Sweet Bun Bun

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Two weeks later

"When will he wake up?" Legs swinging back and forth, Y/n questions.

"Soon." Jin answers from the couch placed over the other side of the bed Jimin rests on.

The female frowns. "You always say that."

"Because you always question me that." Jin muses.

Y/n bites her lips, turning her eyes to stare at her mate. "I'm just curious."

Jungkook, who sits next to her on the large couch, snorts. "Curiosity kills the cat. But in your case, it's curiosity kills the little wolf." He playfully nudge her shoulder with his.

Y/n tense her figure and turn to him with a straight face. "The little wolf is also going to knock out the big wolf if he didn't stop." She threatens, though harmless.

Jungkook shrinks away and humphs. "You're so bitter. Like a ginger."

"Ginger is not bitter." Both Y/n Jin speak at the same time.

And Jungkook instantly feels offended when two of his favourite chiefs step up against him. "Yes, it is." He stubbornly argues back, passing a side eye to Namjoon in hopes to get the smarter man to take his side but Namjoon only shakes his head at his antics.

"No, it's not." Y/n argues right back.

"How do you know?" Jungkook cross an arm over his chest.

"Because I cook. It just have a pungent and a spicy smell. If you take a bite out of it, you will feel that it is actually a bit sweet." Y/n delivers the facts.

"Oh.. okay." Jungkook nods, a bit surprised at the information he didn't know.

Even Ginger have a taste and smell of its own.

Now that he think about it, Y/n reminds him of a ginger. She's spicy and savory and also a bit sweet, just a bit.

Just the perfect taste. Not to forget that Jimin like the taste of ginger in his food.

"How do you feel though, about your other half not being here?" He questions, leaning in to stare at her face.

Y/n's eyes link with his and even after all the time that he had spend with her, he is still left speechless at how pretty she is.

"I was alive before i met him and I am still alive even if he's gone." Comes the simple reply from the female.

Jungkook grumbles, nose scrunching up adorably. "At least say something romantic."

"There is no romance in me." She sometimes reminds them of a robot at how lifeless she could be.

"By the way, i went around the pack yesterday and met this guy.
I think his name was Soobin.." Y/n blinks, remembering the young boy with two diminutive dimples.

"Choi Soobin." Namjoon shares from his place on the single sofa attached to the wall.

Y/n hums. "I think he was a bit taller than you."

Namjoon thins his lips, his face reading clear offence. "You didn't have to mention that."

Y/n smiles in amusements. "He told me his father had a bakery."

Namjoon bitterly hums in acknowledgement and Y/n tries her best to control the burst of her laughter.

Who could have thought that Kim Namjoon was insecure about something. I mean, the man had everything, just like Yoongi had once said, the man had it all. He can conquer the world if he wants.

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