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It was a rainy and dreary morning and it was the day of the Quidditch match, Slytherin vs Gryffindor

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It was a rainy and dreary morning and it was the day of the Quidditch match, Slytherin vs Gryffindor. It had been around a week since she punched the arrogant James Potter. She had noticed more people avoided her in the hallway and library which made her put on a smug grin.

As she waited for Regulus outside of the Slytherin changing room, a smirk grew on her face when she saw James Potter walk out. "Alright dickhead." Odetta greeted with a smirk as she walked over to him and leaned on the wall beside him.

"Wow! My number one fan!" He exclaimed sarcastically as he put his hand on his chest before running it through his hair. "Come to cheer me on?" He asked with a smug smirk.

"Yes, I love you so much!" She said sarcastically, mocking his many fan girls who crowd around him constantly. "Especially because of how beautiful your hair is in the wind." She winked which made the boy hum in agreement as he flicked his hair.

"That's looks painful. Who did that?" She asked with a smirk and she pointed to a bruise and small cut on his nose which made him roll his eyes. "Just some sad, lonely Slytherin." He replied smugly. She knew he said it to get on her nerves but she couldn't help but clench her jaw.

"Right then pissflaps, I'm going up to the stands to watch Slytherin beat your arse." She said, pushing herself off the wall she leaned on and walked over the Regulus who was watching closely.

The four Gryffindor boys sat in their dormitory, James holding toilet paper on his nose because the scab on his cut had came off and he was now bleeding. "She is so going to pay for that, right Prong?" Sirius asked as he sat on his bed with his legs crossed.

"I don't know but I think she was being nice to me today." James said, pulling the tissue away to see if he was still bleeding which he wasn't. "Odetta Greengrass being nice!" Sirius exclaimed dramatically which made Remus roll his eyes.

"She has too many secrets, Remus you're good at potions right?" Sirius added as he turned his head to face the taller boy who nodded slowly. "You can make your truth serum shit and put it in her glass." He continued which made James furrow his brows for a second before nodding.

"Why are you so nosey?" Remus asked with a huff which made Sirius let out a gasp. "I'm not nosey. Snivellus is!" He exclaimed which made them all snicker. "He can put blood hounds out of business." Peter said which made all the boy snicker loudly.

Odetta tied her hair up as she walked into Great Hall for breakfast, yawning as she got near the Slytherin table but something was wrong.

She glared at Sirius and James who snickered as she sat down which made her inspect all her food. She then picked up the goblet and looked at the boys from the corner of her eye, smirking as they covered their mouths to hide their laughs.

She then swung her legs out from under the table and walked over to them, the goblet in her hands. She then slammed the cup on the table which made Peter flinch. "What did you do to it?" She asked which made all the boys shrug in response.

"So you won't mind if we switch glass, right Sirius?" Odetta asked with a raised eyebrow as the boy forcibly shook his head. She then handed him the cup and he lifted it up to his lips.

Her eyebrows furrowed when he actually drank the water rather then pretend to. "What was in the cup Sirius?" She asked as she moved a plate and sat on the table, pulling her feet up onto the seat. "That truth potion bullshit that I can't pronounce." He answered which made all the boys put their head in their hands.

"Veritaserum?" She asked with furrowed brows which made him nod and point at her. "Now Sirius, who did you kiss last?" She asked with a smug look which turned into a suspicious face when Remus's eyes widened with horror.

"Remus of course!" Sirius exclaimed loudly which made a couple of girls stare at him with wide eyes as well as James. "Are you single?" Odetta asked as she lowered herself down from the table to the seat beside Peter, her hands supporting her head as she was genially interested in this.

"Absolutely not! I'm loyal to Remus!" He exclaimed again which made Remus blush heavily and James freeze. "Actually, I kind of expected this." The messy haired boy shrugged but the shorter boy was still staring at the two.

"Really Peter? Did you know that James is in love with Lily?" Odetta asked sarcastically as she held onto the boy's arm which made his cheeks go red. "Looks like your little prank failed." She shrugged before swinging her legs out from under the Gryffindor table. "It was cute though." She said before walking back to the green table to eat her breakfast.

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