Grey Fur

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"Unnie, it hurts." Vi whines, rubbing an eye with her small fisted hand as the other held her favorite plushie close to her chest.

Y/n's eyes softens and she reach out a hand to grab a hold of the little girl. "What hurts?"

"Everything." The little girl mumbles, her lips trembling upside down as her eyes were halfway open.

The grown woman holds her closer to her body, her heart pinching in pain at the sight of her little sister's condition.

"It's alright, baby. You will get better soon. Let's get you to bed, hm." Y/n circles her arms tightly around her waist, ready to pick the little one up.

However, she halts at the words that leaves Vi's mouth the next moment.

"I saw a dream."

It was a soft mumble, almost a whisper but Y/n caught on.

Her brows instantly furrows. "A dream?"

When the little one nods, Y/n tries to go in further on the topic  "Mind telling me what it was about?"

Vi stays silence for a minute, as if collecting all the floating thoughts from many parts of her exhausted brain.

"I saw Jimin oppa." She finally speaks, head tilting to the side.

Y/n's frown deepens at the information.


"He was crying and a woman was lying on his lap and she was bleeding."

Y/n listens carefully, her words echoing in her mind. "A woman..?"

Her expressions instantly change, many emotions hitting her at once.

'Another woman?' Her mind screams again.

What was she expecting? Of course he'll be crying for someone else.

She doesn't deserve his tears. Not after what she has been doing.

The continues neglecting, the childish bickering and maybe all those glares she sent his way.

She doesn't deserve him one bit. But then again, nor does he.

She blinks out of her daze and gulps the lump that forms in her throats.

She tries smiling at her and nods. "That's just a dream, baby. Don't bother with it so much."

"But it felt so real.."

Y/n purse her lips. "A dream is never real until you make them. But that's not possible cause you don't seem passionate about it. Vi, i want you to tell me if you ever get a dream like this again."

Vi's half open eyes stare at her for some seconds before nodding away.

Y/n picks her up and adjust the little one on her shoulder. She then turns and climbs up the stairs towards her room.

"Let's get you to bed."


Y/n closes the door of Vi's room after she succeeded on making the little one fall asleep.

It was hard. She was in pain and Y/n didn't have the heart to keep her up even more so she had to sneak in some of her wolf instincts to make her fall sleep.

She drops her shoulders in exhaustion and stand there for a minute.

Everything was slowly getting hard and unbearable.

She didn't know what to do. She felt like she was drowning, slowly, painfully and no one is there to save her, to get her out of that deep ocean.


She's brought back to her sense from a shaking voice from her side and she turns to look at the culprit.

She instantly frowns at the sight before her.



Jimin jerks up from his bed again the same night, sweat coating him like usual.

He racks a hand through his hair and immediately hangs his legs out of the bed, going to check on the female who would not let him breath for a single second.

He saw it again, the same dream he had the other night.

Every details was the same, however this time, a hunched figure of a wolf bared his sharp teeth at them, it's mouth dripping with red crimson blood.

He knew that figure, so well that even his bones screamed at him to cradle his mate closer to his chest to protect her from those dark intentions of many.

The light grey fur he was so used to seeing, he even knew how many hair that wolf had in his body by all the time he had spend with him.

This makes him fasten his pace even more, his legs literally running towards the door.

He release a sigh of relief the moment his eyes lands on the door and his wolf stretch his lower body over his front paws to ready himself to pounce at anyone who dare touch his mate.

Jimin place a hand on the door and lightens his ears to catch that one heart beat that sync with his and his only, or that softly inhaled breath that always made his own breath hitch in his throats.

He waits a second and another second, but to no avail, he hears nothing.

Horror immediately drowns on him, his face turning terrified.

He can't hear anything, nor feel her presence.

She's not inside.


One of the shortest chapter i wrote. Jimin is getting obsessed and i love every bit of it.

Btw, i haven't read save me yet since i don't want to feel much pain right now. So i have decided to read it when i have all my emotions controlled.

And also, my bro is getting in every nerve of my body at the moment. He had been so bitter these days and i just want to kick some senses into him, even though he's sick.

Leave some love in your way.


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