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Jimin puts on the black jacket over his shoulders, filling in one of the sleeves, he adjust the thick cover on his body to keep himself warm.

Mr. Jung stood on his side, actions imitating the younger male as they prepare themselves to leave for the cold.

Y/n walks over to her mother who stood in one corner of the room, her eyes watching the two males.

"Where are they leaving?" Y/n questions cluelessly to her mother.

Her old woman sighs. "They are leaving to the mountains, to Jimin's pack. His father was attacked by some locals and he's not feeling well."

The young female's eyes snaps up towards Jimin instantly, them softening in concern the moment she saw the heaviness in his eyes.

They look sad, exhausted even. His shoulders were dropped, clearly showing his disturbance over the situation.

She could also feel him. He was mourning.

Y/n turn to look back to her mother. "Mama, are you sure he's just not feeling well. I can feel the storm inside him."

Not noticing her slip up soon, her eyes almost pop out of their socket when she finally realize her mistake.

Feel the storm inside him? Only a mate can feel his or her companions feelings.

Yes, they were each others mate but her parents didn't know that.

They only knew that they were in a relationship. Thanks to Jimin himself.

Mrs. Jung does not react much to her daughter's mistake and nods away. "He is not.." Her words were just a whisper and it lits a fire of worry inside her daughter.

"Mama, what's the matter? You're not telling me something." Y/n asks again, her brows furrowed.

'Or maybe everything.'

"The locals were hunters. They have been searching for Mr. Park for a while. And once they finally did, they dragged him to the path of his own death."

The ground beneath Y/n crumbles away and she gulps. "Is he...."

"No, my child. He's not dead....yet. He had wished to see his son. And I'm afraid, let the dead deaf at my words, if he did die then Jimin has to take over after his father."

'Take over...'

"But he's too young, mama." She states in disbelief.

"He is. But his father also sat over the throne at a young age. And after all, Isn't that what Jimin's been preparing for?"

Y/n sighs in defeat. "He has been, with a passion that is."

"And he has Hoseok in his side." Her mother reminds, eyes still stuck to the males ahead of her.

Y/n almost flinch at her words, her mind remembering all the heated glares and bickers both her brother and her mate has thrown at each other. "Mama, if you haven't noticed yet but these two don't really get along well."

Her mother nods, her expression looking like she was fully aware. "Jimin has to. Hoseok is his beta and he needs him."


That's right. An alpha can never rule properly without a beta and a mate.

"A mate can also provide much comfort. Even if he's too young. He has to find his mate. Only she can keep the two separate." Her mother speaks her mind and Y/n keeps on getting small behind him.

A mate, huh? If only she knew that her daughter is his mate.

Mrs. Jung suddenly turn to face her daughter and her soft hand raise to rest over her cheek.

"I'm so sorry, my child. But you had to prepare yourself to separate. I'm sure you had this gone through when you two got together. Its time he tend to his mate." Her mother's sad eyes eats away all the hope inside Y/n and she was so tempt to just say it that she was indeed Jimin's mate and that she didn't have to be so sad for her daughter.

But all Y/n does is nod, even though she has thought out a way, even before that.

She just couldn't say it. She couldn't.

The situation at hand was confusing.

Hoseok and Jimin had something going on between them. Taehyung was hiding something. All of them were hiding something.

The hidden glances thrown her way confuse her. The door that has been locked for years has decided to open again and is still mysteriously opening. Vi started to sleep walk again. Mira's key was still lost.

All these happenings and actions drove her to the edge.

She was confused and wanted answers. But there was no one there to answer her.

She knew if she ask them, they will twist the answers and convert all of them in more hidden questions who's answers were in the dark, lost themselves.

She glance up at Jimin and Jimin's eyes instantly link with hers.

Right away, both break the contact and Jimin turn to slowly skip out of the door.

Just as that, Y/n also turns to walk away.

He's leaving.

"I'm sorry." She speaks inside her head.

And then, he answers.

"It's okay, Y/n.."

And for the first time, he calls her by her name.


Calm before the storm. This chapter is just the opposite of the one before this and it's also short, sorry.

Ya know, i read the book '13 reasons why' and there isn't a moment that i didn't feel sad. Literally, it's still stuck in my head. There's a movie of it too if you guys want to watch it.

But know that it can disturb you mentally😭😭

Help me please..

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