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That night, Odetta on her side in her four poster bed, watching the flame of the candle beside her flicker

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That night, Odetta on her side in her four poster bed, watching the flame of the candle beside her flicker. Slowly, her eyes shut as she fell asleep to the sound of her clock ticking.

The Greengrass Manor was surrounded with perfectly trimmed hedges and the occasional stone statues. As a young girl, Odetta's favourite pastime was running around the garden whilst her father stayed in the study and her mother practiced piano.

With no siblings, Odetta found herself befriending the statues which were scattered around the estate to keep herself for feeling lonely. She attempted to befriend the house elf however her father banned her from socialising with her.

Around the estate was a forest of fir trees which housed many woodland creatures. Odetta would wake up early and press her face against the cold window to catch a glimpse of a deer or a fox.

The young girl laughed loudly to herself as she ran up the cobblestone path to the front door, her dark hair flowing behind her and her arms up in the air. Suddenly, she let out a large scream as she tripped over her own feet and fell over.

Her mother instantly hurried out the front door and down the stone steps, lifting her dress up slightly so she didn't trip. "Oh honey." Violet spoke comfortingly as she picked her daughter up and carried her back inside.

She then placed her on a dining room chair as she inspected the scrap the girl now had on her knee. Violet then cleaned the cut with a damp cloth before wiping a tear which fell down her face. "You need to be carful next time." She said with a warm smile before placing a kiss on her forehead.

Odetta suddenly woke up, her eyes wide as she jolted up. She let out a loud sigh before rubbing her face and pulling the covers off of her. As she brushed her dark hair out of her face, she swung her legs off the four poster bed and went over to the golden mirror which hung above her dresser.

She rested her hand on the wooden dresser and leaned on it as she stared at herself into the mirror. Though it had been years since she had seen her mother, she knew she look exactly like her. She vividly remembered her father calling Odetta her mother's clone.

Since it was getting warmer, she left her dormitory in her satin nightgown. She didn't know it was raining until she passed a window, raindrops racing down it. She debated wether going back for a coat but decided the rain was light so she continued walking.

James Potter sat up in his bed, his pillow stiff up against the bed board with a small wax candle lighting up the Marauder Map in his hands. The other threes boys were fast asleep. Peter snored gently whilst Sirius cuddled into Remus's side as they shared a bed.

He paused his glasses up his nose as he noticed Odetta walking through the corridors. Then he glanced up to check the other boys were sleeping before getting up and sneaking out with the map in his hands, hoping to confront her about her hand ignoring him earlier.

Odetta ran her finger along the stone brick walls, finding the sound of the rain calming. She was yet to run into anyone but as she was about to go through a door which led to the forest, she heard the quickening footsteps of someone.

Quickly she snapped her head in that direction when she show James, running his hands through his hair as he walked over. She rolled her her eyes and began to walk away but he had caught up to her and grabbed her hand, turning her around to face him.

"What do you want Potter?" She spat, impatiently fidgeting around. "Is something wrong?" The Gryffindor asked with a concerned look. "Why do you care?" She asked with a slight scoff.

"Because I care about you." James replied firmly which made her freeze still and stare at him blankly. She was reluctant to reply but after a deep sigh she did. "You obviously love Lily and I got in the way of your only chance with her."

"Odetta, you didn't get in the way." James said in a comforting tone as he rubbed the side of her arm as she looked down. "Why are you wandering around?" He then asked to fill in the silence which was not awkward but almost tranquil and almost comforting.

"Just a walk." She replied with a shrug. "Well, can I join you?" He asked with a smirk which made her squint her eyes at him with suspicion before nodding.

The two students walked side by side from the school to the misty forest. Occasionally, their hands brushed together which sent shivers down both their spines and fluster up. "Why exactly are we heading to the forest?" James asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I dropped something." She replied as she began to scan the forest floor closely which made him watch her with confusion. Odetta finally found what she was looking for. Hidden under some leaves was a small book, luckily the waterproof leather cover protected the parchment from the rain which had since cleared up. "Wasn't that your-"

"Mother's? Yes, I know." She interrupted, finishing his question as went back over to him. "She had an interesting life." Odetta added which made him smile slightly but shake his head. "I'll read you some then!" She shouted defensively.

The two then sat under a tree nearby the waters edge which had since grown flowers on the branches. James sat down first, leaning against the tree whilst Odetta sat beside him.
Then she found the page she was on and started to read out loud.


My reputation is completely ruined after my outburst in the Great Hall however Theseus asked me on a date to Hogmeade. We both agree that it's my only chance to gain my reputation again after the howler I received. Both my parents are disappointed in me and I'm failure at the one thing I was taught.


My date with Theseus was yesterday and it was utterly amazing. He's so sweet and kind, not to mention handsome, and I believe Walburga is jealous as I have caught her staring at us distastefully during dinner. I really hope this goes somewhere.'

Odetta had finished reading the two diary entries to the Gryffindor boy who was listening closely. However when they looked around, Odetta's legs were laying on top of his as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"James," She called out as he placed his arm around her and pull her closer towards him. He hummed in reply. "We really need to work on the Goblin Rebellions project." Odetta added which made him nod in agreement.

"Library, 9pm tomorrow?" James asked, the Slytherin hummed in agreement as she buried her head into his side. "Odetta, I need to tell you-" James stopped when he looked down to see she had fallen asleep and was snoring slightly already. A smile grew on his face as he pushed a strand of hair out her face and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

He let her sleep for a while but when it began to rain again, he chose to carefully wake her up since he didn't want her to wake up drenched in water. "Odetta?" He called out as he gently shook the girl awake. "What the fuck do you want?" She asked groggily as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"I think it would be more comfortable to sleep in your bed." He chuckled as he got up and pulled her up, her eyes still closed as she was so tried. "Or in your bed." Odetta winked which took him back and blush slightly. "I'm sorry. I don't know where that came from."

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