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Odetta followed the family of three on the platform

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Odetta followed the family of three on the platform. She was hunched over as she followed the Malfoy family. Once she had caught up with them, Persephone prodded her thin and boney finger into her spine so she stood up straight.

"We expect you this summer." Abraxas announced to his son and Odetta. "And you," He paused and turned to face the Slytherin girl who was brushing her hair out her face. "If there is anymore detentions, we'll bring you straight back and you can live your life with filthy muggles." He spat at her.

"I'll miss you too." She replied sarcastically which made his jaw clench. Odetta then turned and boarded the train, scanning for an empty compartment.

The train ride to Hogwarts was uneventful and frankly boring. Odetta found a compartment alone, bought almost everything from the trolley and ate all food on her way to Hogwarts. She pulled her luggage off the shelf above and dragged it along behind her off into a carriage for the castle.

"Hey Greengrass. How was your summer?" Evan Rosier asked Odetta as she sat in the Great Hall for the feast. "Are you talking to me?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, watching as he nodded slowly in response.

"Don't." She added in a firm tone before picking up her silver fork and scratching along the plate in front of her, earning her a glare from McGonagall.

Odetta lay on a wall in the courtyard, her hands resting on her stomach as she was lying on her back. Then she ran her hand through her dark hair before allowing it to hang off the brick wall.

"You look joyful." James said sarcastically as he leaned on a doorway. "Why wouldn't I be when you're in my presence?" She asked with a smirk, sitting up and swinging her legs around to face him.

"Always with the sarcasm." He said as he sat down next to her. "Why are you not being so rude as I thought you would be?" She asked, his question making his eyebrows furrow.

"I'm barely tolerating you." James replied which made them both slightly chuckle. Odetta then rolled her eyes at him and shake her head.  Then a shadow appeared with a lantern in their hands, a deep frown on their face.

"Students out of bed!" Filch screeched loudly which made the two students snap their head in his direction. "Shit." Odetta said before jumping off the wall and grabbing James's hand.

However James ran faster and was dragging her behind, through corridors and around corners. "Fucking hell. For a limping man, he's fast." Odetta said as she looked back to see the caretaker attempting to run after them.

The two students were now running faster then before with large grins, chuckling loudly until they came to what James thought was a dead end. "You're useless honestly." Odetta said as she rolled her eyes and dragged him out the castle to the Great Lake.

"We're going in the lake." She informed him as they ran closer to the waters edge. Before James could protest, she had dragged him into the lake and pulled him under the water. Odetta opened her eyes and looked up to see the light from the caretaker's lantern which then moved away.

She took in a large gasp of air as she remerged from the dark water, James doing the same thing. She pushed the water from her face before smirking at the limping man walking back into the school.

"You really didn't want to get caught, huh?" James asked as he walked out of the cold water, shivering slightly. "If I get into much trouble they'll kick me out." Odetta replied, focusing on twisting her skirt to get out the water rather then who she was talking to.

However, her eyes widened when she realised who was talking to. "Why?" James questioned, trying to push her further but Odetta knew what he was doing. "Because I smashed all their garden gnomes." She replied sarcastically before walking away, heading back to the Slytherin common room.

Regulus and Odetta sat on her bed, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders as it was freezing in the common room. "Did you hear that Potter was messing with Filch under his invisibility cloak?" He asked, Odetta shaking her head in response.

"Apparently he was seeing wether he wore a wig." Regulus added which made Odetta's eyebrows furrow. "He has no hair on half his head!" Odetta exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Why does he get to have all the fun with the invisibility cloak?" The Slytherin girl asked with a pout and her arms crossed. "Well when you have a relative give you one, you can have fun with the thing." Regulus replied.

"Reg, did you forget I have none?" She asked with a slightly chuckle as the boy profusely apologised. "I'll just steal it." She said with a shrug. "No." Regulus said in a stern voice but she didn't listen and instead got up for lunch.

When she got into the Great Hall, she didn't go straight to the Slytherin table but to the Gryffindor one. She leaned over Marlene's shoulder which made her jump slightly and Odetta chuckle.

"I need your help to get Potter's incurable cloak." She said which made the girls raised their eyebrows in curiosity.

It was now late in the evening and the four Gryffindors and Slytherin waited in the girls's dorm. "Ready for Operation Steal Potter's Cloak?" Dorcas asked as the girls huddled around the door which was opened slightly.

The girls all nodded and Dorcas and Lily went down to the fireplace in the middle of the common room where the four Marauders sat, distracting the boys. "Come on." Odetta whispered to Marlene before the two snuck down the stairs and into the boys's dormitory.

"Where would it be?" Marlene asked as the felt around for the cloak. "I don't know. It's invisible." Odetta hissed back before letting out a small squeal of excitement. "I've got it!" She shouted loudly which made Marlene slap her hand over her mouth.

Odetta then threw the cloak over them and the two snuck out the room, trying to close the door as quietly as they could. Then they made their way to the stairs and cringed as it creaked under their feet but luckily Dorcas was talking so loud that no one heard it.

The two girls snickered to themselves as they hurried to the girls's dorm and slammed the door behind them, throwing the cloak off of them. Then Dorcas and Lily cams back in with wide grins.

"That was easy. They're so stupid." Lily chuckled as Odetta handed her the cloak to try on. "You can spy on them first since it was your idea." Lily said with a warm smile as she held out the cloak.

Odetta flung the cloak around her and pulled it closer to her body before creaking open the door and quietly making her way down the stairs towards the boys. All the girls took it in turns to spy on both the Marauders and other students.

After they all had a go, Lily was trying to convince Dorcas to put the cloak back but she was continuing to refuse. "I'll put it back." Odetta said as she yawned loudly, snatching the invisible cloak from her hands and walked out the room.

She checked back at the girls's door which was still closed and made her way to the portrait and swung it open, instead of putting it back. "Damn, I'm good." She said to herself as she flung the cloak over her and made her way back to her common room.

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