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Please do read the important announcement note in the end of the chapter.

Enjoy :)


"I was the one who bit Jimin."

Faces that speaks disbelief stares back at her but she pays them no mind. Right now, her eyes only lays upon the one who calls himself an alpha.

At first, she had decided to let go of his words that he had so gracefully colored her with as a cruel welcome yesterday. She doesn't gives him mind when he speaks sick of her family, but now, he had done something that no longer makes her respect him.

"What are you going to do about it?" Her tune screams challenge but her eyes stays blank.

Hearing this, Mr. Park flares with more anger. "Oh you wish that I'll go easy on you. You tried to kill my son, you filth--"

"Don't raise your voice at me!" His angry shouts were cut off by one of hers, seeming to finally lost her temper.

Everyone flinch in shock at that, eyes widen as they stare at her, completely caught off guards. She never spoke this way before.

"You don't own me anything. You are no alpha to me and you have no power over me." Her always calm and soft eyes narrow in a glare, words harsh and disrespectful to the man who no doubt don't deserve any respect no more.

With a rapid beating heart, Hoseok takes a step towards her but feels Namjoon grip his wrist to keep him still in his place.

Y/n looks full and she needs to let everything out. She has to let them know as to what happened between her and Jimin. And seems like, she knows really well.

"You are a disrespectful little bitch. You don't deserve to be a luna for this pack with that foul mouth of yours." Mr. Park spits, teeths gritting loudly. He wanted so much to just raise a hand and put the woman in her place, but even when he was so close enough, he could not do so by the walls of the males that protectively surround her.

However, her next words makes him finally snap.

"And you think you deserve to be an alpha?"

Before he knew it, his hand raise high in the air, ready and full with pressure and speed, eyes red with anger, but even then, he felt his hand freeze in the mid air, not having the courage to bring it down and hit it right where it will teach her a lesson.

His sudden action did nothing to cease her stand for herself, not even batting an eye or flinching away from the attack she no doubt had the idea of coming.

Her head tilt to the side. "Why did you stopped? You don't have the courage to do as you say. You give your past more value than what you now have. You make others do your dirty work for you and you have the audacity to hurt the once you love, just so you could force them to keep that pathetic ego of yours." Her each word hinted something. She was telling them what happened and hinting them she knew something they didn't, but it was all a jumbled riddle.

"And you call yourself a man." Her eyes turned into slits of gold.

For the first time, Mr. Park looked shocked to his bones. As if he had been caught doing something.

"Here. I'll make it easy for you to say it. You were the one who harmed Jimin. You are the one who tried to kill your own son." Her announced word had all the males turn to the older man in utter shock.

Eyes wide, Mr. Park chuckles, running a hand through his still dark hair. "You've lost your mind, little girl."

"And you will soon loose yours." She takes a step towards him, as if her next words are a secret. "And make sure you tell your men to live the best they can today, cause they won't be raising up tomorrow to the new light. That's a promise to you, Mr. Park. No one dares to lays a hand on my mate."

Mr. Park takes a step back, head nodding at her determination as he lets out a sneer. "I'll deal with you later. I have a son to attend to." His retreat from the conversation was quick after the female pointed out about his deeds and it took him less than a second to barge in the room Jimin was currently being checked on.

Y/n release a scoff at his behavior and the moment the door closed behind him, her golden slit eyes melt into defeated puddles, making them brim with tears. She slump back in her chair and hung her head low, palming her forehead with both hands and she lets out a shaky breath.

Today was supposed to be a good day. They were supposed to roam around the mountains and happily come back home to a light atmosphere. Who knew she would found the tomb of the goddess. Who knew she would face those bloody wolves. Who knew she would have to bite her own mate to suck out all the poison from within his body. Who knew that she would loose her temper.

For a while, no one moved. They simply stood in their places around her. She could feel the heat of sympathetic stares. She doesn't like this. She doesn't want this. She hates this.

She just want to go back to the time where nothing happened. Where she was stuck between the endearing bickering of Vi and Mira.

Vi.. Yes Vi. She misses her. She misses Mira. She misses her mother, her father, her home. Hell, even that creepy forest right outside her house.

She wants to go back. She wants to be innocent again. She wants to be that young Y/n again who was so naive and careless.

Ever since Jimin has come in her life, it had been a hell. But indeed a heaven also.

The male has done nothing to impress her and had done everything to piss her off, yet he had managed to create a comfortable place in her heart reserved only for himself.

That asshole.

That fucking asshole.

Her head raise to look at them. "Why are you still standing up my head?" Her words were still harsh, but at the same time, they weren't.

She just looks tired.

They all wore scowls in their faces, eyes soft. "We're sorry.." It was only a small mumble from one of them.

"I don't need any apologies." She snaps, before turning her face to the side, hiding herself away.

Seeing this, the males hesitantly backed away and let her have her own time to collect her thoughts.

So much has cleared up to them now. They now know what happened and who was responsible for it. Many answers left them wondering in confusion but at least they know something then nothing.

No words were spoken as everyone was lost in their own mind and thoughts, proceeding through what had just happened.

Only a small unheard mumble came from Jungkook when he tugged at Taehyung's shirt to get his attention.

He speaks when Taehyung absent mindedly hums, eyes trained on the female. "How did you know she was in danger?"

Taehyung blinks and turn to look at the younger, picking up as to what the younger means. He remembers himself running towards the mountain peek when he heard Y/n's scream.

He turns back towards the female again and simply whispers.

"I felt it."


Kyello guys. How you like the new chapter aye?

I have been thinking of doing a book giveaway. You see, i don't own albums myself and i surely don't have the money to buy one so i thought I'll just focus on something i do have. And i thought what if i give away one of my book plot of my choice. What do you guys think? Tell me your opinion and if you guys want me do to this?

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