being invisible then." Odetta chuckled which made James nod. "You could sleep on the couch." Remus offered which Sirius must of heard because a loud huff came from that room which made Odetta chuckle.

"No really, it's fine." She said. "Stop being so stubborn and let us help you. We're being nice to you." James said which made her roll her eyes before sighing and collapsing back onto the couch.

James woke up the next morning and rubbed his eyes but to his surprise he couldn't sit up because someone was lying on his arm. He glanced over to see Odetta sleeping soundly beside him, her dark hair covering her face which made him jump and her suddenly wake up.

She slowly opened her eyes before realising who she was beside and jolted up. "Shit! I knew I had a thing for sleep walking but I didn't know I'd get in bed with you." Odetta spoke quickly as her face became red with embarrassment.

James's cheeks were also bright crimson as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh no, it's fine." He said but the girl shook her head. "No it's isn't. I should go but thank you for letting me sleep here- and by that I mean the couch not your bed." She said as she backed away to the door, walking into the door and the handle stabbing into her back.

Then suddenly she spun around and hurried out the room, leaving James flustered in his bed. He looked around to see if anyone else had seen that but all the other boys were asleep and were snoring softly.

She hurried back into the Slytherin common room when she walked into Regulus who had woke up early for Quidditch practice. "You're in a hurry." He chuckled before furrowing his eyebrows. "Why are you not asleep?" He asked.

Odetta wanted to just hide under her covers and not let anyone see her again she replied sharply. "Didn't know you were Head Boy." She replied snarkily before walking around him and rushing to her room.

"That did not just happen." She repeated as she leaned on the cold glass and sliding down it until she was sat on the floor. She tied her hair up since she became really warm before deciding she would get a cold shower to cool herself down.

She stepped into the cold shower, letting out a small squeal as the cold water hit her face but after a while she got use to it. She pushed the water from her face and once she realised she was almost late for breakfast, she dried herself off and rushed out.

She sat down at the Slytherin table and began to get herself a bowl of cereal, but before she started to eat she was trying to balance her spoon off of her nose which was failing miserably.

"Breath on it first so it'll stick easier." Evan Rosier suggest as he leaned closer to her so she would hear him in the noisy hall. She then breathed on the spoon and tried once more to balance it on her nose and it worked.

She began to celebratory dance which made the Slytherin boy chuckle slightly before her stomach rumbled. She then wiped off her spoon with her shirt and began to lift a spoonful of her cereal up to her mouth when she met eyes with a messy haired boy at the other side of the hall.

She quickly moved her eyes from James to the table, inspecting the small lines in the wood as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

James let out a small sigh when Odetta began to stare at the table which made Remus furrow his brows and turn to look at the Slytherin girl. "Why do you look so depressed?" He asked which made James look at him.

"I'm not. Just- well- it's-" He continued to interrupted himself. "Odetta sleepwalked into my bed last night." He whispered as he leaned for, Sirius snapped his head and looked at him with wide eyes.

"What if that was just an excuse and she really wanted to share a bed with you?" Sirius asked which made Remus roll his eyes and put a piece of toast on Sirius's plate so he would focus on eating it.

"That's awkward. I remember when Sirius crawled into my bed one night." Remus replied. "But you're dating!" James exclaimed which caught the attention of a couple people, including Odetta who glanced up for a moment.

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