Damaging Soul

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Small lifeless hand clutched between his palms, Jimin sits next to the mattress of the clinic. The doctors let them see her once and after lingering around even after the given time, they all reluctantly went back to their rooms.

Especially Jungkook who had refused to leave the room. Poor little one has gone quiet the moment Y/n stumbled into the living room and fainted. It's like his mind is still stuck on that moment.

Jin had to slowly talk him into retiring to his room and after hesitant and distressed glances thrown her way, the man finally nods defeatedly.

Jimin is the only one remaining to her bed side now as Taehyung lingers against the wall.

Jimin is drowning himself deep in thoughts when Taehyung approach him from benind. His hand rest on his friend's shoulder and squeeze him.

Jimin perks up at the touch, head turning to the side where he pass Taehyung a small smile. The doctor said she is out of danger zone so that has calm him down a little.

Taehyung takes the seat next to him and look out towards the woman laying still in bed. "She will be alright." He mumbles, eyes trailing over the bandages on her neck.

Jimin nods slowly, as if forcing himself to believe his words. Taehyung glance at him and at the lost look in his eyes.

"We both know it." He reminds. "Better than anyone."

Jimin tense up a little at that, his hand holding onto hers tightly. He gulps, turning his head sideways to stare at Taehyung. "We do, don't we?" His brows furrow as he feels a headache forming in his temples.

"Don't worry. I am sure you're healing her well." Taehyung inhales, watching the dark lines of pain cursing through Jimin's arm as he continue to take the woman's pain into his body.

Only an alpha can do this. They are capable of easing the weight of the people in pain. And Jimin has been doing it for her the moment he sat down next to her bed.

"What about you?" Jimin whispers.

Taehyung glance at him from where he is leaning back on his hand. He shrugs when Jimin turn to him, mouth pouting up in a sass. "As graceful as ever."

A small smile lifts Jimin's face at that. "Of course, mighty prince."

Taehyung frowns at him when he hears the words. "Hey, don't need to bring up titles."

Jimin chuckles at the way he is whining. "Doesn't change that fact, oh great royalty."

Taehyung's bread cheeks puff up at the tease his friend throws his way, only being able to shake his head at the words he's always heard since he joined the academy.

"How are you?" Jimin can't help but question again. His mind is still stuck to that night he walked in on him and Y/n talking in the kitchen. He didn't miss the red lining his friend's eyes.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung glance at him.

Jimin gently scoffs. "I've known you for a whole decade. You can't hide it from me."

The other man sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Alright. What do you want me to say?"

A minute of silence settle in the room, Jimin not being able to come up with a sentence. He gives up in the end, deciding to be forward. "Am I hurting you?"

Taehyung stare back at him, taking his time answering. That alone sends a pang of pain down Jimin's heart, especially when Taehyung looks away, unable to meet his knowing gaze. "No.." He mumbles.

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