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Y/n flinchs when Jungkook suddenly shows up behind her.

"You scared me." She breathes out, hands fisting the shirt she was folding.

The male cheeplesly grins and scratch the back of his neck. "Sorry."

Y/n smiles back lightly and straightens Hoseok's white shirt again and starts folding it.

"You're always working." Jungkook points out, leaning his back against the counter Y/n was ironing the clothes on.

The female smiles at his curiousness. "I like working."

Jungkook raise his brows in surprise. "You're the first one to ever say that. Are we perhaps burdening you?"

Y/n folds Vi's skirt and shakes her head. "You aren't. I have to keep myself busy while i wait for my college selections. There isn't much to do here."

Jungkook hums and folds his arms over his chest. "I heard you choose law."

After receiving a nod from the female, he questions. "What if Jimin hyung does not allow you to? I mean, in the packs, females aren't allowed to take la--"

"I'll take whatever i want to take." Cutting him off, the female turns to stare at him in the eye. "It's my future, not his."

Jungkook blinks, caught off guards and parts his lips in a scowl. "Why do you hate him so much?"

Y/n resumes back to her work of folding. "I never said i hate him. I don't even know him that well." She speaks, eyes fixed on her work. "I just don't like how he has approached me."

Jungkook stares at her face and bites his lips. "I understand that actually. He did choose a wrong approach. But it's also not his fault .... I mean, he's an alpha. He is born dominating and possessive."

"He is a little bit too much obsessed. I would have happily worked this out with him, but he's not letting me." The female turns her head at the male. "He's constantly lying to my parents. How can i support someone like him?"

Jungkook's eyes soften at her words and he fully acknowledge her when agreeing along. "You're a brave woman, i will say that. You can stand up for yourself and that's pretty admiring. Especially for the beta's and alpha's like us. We like strong females."

"Thanks." Y/n smiles at his words and immediately notice the blush curving the apple of his cheeks. "You're the first one to say that."

Jungkook hides away his eyes with the dark tips of his hair, feeling extremely flustered for being so straightforward.

If it was in front of the other males, he would have been red tomato from all the teasing they throw at him.

But in this case, the female did not do that and he was glad.

Another question suddenly hits him and he looks up at her busy figure, silently folding the clothes and re-ironing the areas that has slightly scrunched up.

In many ways, he's starting to admire her. Especially after this talk.

This night can be his first ever approach and their first conversation, but he found many reasons to admire her.

His questions were bugging, sudden and even personal, but not even a single crease pass her forehead, nor did she frown at him.

He doesn't know why he found her so hard to approach at first and now he regrets not stepping in before.

"Y/n." He carefully calls and the female hums sweetly.

He gulps at her act and lets out the question that has been tickling him in the tip of his tongue. "What was all that last night?"

Y/n's hands slows down a little and the male immediately regrets his words.

Maybe he's getting too personal. She did say that someone died there. What else does he wants to hear?

The female trails a hand over the black shirt and speaks. "Vi used to...well is sleeping walking at nights. It just scared me a little since she hasn't done that in a while."

Jungkook keeps his eyes focused on the black shirt she was playing with and questions again. "What about that room? Who does it belonged too?"

The female dugs her nails into the fabric and mumbles out. "It was Vi's room." And her pointed nails rips apart some of the material of the shirt.

Jungkook blinks and stares at her hands as they straighten the shirt and fold it away.

The shirt that was oh so familiar. The shirt that belongs to Jimin.


Y/n climbs up the stairs to get to the third floor and turns to the hallway.

Her footsteps halts as she trail her eyes all over the dark litted path.

A room only decorated the whole long hall and it's door was slightly creak open.

A lump forms in her throats and she immediately gulps it down at the sights.

She remembers locking the door just this morning and now it's open again.

She racks a hand through her hair and takes a step towards the room.

Slow and hesitant steps carried her towards the door and all the while she felt the temperature drop further as each steps she took.

Once in front of the door, her hand dips inside her pocket and takes out the key she had for the lock.

However, before she could pull it out, a giggle erupts from inside the room and she completely freezes.

Her eyes snaps up at the door and numbness suddenly attacks the bones of her leg.

The giggle all too familiar.

It was small, carefree and was clearly a giggle left by a small kid's mouth.

The only small figure around the house was Vi's and the voice which just came from inside did not belongs to her.

For more facts, Vi never giggles.


This is NOT a ghost. It's something else. This book is not a horror au . It's still wolf au. Lol!


Uwuwuwuwuuwuuw perhaps I'm dead and hurt

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Uwuwuwuwuuwuuw perhaps I'm dead and hurt. Don't @ me

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