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Odetta was sat in the library which she did almost every day. Her final year at Hogwarts was extremely important and she needed to start studying earlier for a good job which was one of the things needed to not marry Lucius. She had made a list.

•find someone to move in with or marry as soon as the year is done
•get a good job and have the money to move    away
•run away
•kill all the Malfoys
•get into Azkaban

Personally, Odetta was leaning to killing them all but Regulus convinced her to try get a good job as that was the most logical so she was studying everyday for tests that were months away and it was exhausting.

It was the weekend so Odetta had been in the library all day as she had no lessons however it was dinner soon so she began to pack up her books. Before throwing her bag over her shoulder, she tied up her hair around her wand and walked out.

But as she walked out, she passed James and Lily who were walking side by side. The red headed girl was laughing and brushing her bags in her ear and James was smiling too but his hazel eyes caught eye contact with Odetta which made the grin on his face disappear. She sighed before heading back to the common room to drop off her books before going for dinner.

Odetta pushed the door to her dormitory open, cringing at the loud bang made when it hit the wall behind. She then sighed loudly as she threw her bag off and flung it onto her bed before she closed her door again. Then, she made her way up to Regulus's room.

The younger boy's room was the second one from the stairs which Odetta made her way up, running her hand up the banister as she walked up. She noticed that the room to the first room was wide open and someone was inside talking.

"You should of seen her face!" She recognised that nasally voice to be Snape. "Lucius is extremely smart. How would you know it would work?" Another student asked.

"Hey! I made the love potion for Potter!" The greasy haired boy exclaimed defensively. Odetta froze with wide eyes, stopping just before the open door. "It worked like a charm and she joined us." He said, followed by a maniacal laugh.

Odetta peered into the room slightly, enough to see the Slytherin's arm where a dark mark was imprinted. But then her eyes met the beady eyes of the greasy haired boy. Forgetting about Regulus, she rushed out the common room.

As she hurried away from the dungeon and towards the Great Hall, she continuously checked behind her for Snape. Because she wasn't looking in front of her, she bumped into someone which made her almost fall into the stone floor.

"Watch it." She hissed as she gained her balance again and pushed her dark hair out fo her face before looking up at a messy haired boy. "James I need to talk to you." And before he could say anything, she grabbed him and pulled him away from the crowd of students going to dinner.

"Lucius put a love potion in you drink before he left Hogwarts. It was a potion." Odetta said excitedly with a wide grin as she gripped onto both the boys arms. "I don't care." Her face dropped as he pulled his arms away and back to his side. "I'm not dating a murderer. Besides, me and Lily have a date tomorrow." And then           

Odetta are her dinner sorrowfully that night, not even glancing up from her silver plate to hide her red eyes and the tears collecting in her eyelashes. But she then had to quickly wipe her eyes when Marlene called out her name and she sat down on the bench beside her.

"Do you want to come to our dorm tonight?" The blonde girl asked with a slight smile. Odetta looked around in thought slightly before thinking 'fuck that stupid boy, I'm getting hella drunk tonight' which made her nod.

Odetta was lying on Alice's bed, occasionally sitting up slightly to take a sip of the beer bottle in her hand. "So Lily, I heard you and James have a date." Dorcas said as she raised her eyebrows suggestively. Lily opened her mouth to talk but Odetta cut off. "Let's prank people!" Odetta exclaimed which made the other girls cheer.

Her, Dorcas and Marlene were the only ones with enough energy to prank someone so the three extremely drunk girls attempted to creep down the stairs quietly but Marlene slipped and slid down the rest of the steps on her butt which made the other girls burst out laughing.

After getting a control of themselves they huddled up to discuss exactly what to do. "What if we put that truth shit in everyone's food?" Dorcas asked drunkly. "That's a hard potion to make." Marlene said before the three girls hummed in thought before humming purposely in melody which made them burst out laughing again.

"What if we put shrinking potion in some people's drinks?" Odetta asked which made the girls's eyes go wide before nodding. "You're so smart!" Marlene exclaimed which made Odetta flick hair behind her shoulder.

"But where would we get shrinking potion?"

The three drunk girls began to rummage through the many shelves in the potion classroom, scanning for a particular label. "I think I found it." Dorcas said as she pulled a bottle off the shelf and held it up. "That says screaming potion you drunk fuck." Odetta snickered before they continued to search for it.

"Got it!" Marlene exclaimed with the correct potion in hand, the girls then snuck back out and snickered to themselves.

"I say we put it in Potter's cup." Odetta suggested but the girls looked back at her. "But he has that date with Lily tomorrow." Dorcas said which made them all pause. "I would of ran out by then." Odetta said which made Dorcas nod before handing her the bottle and the three sneak up.

The door was open ever so slightly so they got Dorcas to peer in to see the boys were asleep. Then Marlene's stomach rumbles loudly which almost woke Remus up but luckily he snored away. "Here." Dorcas said as she held out a couple almonds from her pocket which bit the girl took. "I'll go in." Odetta whispered as she locked eyes with a goblet by the boy's beside. She then snuck in, the two Gryffindors watching from outside.

As Odetta approached the sleeping boy, she flicked off the top of the bottle but paused. She watched as his chest moved up and down with each breath and admired how peaceful he looked. Then she glanced down at the bottle and sighed before closing it again.

However the two girls are still watching, so to look like she didn't wussy out she took out the almond she was yet to eat and dropped in into the goblet before sneaking back out.

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