Mates Of Souls

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Dead leaves crunch beneath her each step that took her closer to her mate, the snow covering each petal and the shape of it and the sound must have been appreciated for being in the line of satisfaction if it weren't for the heart beat of her mate that rang in her head.

His heart beat.

It sounded light and collected and she almost felt foreign to the feeling of it.

Jimin's heart beat was never light and collected, instead it was soft and calming. It made her calm down but this feeling... It is puzzling her.

She comes to a halt right when she is close enough to Jimin and Taehyung for her human ears to pick up the sound of her name leaving the males.

She isn't surprised at this point. 'Y/n' seems to be the only topic everyone is concerning about these days.

"Stop being a selfish, Jimin. I gave you something that everyone refused to give you. And you should be thankful." Taehyung's heavy voice echo in the space between the two males and she easily picked up on it.

Her brow instantly furrow. What are they talking about?

A crunching noise was heard, giving the idea of someone- maybe Jimin shifting in his other leg.

"You never ask about the things you leave behind to someone else. Might i remind you, you promised me that you would stay out of it." Jimin voice sounded rather airy and tired. She could feel the exhaustion seeping from his every fiber.

"And i will tell you again to stay away from Y/n too. And this time, it's not a warning Taehyung." Jimin continues and this time, his voice held power.

The heart beat she felt picks up its pace suddenly.

"YOU have no fucking idea how it feels. Your bastard of a father almost ruined everything last night." Y/n holds a gasp at Taehyung's voice. He suddenly sounded angry, really angry. She has never heard him speak like that.

The man was always so calm and collected that she never saw this coming.

"How about you tell me what actually is going on, hm? I'm sure he'll be happy to hear how much his dick of a son is trying so hard to tear apart a famil-" His word's cut off when he hears a branch snapping in a small distance from where he and Jimin stood and Y/n also snap her head towards the voice.

She release a sigh and decides to show herself, even though it wasn't her who made had that noise. The boys will definitely think she is eavesdropping on them if she got caught.

Which in fact she was.. but no one has to know about that. The world is still rolling and living.

She takes steps to where the two are standing , who has also gone really quite and she pretends to just walk in on them like she has been walking past.

Her eyes lands on Taehyung first who looks a bit caught off guard and then to Jimin who looks to be in the same situation, expect, when they link eyes, he looks away just after some seconds of staring.

And in that stare, she saw the way his eyes swipe up and down her figure as if to check if she was alright and not freezing or hurt. The act made her heart skip a beat but she decides to stay quite.

Somethings just can't be talked about.

"Everything alright?" She breaks the silence surrounding the thick air as white smoke release from the curves of her lips. It hits her cheeks with soft touches, making the skin dust with even more pink that it already was. 

It takes both the males more than a second to answer but they nod slowly, looking a bit unsure themselves.

Maybe she came in the wrong time. She should have let them talk. But then again, she doesn't want them to fight either.

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