Crazy alpha

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Y/n panics.

Hoseok looks angry, really angry.

She haven't seen him like this for years. The older male has been away for alpha training for seven years and she have forgotten how terrifying he was when he got mad.

Her brother was many steps a head of her. No matter how much she tried keeping up with him, his one step alone was the size of three of hers.

"Oppa!" Y/n call him out one last time, not wanting him to do something he'll regret.

He was surely going to beat the living crap out of Jimin.

The male who was the future alpha of their pack.

She didn't know why she was defending him and honestly she could have said that she didn't care about her tease of a mate.

But she did.

She cared about him cause it wasn't his fault either.

They were bonded by the moon goddess and it wasn't his fault that his mate was her, the sister of one of his great friends.

Hoseok didn't listen to her calls, the anger has taken over his entire head, leaving him completely blank but a mission to confront his young friend he practically grew up with.

He skips outside of the house, his steps taking him to the back of the garden where he knew he'll be.

Not long, the chuckles that rambled through Jimin's chest hits his eardrums and he got even more mad.

Jimin was a great guy.

He would take care of his sister till his last breath. He would listen to her rather than his own beta.

But he was not for his sister.

He knew how Jimin was. He knew what really went through that mind of his.

He knew exactly what his future plans were and he was not going to let his sister get involved with someone like him.

"Jimin!" He growls, the voice released from deep inside his throats, literally freezing even the male alpha on his place.

Jimin turn towards the voice only to feel the breath getting knocked out of his lungs the other second.

He stumbles back alittle on his feet before feeling himself being dragged forward by his collar.

Gasps were heard around him and the other males who were chilling around the garden a moment ago were now on their feets, left completely bewildered by the elder's sudden act.

"Hoseok!" Jin scolds in a booming voice, taking a step in to separate the future alpha and beta.

He's however stopped by Namjoon, who takes a hold of his hand and shakes his head at him, mind linking him to leave the two males alone.

They were in a fight and the first rule that they were forced to drill into their minds was to never step in a fight acting out between two dominating males.

"You successfully got inside my family." Hoseok barks into Jimin's face who was too calm for the situation.

He didn't fight back nor jerk himself out of the tight hold of his older friend.

Y/n watch from a far with her mouth gap open, eyes wide as she took in the situation led mainly by her own self.

"You managed to get inside my sister's head. Just like you promised, you fucker." Hoseok whispers the last sentence to the male who was held tightly in his fist.

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