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James had thrown his coat around Odetta, his arm around her as they walked up the path to the door of the Potter house. The door flew open and Euphemia held her arms out, hugging the two tightly.

She then pulled back and a sudden wave of anger washed over her, her eyebrows instantly furrowing. "What were you thinking? Never do that again!" She exclaimed as she hit James's arm lightly which made him jump.

She then wrapped her arms around them again,  her head between the couple's. "You two scared me." She whispered warmly.

That night, Odetta sat up in the bed with the blanket covering her legs. James then walked in with a cup of tea which he handed her as he walked to the other side and got under the covers.

Odetta blew on the tea to cool it down, the steam burning her skin slightly. She then put the cup on the windowsill behind the bed and looked beside her at James. His hands were under his head and a strand of his messy hair had fallen into his eye.

She chuckled slightly as he attempt to blow it out of his face before she moved it out the way, her fingers running across his forehead which made him shudder. James still has his glasses on so she carefully pulled them off his face and put them on the bedside.

Finally, she lay down facing the boy. He stretched out his hand and pushed her dark hair behind her ear before pressing a gentle kiss  on her forehead. "Odetta," He called out softly which made her hum in response as she began to fall asleep.

"I love you." James added which made her nod. "I love you too." She replied sleepily, her eyes still closed. "No, I don't think you understand how much I love you." James said with a slight chuckle.

Her droopy eyes finally opened to look at him. She watched him take her hands into his. "I'm about to cry James." She warned him which made him chuckle before she began to sob loudly into his chest.

It was now mid September and Odetta, James, Remus and Sirius were sat in the living room of the Potter Manor, waiting for their results to be delivered. Finally, they heard the squawk of an owl flying towards the open window which allowed the autumn air to fill up the room.

James jumped out and carefully took the letters which the owl was carrying in it beak. They all cling onto the edge of their seat impatiently as he flicked through each letter. "Moony," He said to himself as he handed him the letter.

"Pads," He called out again. "And Odetta." He added, handing her an envelope with a ruby red wax seal. "On the count of 3?" Remus asked which made them all nod. "1...2..."

"3!" Sissy shouted, impatiently tearing off the envelope and unfolding the parchment inside. The others snickered at him slightly as they unfolded theirs. "I got mostly Os." Remus announced.

"I only got one O but the rest are Es." Odetta said which made James smile proudly, putting his arm around her. "Can you read out mine?" He asked which made her nod and take the paper off of him.

"You failed." She said monotonously after scanning the page for a moment. James's eyes widened and he look like he was about to sadly die before she began to laugh. "I'm kidding. You passed." She said as she handed back the parchment for him to check.

Just then, Euphemia walked in with a chocolate cake in her hands which she placed on the coffee table. "To celebrate." She explained, with a flick of her wand the pieces cut into to perfect slices. "Thanks Mia." Odetta thanked as she leant forward and ground a slice, her hand under the cake to catch any crumbs.

The next week, Odetta watched James go to the Order meetings and felt extremely lazy. She was unable to think of exactly what she wanted to do and she often complained about it to Remus.

James worked all night often and wouldn't get back until the early morning. One morning ,when the sun was beginning to rise, Odetta was sat in the living room waiting for him. She gently blew on her cup of tea to cool it down because taking a sip, flinching slightly when it burnt her lip.

Then, filling the tranquil silence of the morning, the letterbox opened and a newspaper was pushed through. So Odetta got up and picked it up, unfolding and scanning the first page.

'7 more muggle families murdered by the Dark Lord and his followers'

Odetta slowly turned her arm, looking down at her dark mark which's good out against her pale skin tone. Just then, the door handle turned and James stepped in, taken back by the girl standing there.

"What are you doing up?" He asked as he threw his coat off. He was obviously exhausted by his drooping eyelids. "I wanted to be awake when you got in," She answered.

"Now go to bed." She added with a gentle whisper as she placed a kiss on his cheek. "Only if you join me," He replied with a smirk but she shook her head. "You need sleep and I snore loudly." She replied which made him tut. "It's cute." He said as he wrapped his arms around her. "So is not being exhausted." She replied which made him huff before heading up the stairs.

Odetta smiled as she watched him, but it disappeared when he came out of view. She then looked back down at the newspaper before picking up the phone and dialling Remus' number.

"What do you want?" A husky voice answered. It was difficult but she could tell it was Remus. "You need to get here now." She ordered which made him scoff. "It's stupid o'clock. I'm not getting up." He replied.

"You will Remus Lupin or you will regret it." She threatened through gritted teeth. "Fine, fine!" He exclaimed before he ended the call.

After a few minutes, a tired boy stood in the doorway, glaring at her as if plotting her death. "What?" He asked snappily, the same deep husk voice that picked up the phone. "I want to help you. Help the Order." She began.

"I look at the Daily Prophet and everything the Dark Lord has done and I want to help." Remus looked at, attempting to stay awake. "So what do you want to do?" Remus asked as he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Well, it would be confusing that someone with a Dark Mark is fighting Death Eaters," She paused. "So I can be were I fit in, I can spy on him. Go to all the meetings." She began to explained.

"Absolutely not! That's extremely dangerous!" Remus explained, his voice breaking from the sudden volume changed. "But everything you do is almost as dangerous!" She argued back.

"There'a a group of us, not just one. If he finds out he will kill you." He began to argue, the look of exhaustion gone from his face as he looked down at her. "I don't care Remus. I want to try get rid of this thing. I know I never physically will but if my reputation and actions do, that's just as good." She replied with a soft sigh.

"If you really want to, I'll talk to Dumbledore." Remus replied. "Now will you let me go back to sleep?" He asked which made her nod, watching him apparat away.

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