Took His Precious

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A double update in one chapter. I present you all a gift. This chapter is long cause I Combined two chapters in one so enjoy :)


"Good Morning."

It was a soft voice that made Y/n turn her head behind her. Her hand still hovering over the door she was about to close, her eyes land on the man roomed opposite of her.

A smile automatically lit up her face at his presence. "Morning." She could feel her wolf making a face at her shy reply.

Closing the door behind her, Y/n fully turned her body to face him.

Jimin smiled back, looking forever soft in his large hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. His hair was a fluffy mess and Y/n had the strong urge to tie it up into two cute sprouts.

Jimin slowly approached her. "You look cute." The words seemed to leave his lips without his permission. He immediately froze in his place and started to second guess his cringe worthy existence in the world.

Y/n can only blink her wide eyes at him and look down at her own oversized hoodie, clad body, and leather jeans. Nothing special. "I look like this all the time."

Jimin could go on and argue about how wrong she is. She looks different every day. It doesn't have to be about her clothes. But he could go on about how one day, she smells like fruit and the second day, she smells like flowers. Or he can count on his little fingers how many moles he had seen on her, and how she surprises him with a new one every time. Or how when she wears shorts instead of full pants- which only happened five times mind you, he had counted them. It was exactly five times that she let her legs show, he swore he had never seen a more perfect pair. He notices so many things about her, it's insane when he lies in his bed at night and counts them.

And cute, you say? Y/n is always cute.

"Then you look cute all the time." He comments.

"Jimin." Y/n raises an amused brow. "Are you trying to flirt with me?"

Jimin blinks before an awkward smile makes its way to his lips. "Is it working?"

Y/n nods slowly. "Hmm no." before shaking her head.

"Damn it." He curses before whispering. "This is what I get for living half my life between men."

Y/n bursts into giggles. "You don't have to flirt with me. You're perfect the way you are."

Jimin's surprised gaze meets hers and she seems to realize what she just said and looks away. Jimin can't help but smile fondly at the redness that started to spread over the tip of her ears.

Y/n clears her throat. " Did you sleep well?"

Her immediate change of topic had a tease ready to escape the tip of Jimin's tongue but he stops himself. Right now is not the time. He is excited to tell her what he saw last night.

"Better than the past few weeks." He runs a hand through his hair. Had he been talking to Y/n with a bird nest on his head? How embarrassing..

Y/n's shoulders visibly drop in relief at his answer. "That's good."

"I don't know." Jimin's brows furrow in confusion. "It felt so real."

"What?" Y/n tilts her head.

"I dreamt of father last night." He informs, looking down at his hands that had started picking at the hem of his hoodie.

Y/n's lips part at the information as a small memory of last night flashes through her eyes. "Did you?"

"Yeah." He soflty whispers. "He was petting my head. It just felt so real."

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