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War lit inside her, jumbling and numbing her thoughts to the point she could no longer think straight. It felt like the world was against her, she being the only warrior standing in a battle field filled with just enemies.

But she knew she could take them all with just a bare of her canine teeths. The fire inside her was so much fueling that even a touch to her skin can burn thousands.

So angry and red.

Opposite were the silent that wrench the wall of the room she currently sat in. Hands placed in fist on her knees and lips thinned in a straight line, her eyes stays focus on the figure laying peacefully in front of her, seeming to not know what he has left behind.

He had no idea what was happening around him when he fainted and he will never know now. When he wakes, all he will find is him alone, somewhere far from a living life and a beating chest.

Her eyes narrow in a much more heated glare, somewhat thankful that she was left alone with her mate. They trail up to his wounded face from his lifeless body, thick lips parted but no breath came out.

The sight made her chest clinch in pain, as if someone has crushed it tightly with their bare hands. A lump form in her throats as her mind took her back to what had happened.

She wasn't aware what was about to happened. She wasn't aware as to why Jimin looked so scared for her, why he kept on pulling her behind him, why he had told her to run and leave him there.

Of course she did not listen to his last statement. Who on their right mind would leave behind their soulmate and make a run for their own life?

No one. Not even she could do that.

Her head spins, watching as the scene came clear to her vision again. How the wolf has attacked,  Jimin has been in the middle of his transformation, and before his back can crack to bend down on his four paws, the wolf had jumps on him, biting off a chunk of the meat on his side.

Hair halfway out of skin, Jimin has groaned and fell on his knees, her scream being the only sound she remembers making. She has run for his aid, mind numb and it had her doing something she has never though of doing.

The animal had been a wild wolf, one that roam around the streets aimlessly and had not been a part of any pack. The vomiting smell he carried spoke more about him that his own skeleton figure. These wolves have poison in their teeths due to eating from bins and dirt for so long and any other animal or ordinary wolf would had died the second the poison entered their body, but Jimin was lucky that he was no ordinary wolf.

Before she had registered her own thoughts, her hands had dragged him up by his collar and her teeth had sunk into his neck, sucking out the blood before the liquid could enter his heart. Jimin has squirmed around in her hold, grabbing the back of her neck and trying to pull her away but to no avail, she separated from him when she wanted to.

Power has surge through her and her steps had bolted towards the wolf that still stood to the side, thinking it was his victory.

Oh how wrong he was. If only he had made a run for it when she was busy with Jimin.

Seeing only red, from the blood that string like waterfall from Jimin side to the wolf that she wished nothing but to tear his head apart.

And that is what she had done.

She has ripped his head out of his body with her sharp teeths, not giving the wolf a second to register what had suddenly happened to him. He had dropped flush against the ground in seconds.

Y/n don't know where his body went and she pays no mind to the other wolf she saw running away from the corner of her eyes. All she does is vomit out all the blood she had consumed.

And that is when Jungkook and Taehyung has entered the scene, looking shocked out of their wits. And the left was a mystery.

A tear slips past the curve of her eye, trailing down the valley of her apple cheek like the pouring waterfall outside. Thunders shining in the sky was her anger and the raindrops was her mourning.

Jimin would walk up soon.

But when? No one knows.

The doctor said that he had lost a lot of blood, and the chilling weather of the mountain on their way down had frozen the shredded parts of his skin and frost has build up inside his wound.

Only Goddess knows how much in pain he was.

She slowly stands from her seat and walk over to his side. staring down at his breathless figure had her gulping. She can never take the sight of him dead.

She truly hopes that when he do die, she has died long before him, just so she can not go through the pain that will no doubt make her loose her mind.

But right now, Jimin wasn't dead. He was alive and resting. His heart still beats inside his ribcage and he still has blood rushing through his veins. Its his nose that he is breathing from, due to having his throats parched, the doctor who has checked him had closed the windpipe of his neck, so that it could heal well and early.

Jimin could loose his voice if he had not done that.

Her fingertips lights with red line of streaks as she trail them down his arm, her eyes flashing red from the power she has let loose after so long.

Her crimson gaze flicker up to him. "Don't worry, Jimin. I will avenge you just right."


Closing the door, her back rests against it. Eyes flickering everywhere and anywhere as temptation took over each muscle on her body.

They land on the window and the rain that falls heavily behind it. Biting her lips, her mind calls for the only thought she had in mind.

She needs to leave.

Her footsteps carry her towards the window and before she knows better, she's hopping on the windowsill and leaving with the only mission in mind.


This scene broke my heart to many extends

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This scene broke my heart to many extends. Why marvels? Why? What have we done to you? Why you gotta punish us like this? I am *heart crushed into pieces* .... broken.

I have also used a marvel preference to make myself feel better. Yes. I finally watched The Endgame 😭😭😭😭

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