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"Well this is interesting

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"Well this is interesting." Lucius Malfoy chuckled with a smug look on his face after finishing his Head Boy duties. He stood into the doorway on the opposite side of the stone wall. "For one time can you not be a little bitch and tell no one?" Odetta asked the Slytherin boy.

"Are you begging?" He asked as the girl as she jumped over the wall and walked towards the boy. She scoffed at his comment. "I would never beg to you." She spat as she glared at him.

"You will when we are married." Lucius replied. Odetta's eyes widened as she glanced between the older Slytherin and James. "Did you really think we kept you around because we liked you?" He sneered as he made his way over to the girl.

"What about Narcissa then?" Odetta asked, hoping this was all a joke and he was trying to make her paranoid. "She just a okay thing." He replied but just then the youngest Black sister stood in the doorway nearby, just finishing her Head Girl parol.

The girl must of overhead him because she had frozen still until she bursted into tears and ran back into the hallways. Lucius snickered at the sobbing girl who made Odetta scowl.

"Narcissa!" Odetta called as she chased after the blonde down the candle lit hallways. "Looks like I just stole your girlfriend." Lucius sneered at the Gryffindor boy. "You didn't steal her. Clearly she doesn't want to marry you." James spat.

"Shame that she has no choice in the matter."
Lucius snickered in reply which made James clenched both his jaw and fist as he pulled it back as punched the boy in the jaw which made him topple backwards.

"You just need everything! You really felt like you needed my boyfriend!" Narcissa screamed back at the younger girl who followed her through the corridors. Her blonde hair was sticking to her hot cheeks, her mascara running down her face.

"I don't fucking want him! I didn't ask for anything!" Odetta shouted back knowing she needed to over power the girl so she would listen. "And I don't think you should want him either." She sighed, speaking in a calmer tone.

"I can make you some shortbread?" Odetta offered as she got closer to the older girl, who was wiping her face with his sleeve. "Are they good?" Narcissa asked with a slight sniff.

"Dobby says they're swell." Odetta replied which made the girl snicker slightly before nodding and following the girl to the kitchens.

The two Slytherin girls walked through the corridors with a plateful of shortbread, planning on going back to her dormitory and plays songs extremely loudly. Then they noticed Mcgonagall walking down the hallways with James beside her, his top lip bleeding and his knuckles bruised.

"I would ask what happened but I think it's self explanatory." Odetta chuckled as the two got closer. "I am escorting Mr Potter back to his dormitory and expect you two to do the same so please head to the dungeons before I will need to walk you there." She ordered with tight lipped line as a mouth.

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