Forgive And Forget

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"How do one disappear?" Y/n whines, face palming as she rewinds the scene again in her head. "But it wasn't like that, okay. In fact I almost told him that I like his ass-"

"Oh God, kill me!" She sinks deeper inside the pool of embarrassment. She has never said a simple thing in front of her father but now, he knows that his beloved daughter is into butts cause they are plump and.. stuff.

She might as well just jump you know. That balcony over there looks quite tempting right no-

"Y/n." She flinch and whip around at the mention of her name.

"Jimin." She mumbles back. She is litrelly dying on the inside.

The man tilt his head. "So you're hiding here." He inch a few steps closer.

"I-I'm not hiding." Her ears feels like burning lava. He knows she likes his ass. Oh my God, Park Jimin knows his mate is a pervert "Just taking a walk." She smiles nervously.

"Are you?" He lifts an arched brow and that was not supposed to be hot. Why was that so hot?

She consciously takes a step back when he gets too close. She nods sheepishly and continues to step back.

His one step, hers two and in no time, she hits the wall. Goddammit. Breath forced to cage in her chest, her wavering gaze lifts to his.

He smirk. "So what you said back in the kitchen."

"I didn't say anything." At this point, it feels like she is a fast robot designed to deny everything.

Jimin stops himself from bursting into a laugher at the red in her face and instead hums thoughtfully. "I'm pretty sure it goes along the lines of you liking how my butt looks."

"What? No! I don't." When will this wall open up and swollow her whole. Yes, in the past she did thought some boys had nice looking butts and titties but she never opened it up to them. That was too embarrassing. How did this slip out is beyond her. One means, she hasn't even said to Namjoon how nice his titties looks bouncing when he runs or cupped any of Yoongi's cute butt cheek cause hello, boundaries.

But then again, Jimin is her person. She almost melts at that. She can even cup his ass and he won't mind cause well, he belongs to her.

Jimin is staring at her intently and leans in when he hears her thoughts. "I can hear you, little wolf."

The female turns blood red in her place and that makes Jimin to lean in further as his eyes flick down to her little mouth. Her shoulders tense up and if she dies, it's on Jimin.

It's when his lips get close enough to hers, where they are just one push away from touching, is when he breaths out a chuckle at her frozen state. She is caught off guard as he moves away, only to bring his hand up to ruffle the softness that is her hair.

Her cheeks are red from his teasing and he literally melts away when her lips round into a pout. She peeks up at him with those round, doey eyes that were narrowed into the most harmless glare he had ever seen.

He scrunched his little nose at her in adoration to which she only huffs at him before turning around and fleeing his side to bounce towards the open balcony. She fans her flushed face with her hands and tries to calm her beating heart. This man has no chill. Isn't he aware of how fragile her heart is when it comes to him? She almost risked it all back in the kitchen.

His slow steps approach her in the balcony and stands next to her. His gaze automatically stares ahead at his pack. It snowed a little bit last night, the white layer is thinly covering the garden and it seems, in no time, it will melt away.

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